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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Yeah, I am still regretting not getting Johnny Train wreck. I am so done with this team. Sent from my XT1080 using Forum Fiend v1.3.1.
  2. 1 poster stated he thought Johnson had a pretty good game. Otherwise, I do not think anybody is actually arguing Johnson was a good QB. 1. We will disagree on Flutie winning the Titans playoff game. 2. I could argue Flutie had to throw the ball almost 400 yards, because he kept turning the ball over. 3. Reed did not take the penalty on the final drive. That would have been the drive before, where the Bills still walked away with a FG. The final drive ended when Flutie fumbled the ball. AGAIN. 4. Reed is the goat of the game because of a penalty and/or fumble? Why not Moulds? Heck, he fumbled once and took a 15yd face mask. Well, the face mask did come as he was tackling the Dolphins player who picked off Flutie in the Miami endzone. Reeds penalty - team still scores 3. Fluties screw up - team scores 0. But its Reeds fault. Whatever.
  3. Flutie take a sack for a safety? Maybe, maybe not. More than likely he would have been too busy coughing up the ball to other team so they can score TD's: "Doug Flutie sacked by Ray Mickens for -5 yards. Doug Flutie fumbles (forced by Ray Mickens), recovered by Eric Ogbogu at BUF-0, touchdown." In case you were wondering: 11/21/1999 at the Jets. Interesting enough, the Bills had three turnovers in that game. I just posted one. Care to guess which player(s) did the other two? Here's a hint: Comp-Att-Yd-TD-INT / 22-40-220-1-2 Yep, another 1 TD / 3 TO game for Flutie. Another game lost. It was almost 4 turnovers, but the ball bounced out of bounds: "Doug Flutie up the middle for 23 yards (tackle by Victor Green). Doug Flutie fumbles (forced by Victor Green), ball out of bounds at NYJ-22" Noticed where the ball was at - The Jets 22. Two plays later, from the Jets 10 yard line, Flutie threw a pick. This was hashed out 15+ years ago. Let it go. Accept it. Flutie was a mediocre QB at best. For all of the great plays he did to keep a drive alive, a few plays later, he would do something completely boneheaded, like force a throw into double/triple coverage while a receiver would be wide open on the other side of the field.
  4. Wow, talk about irony ... Then you have the audacity to blame Reed and Moulds (the "real goats"). Why? Because they both fumbled. Yet, you ignore Flutie turning the ball over 3 times by himself. 1 TD, 3 Turnovers. That's reality. That is a piss poor ratio. That is a game losing ratio. Here's a coincidence. Fluties best year in the NFL just so happens to take place during one of the most horrendous years of officiating in the NFL.
  5. Now all we need to do is teach it to make microwave popcorn.
  6. Either you haven't spent enough time here, or I have spent way too much time here, because it made sense to me.
  7. Flutie was fantastic in that game. Well, except for the 3 fumbles (2 lost) and the pick he threw. So, yes, Moulds lost a ball and Reed lost a ball, and those were bad. But Flutie gave it away 3 times. That's more than Reed and Moulds combined.
  8. No, when the poster said "Stewart will be missed", your only response was a question mark. Nothing more. Whether or not Stewart is funny, is a matter of opinion. Whether or not Stewart will be missed, is not. Unless you really think you have a shot of convincing BarleyNY that he will not miss Stewart. Assumptions and conclusions were drawn. By you. You assumed the statement "Stewart will be missed" implied "by everybody", including you.
  9. Is it bad the first thing that popped into my head was the Carmen Diaz car scene from The Counselor?
  10. More like special waffle batter ...
  11. FYI: Age of Consent in Alabama is 16. However, this should not be confused with age of Majority which is 19. (Which means a person is technically still considered a minor when they are 18). To understand how bizarre this is, an 16-18 yr old can consent to having sex with a person 19+. But, if the parent(s) of the 16-18 yr old says "No, they cannot have sex with the 19+ yr old", then the 19+ could find themselves in legal trouble if sexual relations continued with the younger person. And don't get me started on the marriage laws.
  12. You are in favor of the philosophy of drafting a QB every year, but then state teams need to have patience and " ... I think a lot more would succeed if they are brought along slowly." Pick one, because drafting a QB every year does not imply patience. Its the opposite, especially with no minor league system in place.
  13. In your scenario, do these teams stop drafting a QB once they have a franchise QB? If so, what happens when they determine a QB like Colt McCoy is a franchise QB? How many years do they give him before pulling the plug?
  14. So yes, while not the 2000 Ravens, any attempt to minimize the impact the D had last year in this team reaching a winning record for the first time in a decade has to be met with a healthy dose of skepticism. The 2014 Bills ranked 18th overall in points for (21.4 ave) and 4th overall in points allowed (18.1 ave). Just for giggles, I looked up the 18th overall in points allowed. That would be the Steelers at 23.0 If the Bills D was "average" last year, I sincerely doubt the Bills go 9-7 last year. Even with Watkins being on the team.
  15. That's a good question, and like most people, if you ever find the answer out, please let me know. But, according the NYS Drivers manual, there is this: "Being Passed If another vehicle passes you on the left, decrease speed slightly and keep to the right. When the vehicle has safely passed and is ahead of you, continue your normal speed. If you find that you are being passed on the right by many vehicles, you should move into the right lane and allow them to pass you on the left." http://dmv.ny.gov/about-dmv/chapter-6-passing As for what is considered aggressive driving: just the fact somebody else is driving besides "them" will piss people off.
  16. Not really. NY state requires "slower" moving traffic to keep right. The "slower" definition is not well defined.
  17. And the myth continues to this day, 15 years later.
  18. Jaurons' overall record as HC is 60-82. He had 1 winning season out of 9. He compiled that record across 2 different teams. I am sure his friends and family are happy he is such a nice guy. Hypothetical situation: You are the HC of an NFL team. You are standing on the sideline watching the game, and you notice the DB on the other team has been blitzing your QB consecutively play after play. Question: How many times does that have to happen before you hunt down your OC, and ask him "WTF"?
  19. Well, if we are going to focus on "original" cities: Cardinals need to go back to Chicago, and Chiefs back to Dallas. IIRC, neither Jacksonville nor Charlotte had a professional team prior to the Jags or Panthers. Since neither team have been no other place since their inception, both teams are in their "original rightful" homes. So, I do not get why they have to cease to exist?
  20. Except TD wanted Lewis, and Lewis was TD's first choice. Lewis kept dragging out the process, and would not commit. TD had no choice but to move on.
  21. He was a position coach - Defensive Back. Lawrence was the DC. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Buffalo_Bills_season#Staff I had completely forgotten we had Monte Kiffin on staff as LB coach.
  22. And how would you have kept him? His prior two HC stints in the NFL did not tun out so well. The Patriots regressed every year under him. By his last year, the players were being openly critical of him. Going to the college ranks was the best thing for him. IMO, if he stayed in the NFL in some capacity after the Pats, he would never have gotten another HC gig.
  23. Yeah, but different circumstances. When Levy took over the GM spot, Malarkey knew he wasn't Marv's guy. Short of winning the SB, he knew he was gone when the season ended. Also, Malarkey did get another HC gig. He was the HC of the Jaguars for one year. It will be a long time before Marrone gets another shot, if ever.
  24. I have to go with Hank Bullough and Dick Jauron. And knowing that Jaroun started his coaching career under Bullough makes the hiring of Jaroun that much worse.
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