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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. We are not talking about other WR. We are about talking Sammy Watkins. Who is in a contract year (motivation!). Who, according to his supporters on here, was going to have a pro bowl year with 1600 yds, etc, etc Who, prior to this game, stated he understood he was not going to get targeted like Julio Jones and others, and that he was going to be a team player Who was called out by his QB for quitting on route. Who is now back on twitter essentially complaining he is not being targeted enough. And you still haven't answered the question of how many more weeks we will have to wait until we see his "eliteness". Come on, ball park a number. Because the longer we wait, the value of that asset continues to drop. So what you have is a perceived value prior to the season. That is not actual value. Just because something is shiny and looks like gold, doesn't mean it's gold. That perceived value also assumes all of Sammy Watkins production issues were related to the organization and how he was used (TT was his QB, run heavy scheme, etc) But a funny thing happened. He got traded. He's now the 3-4 WR. The foot is no longer the issue. Where's the production? Your point is still moot. You assume Sammy's value could only go up. Your entire assumption of increased value is based on a belief that somehow Sammy's production would increase if he stayed here. And that somehow, the Bills would be 5-0. Mind you, this is with Taylor still being his QB, and Taylor is supposedly one of the reasons why Sammy's numbers suck to begin with. Feel free to explain how that works. What if the Bills already concluded Sammy's production was not going to go up, because the biggest issue with Sammy is Sammy himself. That it wasn't the QB, or the scheme, or the injury. So if you are the Bills, what are your choices? Keep him and play him, hoping a contract year would somehow put Sammys head on straight? (Well we already know the answer to that one) Keep him and play him, revealing to the rest of the league the problem really might be Sammy himself? (kinda beginning to look that way) Or capitalize on that perceived value and trade him. Remember that old axiom: If a deal sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't. Well, if a team is willing to take peanuts for an "elite" WR ...
  2. And would that justify quitting on a route? Because that bolded excuse is growing old quickly. How many more weeks does he need? 1? 2? The remainder of the season? You are assuming said asset would increase in value from what it was. So far, production to date appears to disapprove that assumption. And if that production continues on the same level, then, no it was not bad asset management. They got what they could before his real value dropped even lower. 2 different teams, 3 different HC, 4 different OC, and yet nobody can figure out how to target Sammy more. Time to start looking at the common denominator as the reason why: Sammy Watkins.
  3. Sammy is still in a contract year. So, where's the production? Why did a QB call out this "elite" WR for quitting on a route when said WR is in a contract year? Sammy does not appear to be a motivated WR, but he sure appears to be a motivated whiner. If that asset is not producing, and the value is dropping, then dumping said valuable asset for what you can get is good asset management. I am wondering if the Rams are beginning to believe they may have paid too much for this "valuable" asset.
  4. Yes, plenty of coaches could say that, but you are not understanding what Bill was referring to. When Brees became a free agent, that's the guy Saban wanted. Saban and the Dolphins would of had Brees if it wasn't for the stupidity of the Phins medical staff. Brees failed the Phins medical exam. Stop and think about that for a moment. If the Phins had cleared Brees shoulder, the Bills would have faced Brady and Brees twice a year for the past 10 years. The only thing Saban will leave Bama for is retirement. He has admitted he has been approached by NFL team since he left the Dolphins and he told them no.
  5. Yeah, cause hockey is such a great indicator of a "great sports" town.
  6. Maybe not the sports you like. However, college football reigns supreme.
  7. 9. Auburn Huh. Alabama, Georgia, and now New York. Does not matter what state its located in. Auburn is a dump.
  8. Yeah, as a back up. Not the "stud" RB they were crowing about. So Sammy is going to be the #2 WR behind Woods? Woods and Watkins could not elevate TT's play, what makes you think they will suddenly elevate Goff's play?
  9. They sound like Raven fans after the Bills traded them McGahee.
  10. Least funny? Where does one start. Larry the Cable Guy Dane Cook (Both as a comedian and actor) Mitch Hedberg
  11. Whoever edited that video needs to be taken out back, and tasered, beaten and shot.
  12. On the D-1 collegiate level, that would be pretty much every sport except for football and basketball, and there are plenty of D-1 colleges whose football programs are "useless". From the D-2 level down, that would be every sport, including football and basketball.
  13. Wife just told me they reported the southbound overpass suffered structural damage. (northbound collapsed). It will remained closed. Ouch. Glad I don't have to travel into the perimeter area anymore.
  14. For those that live or commute through the Buckhead/NE Atlanta area A portion of the I-85 over pass collapsed. http://www.cbs46.com/story/35036795/major-fire-breaks-out-on-i-85-in-atlanta
  15. So, for selecting players who aren't likely to work out, the Bills should use a criteria of how much media attention the signing creates? Dog kicking comes after cat skinning and child beating.
  16. I never said you were NOT concerned about the product on the field, I said your were MORE concerned about media attention. Your own statement seems to reflect that stance: By your own admission, Manziel isn't likely to work out. So why do you want him? Media attention! Hell, if media attention is what you want, why don't you lobby for the Bills to replace Frazier and Dennison with Rob Ryan and Art Briles. That will generate some media attention. Then they can put Johnny in the back field with another FA pick up named Ray Rice. Oh, and work out a trade for Pac-Man Jones. Think of all the media attention!! But wait. To insure Cincy will trade Pac-Man to the Bills, the Bills should offer their entire draft picks for this year AND next year! The Bills will suck for the "foreseeable" future, but the media attention! 24/7, on every sports channel and web site. You would be down that, wouldn't you? Thought so.
  17. This is pathetic. More concerned about the attention from the media, than the product on the field.
  18. Well, he is consistent. Both are ****ty QBs, with highly questionable leadership abilities. He probably wants the Bills to draft Chad Kelly.
  19. And after that TD, he did nothing with the rest of his "career".
  20. His word is worthless. He's not sober. No need to sign.
  21. Becasue he says so? Let somebody else find out. Said it back in 2014. Evans made Johnny.
  22. Wheres his NFL highlights? Oh, thats right. Nevermind.
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