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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Are you blind and deaf? ****ty music AND ****ty resolution.
  2. Agree with this. IMO, we need to stop trying to make the NFL like college football.
  3. Why? All he has proven so far is he can win offseason/TC battle. How about we see how he plays when the real bullets start flying.
  4. "Just give it to them", was pre-Brady/BB. It was also during the 98 season, when there was no replay system, and officiating across the board was horrible. It was the year of the Testeverde "Helmet" touchdown http://www.sikids.com/photos/48406/most-controversial-endings-in-sports/17 And last year, there were numerous controversial calls. Were the Pats** involved in all of them? Of course not. So how do those calls (or non-calls) favor the Pats**?
  5. FWIW, she took a quick look at it, and went back to using Chrome. She won't change unless she has to, or if there is a significant difference is functionality and/or usability. I haven't made the switch yet (Letting the wife and her laptop be the guinea pig ).
  6. As it was previously mentioned earlier in the thread, the home edition is the only one you will not be able to turn off the updates. The other editions you will be able to. My wife did the upgrade to Win10 today. It made no changes to the default programs. Chrome is still her default browser, and Thunderbird is still her default email client. So far, nothing has broken.
  7. I never had a doubt he was staying. I also think Saban leaving was nowhere close to happening as this story seems to imply. IMO, the article muddies the timeline, and the reporter left out details either through laziness, ignorance, or flat out bias.
  8. There's your problem. Nope, the whole "sassy language" thing. My position was clear. I clearly asked for clarification. First line, right above my ridiculous example. I have never stated or accused anybody of absolving Johnson of his actions. If you think I did, please show me. I absolutely agree with you that Johnson acted out of anger, and IMO, that anger was caused by the insult (or whatever she said to him). To clarify, IMO, the insult was the biggest factor that set him off. He's not reacting because she "barreled" into the guy on her right. He's not reacting because she moved to her left to "ensure contact". Interpretations like that are noise, and are nothing more than attempts to portray the girl as overly aggressive and trying to cause trouble. They have been drinking. There was some bumping and jostling. She said something pretty !@#$ing stupid. He reacted poorly. End of story.
  9. Have you read all of his posts? IMO, he's quite clear in his position. Here some snippets: Don't know if people watched the same video that I saw, but to me it was clear that she was the instigator. (I think his position is pretty clear) She then takes another step to the left ensuring more intentional contact with him, (more intentional contact, implying she's doing it on purpose) But let's not pretend that he wasn't provoked not just by some sassy language. (Yes, cause words themselves have never set off a bar fight) She barrels into the guy on her right at the bar (1. He calls that a "barrel". Please, she touches him, even unintentionally bumps the guy, but "barrel"? 2. So what. What does that have to do with her confrontation with the QB who was behind her and on her left? Unless he's trying to prove and reinforce the woman's aggressive and instigating behavior) she's certainly keen on making sure he's aware that she's there (She says something to the QB after being bumped by him, so yeah, she's purposely being confrontational and aggressive) but let's not give blondie a pass for creating the situation. (Again, I think he is stating his position pretty clearly) Yes, he admits Johnson lost control, but apparently, that was caused by her physical instigating behavior, and not because he was a drunken idiot who reacted poorly to being insulted. So if I am not comprehending something, consider me a sponge. Learn me.
  10. Yeah, you're right. I also forgot to add where A bulldozes C with the express intent of having B bump into A, so A can turn around and confront B. Therefore, it's not Bs fault, because A was the aggressive one. Also, I have never denied she said something to him. IMO, his reaction had more to do with what she said, than her fist.
  11. Yes, please do. Yeah, she just crushes that poor guy. I am shocked he held his composure. Take your own advice. Watch the video again. Not helping your position at all. I am going to ask for clarification: Example: Person A is standing somewhere. Person B comes up behind person A B bumps/jostles A. A informs B they were there first. B shoves A. It's A fault for being shoved because they created the confrontation by informing B they were there first?
  12. From what I can see, her step to the left was nothing more than an intentional step to the left looking for space. That step was being blocked by the QB's right arm where he was grabbing the bar. As for the cocking her right arm, take a closer look at the fist. The thumb is sticking out, like she's trying to point behind her. Compare that with her left arm when she throws the punch, the thumb is down.
  13. Yes. It was stated as such right in the first 2 sentences. "All NFL coaches want to set up their opponent. Here's an example of how new Bills offensive coordinator Greg Roman did it in San Francisco with the 49ers."
  14. Maybe the fact that some of the Fox news idiots and some in the GOP were trying to claim the attack had nothing to with race, and trying to imply it was a hate crime based on religion. Good thing those gangs are well armed in Chicago. I would hate to see the carnage if they were not.
  15. No love for Rowdy Roddy Piper and his Piper's Pit? One of the all time great bad guys/antagonists. https://youtu.be/x_9ByHQ6PAY
  16. UConn and Central Florida have a "new" rivalry. Unfortunately , UConn HC Diaco did not bother to ask anybody at the University of Central Florida if they wanted to be a part of it. Linky
  17. He's not only weak on QB history, he seems to be weak on Raven history, When the Ravens won their first SB, Tony Banks was actually the starter when the regular season opened up. Trent Dilfer was the back up. Granted, Banks was benched because of poor play, but it is another example of the back up QB taking over for the starter and leading the team to a SB.
  18. Instead of parking in the street, park on his damn lawn. I am sure you will get some kind of reaction from him.
  19. Clue given: http://content.usatoday.com/_common/_scripts/big_picture.aspx?width=490&height=544&storyURL=/sports/football/nfl/2010-12-03-the-bell-tolls_N.htm&imageURL=http://i.usatoday.net/sports/_photos/2010/12/02/hanksx-large.jpg Merton Hank's TD dance: https://youtu.be/nZHZZdSaSPc
  20. Jesus H. ... http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2015/5/28/8682651/big-12-rule-replays
  21. Right up until somebody can prove diminished capacity, then it will be on.
  22. Wife and I are watching this also, but I am leery of M Night Shyamalan being the executive producer. Not a big fan of his work, but keeping my fingers crossed he's just a producer, and nothing more. One show I never see mentioned in these threads: Wentworth on Netflix. An Aussie TV series about female prisoners, far darker than Orange is the New Black.
  23. That is correct. However, what Pats** fans are choosing to ignore is that fake weed is not banned or prohibited in the NFL. Sent from my XT1080 using Forum Fiend v1.3.1.
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