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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Right. Apparently you missed the past 15 years, because according to the "local" experts here on TBD, there was no way no how the Bills would finish with less than x amount of wins as predicted by those "national" experts. They just did not know the team like we did. Let's not forget the "Let's hold the experts accountable" threads that appeared from time to time before a season started, because TBD knew better than those "national" experts! Those same threads were quickly abandoned and forgotten once the season got under way. I take it the compass wasn't properly calibrated during those times? Like most sports boards, any negative analysis by the media is derided by the members, while positive analysis is hyped. If this team started off 9-0 and then lose 3 straight, I would be able to see the mushroom cloud over WNY from here in the Atlanta area.
  2. Wow, reach much? As a Tebow "hater" (for lack of a better term), you really need to look at the religious conservatives who seem to hold him up as some kind of saint or savior. Any criticism against "player Tebow" is somehow magically transformed into criticism of "religious Tebow", and by extension, religion itself. That's probably due to the religious conservatives seeing Tebow's ability and his success being a result of his religion.
  3. That would depend on the individuals involved. Some people absolutely refuse to help anybody else because they fear of losing their position to that person. Other people are more than willing, because they realize mentoring can be a 2 way street.
  4. This is one of many reasons why you don't let friends wear orange.
  5. If I was a betting man, probably more along the lines of seeing so many of them failing because the DIY did not install it right. The concept and installation of the product is pretty simple if the directions and recommendations are followed. Short cutting the directions or recommendations is not a good thing unless you really know what the hell you are doing.
  6. Does this work? Vocals - Linus Guitar - Charlie Brown Drums - Pig Pen Bass - Snoopy https://youtu.be/Ogc2zMtVU48?list=PLCVNU5C2IZ_Yg8n1HoHPj4bwWeu9G52Ae
  7. I replaced my main water line between the meter and my house about 3-4 years ago. Both ends use quick connects. No problems since then.
  8. An outlier does not equal an overall strong schedule. Mizzou was not good that year. They finished 5-7.
  9. Which does nothing to prove your point of the owner being "too lazy to cut a 200$ check once a year". The only cut and dry part (and yet another important piece of the puzzle) is the screw up by the bank. In the end, the lender is the one that is going to pay.
  10. Try reading the article a little closer: Prior to 2004, the owner was paying the taxes, but ... "In 2004, JP Morgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) officials told her they also needed to put money for the New York taxes into the escrow account. But the bank never paid the bill; it sold the loan in 2010 to Seterus Inc." It is cut & dry. The bank royally !@#$ed up. If the bank required her to have an escrow account for those taxes, but then failed to pay the taxes, then the bank can be held liable. She may/may not get the property back (as she would be ultimately responsible for making sure the taxes were paid), but she could go after the bank(s) for damages.
  11. Especially if you are a Giants fan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Blue_Wrecking_Crew
  12. Exactly. Even of the player ends up being an average player, he still has better chances of being noticed, and possibly a late draft pick or a UDFA invite, at a big school like Florida as opposed to going to a school like UB. To expand upon that, think about the stories of scouts going to games to watch superstar player A, but at the end the game, they have also got their eye on player B.
  13. I am not an accountant, but I will throw my $.02 in: If the coach and buyout clause are subject to the "jock tax", then the money is subject to NY income tax. However, it could be possible the buyout clause is not considered a salary or wage (its reported as a 1099 income), and if DM gets paid this year (2015), then it's quite possible it is NOT subject to NY income tax, assuming of course, he lives in a state that is not NY.
  14. I have no doubt they spoke to each other. Letting him go so its easier for him to land another gig is considerate, and a reason to let him go now (as opposed to 1-2 months from now), but its not a reason for why he was let go to begin with. Maybe its me, but the article reeks of "crap, I have a deadline, I need to write something".
  15. Well, then, lets ask the people in NY/NJ, Boston, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Seattle how they attract wealthier clientele to come to the games played in a cold/colder climate. I would be very interested in hearing what Seattle has to say considering they went from the Kingdome to the stadium they now play in. And just for giggles, why not ask Denver and KC? I am not against a dome. But I do believe domes attract a more casual fan, which leads to the argument the atmosphere playing in a dome "sucks". Casual fans attend because its something to do. Its an event. Hardcore/diehard fans will attend regardless if its a dome or not. Even the wealthier ones. These fans will attend because they enjoy the whole game day "experience". To these people, its more than just a game, or something to do on a Sunday. Its a part of their lifestyle.
  16. This is a bad example to promote your argument. There are numerous factors that are not being included or ignored. Rich Stadium at the time held over 80k people. Attendance figures for the game claim 75k+. The Bills played the Oilers the week before (last game of the season) and lost badly, 27-3. Kelly was injured (knee) during that game and was eventually declared out for the playoff game. Frank Reich came off the bench in relief of Kelly during the regular season game and was declared the starter for the playoff game. Reich's performance off the bench was less than stellar - 11/23 for 99 yards, 2 INT and 0 TD. Needless to say, having to play the Oilers the following week with Reich as the starter, expectations for a Bills victory were quite low, The Bills still managed to put 75K+ in the stands. Today, RWS holds 73k+ people. If Rich Stadium was only 73K back in 92-93, the Oiler playoff game would have been a sell out. Furthermore, any new stadium being built today will probably seat less than 70K. I would not be shocked if the number is somewhere between 60-65K.
  17. "He has shown, time and time again, that he's not quick enough to handle pass rushers." Not surprised. Even at Bama, Fluker struggled with pass protection.
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