I never said you were NOT concerned about the product on the field, I said your were MORE concerned about media attention.
Your own statement seems to reflect that stance:
By your own admission, Manziel isn't likely to work out. So why do you want him? Media attention!
Hell, if media attention is what you want, why don't you lobby for the Bills to replace Frazier and Dennison with Rob Ryan and Art Briles.
That will generate some media attention.
Then they can put Johnny in the back field with another FA pick up named Ray Rice.
Oh, and work out a trade for Pac-Man Jones.
Think of all the media attention!!
But wait. To insure Cincy will trade Pac-Man to the Bills, the Bills should offer their entire draft picks for this year AND next year!
The Bills will suck for the "foreseeable" future, but the media attention! 24/7, on every sports channel and web site.
You would be down that, wouldn't you?
Thought so.