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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. This is not hard to understand. Parents = 2 different families Grandparents = 4 different families Report points to fathers side as being "outlaw". Mom side could have had the money.
  2. Yes. In order to draft Watkins in the 4th spot, the Bills had to give the Browns the 9th spot, the first round pick and 4th round pick next year. = 2 firsts and a fourth If you still don't get it, here's an example: Lets say the Bills only had to give the Browns the Bills 2015 first round and the 2015 fourth round pick.= 1 first round and 1 fourth round. Yes, that means the Bills would have gotten the Browns 4th overall spot plus kept their own 9th overall spot this year. Get it now?
  3. Wow. Hate to break it to you, but Flutie's days in SD are pretty consistent stat wise with the rest of his career in the NFL. If there is 1 outlier in Flutie's performance, it's 1998. Furthermore, win/loss or winning percentages are NOT an individual stat. But for ****s and giggles, Fluties NFL career winning percentage is 58%. Edit: Whoops. Apparently there is an issue with the word filter.
  4. 1 and 3. Interesting, you mentioned Peyton. According to Peyton, every off season he seeks out a person or something to study to make himself a better QB. He claims he has done it his entire football career. This off season he sought out and talked to Nick Saban. Linky.
  5. I have to agree with C.Biscuit97 on this one. Duke? Really? You act like that's some major accomplishment. Duke played 14 games last year. Of those 14, Duke held the other team to under 300 yards exactly 3 times. 6 teams scored 30 or more points against Duke. Troy (frigging TROY!) put up 31 points and 362 yards against Duke. Pittsburgh: 58 points and 598 yards. Duke's football team scares nobody.
  6. Fixed it for you. Without Evans, Johnnie Football is not a potential first rounder, IMHO.
  7. Pardon. The Bills play in the NFL, not MLB. NFL teams are subject to a salary cap and a salary floor.
  8. I forget who's recipe this is. I have been wanting to try it, but my wife hates kummelweck rolls (Southern girl.) http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/118511-breads-kummelweck-rolls/
  9. If you scour and read the law, then you should be aware of something called "Court Rules" or "Rules of Court". Approaching the bench before asking is usually a big fat no-no. It goes beyond common courtesy into orderly conduct, ethics, and possible legality. Imagine if counsel had the right to approach the bench any time they felt like it. You would have cases turn into utter chaos. Besides, what looks to you as innocent, looks to somebody else as preferential treatment (a/k/a "favoring a side"). That leads to a potential appeal or, in extreme cases, whether or not the person is capable of being a judge. I understand your situation. The case was over and you just wanted clarification. Regardless, you should have asked to approach the bench. Be happy the only thing you got was scolded. Depending on how much authority he had, he could've slapped you contempt.
  10. No, hell no. Incognito is decent guard with a **** ton of baggage. The Bills have decent guards and can find others WITHOUT the baggage.
  11. Crikey! That looks like a future mug shot or "Most Wanted" picture
  12. If his college career is any indicator, reading the QB eyes should not be a problem. Christ, Evans made Johnny Manziel into first round pick.
  13. Nope. Once the owners decided to scrap/circumvent the Dixon plan, it was over. They just didn't realize it. David Dixon, the original creator of the USFL, realized a spring league was viable as long as the league and it's owners controlled spending. The owners forced Dixon out and went on a bit of a spending spree signing guys like Herschel Walker, Jim Kelly, Steve Young, etc .. to ridiculous contracts. Because of the spending, many of the owners lost money, which lead to general league instability. Teams changed owners, folded, merged, and/or relocated. By the time the league decided to sue the NFL, the USFL was already over $100M in debt and on the verge of going under. Yep. The jury thought the Judge would set damages, so they awarded $1 to the USFL. (Damages were triple the award.)
  14. "Dabo" is a nickname. His real name is William Christopher.
  15. Trump and his USFL co-horts abandoned the original plan in year one. They were the ones that killed the league even before it got going.
  16. Yeah, because he was such a great owner of the USFL NJ Generals. Trump and some of the other owners undermining is what brought the USFL crashing down. The only way he would be a good owner is to fork over his investment, sit in the corner, and STFU. 1.) Ralph Wilson was a businessman. He owned and ran several successful companies over the years. Not just the Bills. 2.) Trump is also a businessman. He also has been part of bankruptcy 3-4 times during his life. Yet this is the guy you think would make a great owner. 3.) As for Trump not tolerating any losing, reference: USFL NJ Generals. Donald Trump is a Marketing Man. He knows how to market himself and his companies. When it comes to actually running them, he's an idiot.
  17. Not quite. If Trump and others did not push to take on the NFL, then Kelly never signs with the USFL to begin with. Trump and others did not want to wait 10-15 years for the USFL to become big enough like the NFL. They wanted to play with the big boys right out of the gate. So they offered and signed players like Kelly and Herschel Walker to ridiculous contracts. Three years and a crap load of debt later, the USFL had no choice but to sue the NFL and grab a chunk of the revenue stream. If anything, if Trump and the others had stuck to the original plan, there would have been 2 football leagues (unless the merged), and the Bills would still have kept Kelly.
  18. Preferably, I want a QB that's willing to take chances AND has the ability to back it up. Otherwise he's just feeding the defense INT's. (see Fitzpatrick, Ryan) JM succeeded in his chances because he had Mike Evans on the receiving end. Without Evans, Johnny Manziel is another Colt McKoy type player, and a third round prospect.
  19. He did? That's funny, remind me again how many National Championships did Johnny Football/Texas A&M win? I'll make it easier for you. How many SEC Championships has Johnny Football/Texas A&M won? Still struggling? How about a SEC division title? Here's what Johnny Football led Texas A&M teams did against Bama: They won one game.
  20. And what do you think will happen once he gets to the NFL? The media and him will sit in a circle, hold hands, and sing "Kum By Yah"? We are talking about 19-20 olds. We are also talking one in particular that had to seek counseling to help him deal with anger issues. (He destroyed a set of golf clubs over a parking ticket). Daddy Manziels response: "They are harassing (Johnny). They know who's car that is." Wait till the local media publishes a story regarding what Johnny football gives out on Halloween. Should get real interesting then.
  21. Exactly. 15-20 years ago, it was a big deal, especially for those fans that did not live in the WNY area. The national press was about the only way to get Bills news. Today, with the Internet, finding Bills related info its not that hard.
  22. J-Pop fused with Metal. Words really cannot describe it. I give you the newest abortion from Japan: Baby Metal http://youtu.be/88hU078nUQs
  23. Yep. Can't forget about the Sand Flies a/k/a "No See Um's", either. Those little bastards are so small they can fit through a screen.
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