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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. And that has what (if anything) to do with how the play was called and reviewed?
  2. I have no idea where you got the NFL "official" position states the tuck has to be completed 100% in order to be a fumble. That was the old tuck rule. The new rule states, and as stated by Blandino in that clip, if the player attempts to pull it back, then it becomes a fumble. Yes. There is no doubt JM was attempting to pass the ball. He cocked his arm, and that arm and ball was moving forward before he got hit. The disagreement seems to be around whether or not JM was pulling the ball back towards him, or did KW's hit cause the motion that makes it appear JM was pulling the ball back. To me, it's clear. KW's hit caused it. That hit threw Johnny backwards and off balance, which in turn caused his arm to curl in like he was trying to pull the ball back in.
  3. That absurd definition of a forward pass has been that way for years. How many football games have you watched where a QB gets a ball stripped, and the announcers focus on whether or not the arm was moving forward. What controversy? The one where you want it to be a fumble? Let's assume it is a controversy. It's a small one. Like I said before, this rule has been in place for years. You want to change it because of one little perceived hiccup? Let's look at your rule change: "the ball must go forward beyond the passer's body and the intended receiver should be obvious." You say you want to "negate any interpretation of intent", but then propose a change that does just that! Re-watch the replays. That arm/ball is moving forward before Kyle hits him. When Kyle hits Manziel, and throws Johnny completely off balance, that's when JM's arm/hands turns in, and smacks KW in the helmet with the ball. Like all sacks take place with the defender in the face of the QB. Not to mention, given the speed and time it takes for a play to happen, if a QB's instinct is to hammer the ball into a defender's helmet to avoid a sack, that QB will not be playing in the NFL for very long. Yet, your rule change would make some of those fumbles. That would never cause a problem, now would it?
  4. Looking at the replay views in the Blandinos explanation, at about 2:10 and then again 2:30 marks, you can clearly see that happening. Whether we Bills fans like or not, it does appear the correct call was made.
  5. You should have. At least you would have some understanding of what the hell you talking about before you started this thread. Rule 8, Section 1, Page 39 "When a player is in control of the ball and is attempting to pass it forward, any intentional forward movement of his hand starts a forward pass. (a) If the passer is attempting to throw a forward pass, but contact by an opponent materially affects him, causing the ball to go backward, it is a forward pass, regardless of where the ball strikes the ground, a player, an official, or anything else." That right there pretty much sums it up. It's the same thing Dean Blandino said in his explanation of the call.
  6. While not 100% centralized, the NFL already does something pretty similar. All replays come from a centralized location in NY. What replay view is shown to the on the field official is decided by the guys in NY. "Replay Central in New York will not only cue up the right replays for the refs to see. Blandino and Riveron will be able to tell the refs when a replay is obvious—either right or wrong—and so when the ref gets under the hood he won’t have to waste time looking at every angle of an obvious call." http://mmqb.si.com/2014/09/01/nfl-instant-replay-review-changes-mailbag/
  7. And there is your biggest misconception. A Championships is just the goal. But that's not what drives him. Saban is driven by the "process" and the constant refinement of it. Literally. He's methodical, relentless, and constantly looking for ways to improve. He's like a frigging machine. At the end of the year, if the team wins a championship, it's great for the players and the fans. If the team fails to win a championship, it sucks for the players and the fans. Either way, for him, it's back to step 1 of the "process". It will not matter. He will not move. He's already hinted that NFL teams have come poking around before, and he's told them no. No matter what Blank and Dimitroff can offer him, they cannot offer him the one thing he has at the college level: full control. At the college level, he does not have to worry about contracts, free agency, draft position, and players egos.
  8. I can honestly say, you know absolutely nothing about Saban.
  9. Sad, isn't it? The obsession over RI reminds me of the obsession some posters here had on Brad Butler.
  10. Yep. IMHO, anybody expecting Pegula to clean house if the Bills fail to make the playoffs this year are going to be sadly disappointed.
  11. abrupt 1 a : characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning : unexpected abrupt adjective 1. sudden or unexpected: Synonyms 1, 3. quick, sharp. See sudden. 2. short, hurried, hasty, blunt. 4. discontinuous, broken, uneven. Let me guess, are you now going to try say Henderson's twitch(es) was(were) slow? That's why the KC guy who jumped and about 2 other teammates pointed right at Henderson. Henderson must have been shouting the snap count.
  12. 8 pages debating a penalty that actually took place. Henderson moved - twice. The vine video somebody posted earlier clearly shows Henderson moved his right leg and then his left leg/hip. It's the left leg that caused the KC guy to jump. Some people want to claim the snap count made the KC guy jump. Heck, Maybe Henderson reacted to the snap count. Regardless, he moved. Is officiating inconsistent? Yes it is. At pretty much all levels of sport. It's called the "human element". People make mistakes, and yes, officials are people. Here's the video again: https://vine.co/v/Oi76lFauM3U
  13. Once the Bills start winning consistently, the "phantom" calls will stop. Well, they will not actually stop, you just won't care, especially during a win.
  14. Great. Some team will offer him a job. That still does not equate into Malzahn being a good to great NFL HC. And he could just easily be another Spurrier or Saban.
  15. College football is not equal to pro football. Great, he can move the ball. How about stopping another team from moving it? If by formation and scheme you mean putting 12 men on the field ... First, I realize Chip Kelly has become the new NFL "sensation". But the guy hasn't won anything yet. How about we wait another 2-3 years and see how he is doing then. I will give Kelly this: he has stated multiple times he adjusts his offense to the players he has. Just because an NFL team is willing to throw big money at a hot college coach does not mean said hot college coach will amount to squat in the NFL.
  16. How did that work out? Last I checked, Kiffin is an OC at the collegiate level. He couldn't cut it as a HC (pro or college). Just because somebody takes a chance on a hot college coach does not mean said hot college coach is automatically going to be a good to great NFL HC.
  17. http://thebiglead.com/2014/11/01/auburn-got-away-with-12-men-on-the-field-against-ole-miss/ You think that's one time hiccup? Think again ... SST Radio Show @SSTRadio · 4h 4 hours ago Wow! Confirmed now that Auburn ran 4 plays vs. Ole Miss with 12 men on the field. How bad was that officiating crew?
  18. So? Dick Vermeil was out of football for 15 years when he was hired by the Rams. Can't disagree with that. LeBeau is a phenomenal DC. And to think, the Bills had him for one year. GW should have kicked Jerry Gray to the curb and kept LeBeau. There have been numerous "creative college coaches" that have failed in the NFL. Hackett and Maronne decided they were going to be "creative" when they decided last year to run an uptempo no huddle offense with a rookie QB and 2 rookie WR. How did that work out? Um, no thanks. IMHO, he would be a complete disaster at the pro level. He gets away with a ton of BS at the collegiate level.
  19. Jesus. If you think DLR looks bad, take a peek at Eddie Van Halen.
  20. Don't want to burst your bubble, but ... It only took him 3 years to figure that out. Wood and Levite were drafted in 2009. And how could someone forget DJ trying to implement the no-huddle in 2009 with Levitre (rookie LG), Wood (rookie RG), Hangartner ©, Langston Walker (an adequate slow footed RT switched to LT) / D. Bell (a 2008 7th round developmental prospect, a/k/a "revolving door", as LT) and Brad Butler (an injury prone mediocre RG switched to RT). Yeah, even a blind squirrel can find a nut.
  21. As a present a Comsuck customer, you should be happy they sent you a letter. I never got one when they EOL/EOS my modem. Bottom line, you are going to have to upgrade. If you have already been notified your modem as reached EOL (12/13), than EOS (End of Support) will take place. What does that mean? No "Internets" for you unless you upgrade. http://customer.comcast.com/help-and-support/internet/end-of-life-devices/
  22. Not quite. The 3k car was owned for 2 years and never got out of the driveway. The 6k car lasted 5 years and for at least one year provided reliable transportation.
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