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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Ah, no. That is incorrect. Jerry Jones bought the team in February of 1989, and fired Tom Landry soon after. The Cowboys went 1-15 in 1989 under the direction of HC Jimmy Johnson. Landry's last season as HC was 1988, and the Cowboys went 3-13. In 1987, the Cowboys went 7-8 (strike year, replacement players). In 1986, the Cowboys went 7-9. He was good as gone. While I think I get the point you are trying to make, this is a mischaracterization. The Bills did not get "stuck" with Whitner. They chose him. They could have just as easily chose Ngata. The fact the Bills chose Whitner over Ngata is more of a reflection of just how terrible Levy/Jauron were, and not draft position. IMHO, the Bills could have just as easily had the first overall pick, and Levy/Jauron would still have found a way to !@#$ it up (i.e. They probaly still would have drafted Whitner, and reference Maybin). As you said, Lewis played better than EJ "statistically", but my eyes tell me there is nothing about his play that suggests he is anything more than a backup at best.My eyes tell me EJ has a higher potential. He may never become a "great" QB, but I do think he will better than Thad.
  2. They don't have to be morons. All they have to be is stubborn. I have no idea what Patriot game you watched last year, but the one I watched, that "fast paced" offense could barely get out of it's own way. The Bills scored 3 TD that game, one by the Bills defense. And speaking of those 4 first games, the Bills scored 21, 24, 20 and 23 points for an average of 22 points a game. Not exactly a "high powered" scoring machine.
  3. Trying not to derail this thread: You just proved Webster's point. In regards to the part in bold, Why do you have to have some form of offsides?
  4. Because circumstances change. A 3 year window suddenly becomes a 2 year window with one year gone. Not really hard to fathom why he would suddenly take on more risk. The flaw in your logic is in bold. Whaley is a GM NOW. The only thing that guarantees his future as a GM is to "win". Failure to win could mean an end to his job as a GM now with no future guarantees he will get a second chance. in short, most GMs get 3-5 years to prove themselves. Out of sheer bad luck, Whaley only has 2 years, and one has passed already. Being conservative is not in his best interest as a future GM, IMO.
  5. FYI: DUI has been settled. Mash Here
  6. Obviously you do not get it. It's not 50-50. 50-50 implies all questions and concerns have been satisfactorily answered. In your case, they may have been. In cases like mine, they have not.
  7. Other than an attention seeking whore, who cares? Talk about an inferiority complex and the "woe is me" syndrome ... Woe is us because the Bills are not relevant outside of WNY Woe is us because the Bills do not play on Monday Night or Sunday Night football. Who gives a rats ass. Stop worrying what ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS, or any other national sports coverage media is reporting about. If the Bills generate a winning season, it will have nothing to do with the Bills playing on Monday or Sunday nights, or if the Bills are relevant in the national media. How has the franchise accepted it? Since 2000, how many GMs have there been? How many HC? To a point, I do believe that. However, how do you think he will react when the criticism and shots starts coming from the fan base? Will he ban banners and signs like TD did? Or will he threaten to move the team unless the fan base stops? This could be a good or bad thing, especially if they get short on patience. If you had studied him as closely as you said you did, you would already know this answer. No, he would not. As owner of the USFL Generals, he was hands on and made some notable questionable knee jerk decisions. In the end, he was an utter disaster for the team and league. Furthermore, by stating his time in the USFL as proof of his ability to run a sports team, Trump has further cemented he is a complete buffoon when it comes to football. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. Guys like him do not go away quietly, and there are no do overs.
  8. Virginia - Brad Butler Baylor - Shane Nelson
  9. Except they were trying to rebuild during those times. When TD was the GM, he did not want to spend 2-3 years drafting rookies in order to rebuild, He wanted to win ASAP, so he rebuilt the team via free agency. Bledsoe was supposed to have been the next franchise QB. As for Walker and Dockery, those signings were serious attempts to plug holes in the line. Both of them just finished playing out their first NFL contracts. Both of them were expected to be long term solutions.
  10. No it doesn't, because I think you missed his point. The Bills spent/used 3 draft picks to get this guy (a 1st in 2014, a 1st in 2015, and 4th in 2015). If Watkins becomes a bust, that was a heavy price to pay. The OP made numerous valid points. Just because you do not agree with him, he's not the one that's annoying.
  11. Three things: Yes, it really is about the new owners and what they want (assuming there is one in place by the end of the season.) If the new owners want their "man" as the GM or if the new owners are like Dan Snyder/Jerry Jones, Whaley is good as gone. IMHO, the only thing that will save Doug and his staff will be a winning season this year and the playoff starting next year. The only way Whaley will save Doug's job is by providing talent.
  12. This is actually a problem created by the coaching staff. It's not like they lost their 1st and 2nd string QB, and had to go out and grab UDFA off the street during the season just to field a QB. Going into the season, the UDFA WAS the 2nd string QB. This was a disaster waiting to happen.
  13. Wow. Now professional teams make up crap. You just can't accept JF may have some real life issues. Have fun in your little bubble of a world.
  14. Can't say for certain, but my answer is: "There is a high probability it is a fake."
  15. You mad bro? Pretty ironic Mike Evans got drafted in the top 10, and Johnny did not. You have made some pretty idiotic posts in the past (Williams for Skelton), but are you really trying to suggest the OP created a fake scouting report and posted it on the web just to diss Manziel? You do realize there is positive info in that report? And Nick Saban called AJ the best college QB. Period. Let me guess, you believed your mother when she said you were the best looking kid in the whole world. Accept it. JF was going to struggle regardless where he went. He is a rookie with a massive ego that got away with crap at the collegiate level. If we believe the report as legit, all his "bad" traits are fixable. The biggest issue will be his ego. Having that knocked down a couple of pegs could actually be a good thing. If he is as competitive as you believe, that will motivate him to prove everybody wrong. That means doing the off-season workouts, studying the full playbook, etc.
  16. This is not hard to understand. Parents = 2 different families Grandparents = 4 different families Report points to fathers side as being "outlaw". Mom side could have had the money.
  17. Yes. In order to draft Watkins in the 4th spot, the Bills had to give the Browns the 9th spot, the first round pick and 4th round pick next year. = 2 firsts and a fourth If you still don't get it, here's an example: Lets say the Bills only had to give the Browns the Bills 2015 first round and the 2015 fourth round pick.= 1 first round and 1 fourth round. Yes, that means the Bills would have gotten the Browns 4th overall spot plus kept their own 9th overall spot this year. Get it now?
  18. Wow. Hate to break it to you, but Flutie's days in SD are pretty consistent stat wise with the rest of his career in the NFL. If there is 1 outlier in Flutie's performance, it's 1998. Furthermore, win/loss or winning percentages are NOT an individual stat. But for ****s and giggles, Fluties NFL career winning percentage is 58%. Edit: Whoops. Apparently there is an issue with the word filter.
  19. 1 and 3. Interesting, you mentioned Peyton. According to Peyton, every off season he seeks out a person or something to study to make himself a better QB. He claims he has done it his entire football career. This off season he sought out and talked to Nick Saban. Linky.
  20. I have to agree with C.Biscuit97 on this one. Duke? Really? You act like that's some major accomplishment. Duke played 14 games last year. Of those 14, Duke held the other team to under 300 yards exactly 3 times. 6 teams scored 30 or more points against Duke. Troy (frigging TROY!) put up 31 points and 362 yards against Duke. Pittsburgh: 58 points and 598 yards. Duke's football team scares nobody.
  21. Fixed it for you. Without Evans, Johnnie Football is not a potential first rounder, IMHO.
  22. Pardon. The Bills play in the NFL, not MLB. NFL teams are subject to a salary cap and a salary floor.
  23. I forget who's recipe this is. I have been wanting to try it, but my wife hates kummelweck rolls (Southern girl.) http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/118511-breads-kummelweck-rolls/
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