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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Don't kid yourself. It's all part of the "The Process".
  2. I remember that. I also remember the small amusement park (Fun-N-Games) next to it that had a Wild Mouse roller coaster ride. http://blog.buffalostories.com/tag/fun-n-games-park/ "Western New York children of the 1970s might remember Fun-N-Games Park just off the Youngmann in Tonawanda. Another instance of amusement rides in a Twin Fair parking lot, the park’s most memorable feature might have been the unconnected roadside attraction in front of it—the whale car wash." History of the Wild Mouse Roller Coaster http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/v/a/vac3/wdm.html
  3. Good for her. But, assuming she's an employee, I wonder how her employer feels now that they know she was gambling online during working hours.
  4. Getting a little testy? Maybe I missed something, but as noted in the caption, the text was released to prove Zach is lying. Nothing more. "Zach Smith told @1057TheZone he never abused Courtney. Here is text message b/w Zach & Courtney when he admits & apologizes for strangling his wife on Punta Cana trip in March 2015 & again in April."
  5. You forgot the local, state, and national news media. The SEC. The NCAA. Every single officiating crew in all P5 conferences. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The BCS. The CFB Playoff Committee. All the Sheriff departments in the state. The state police. The FBI. The CIA. Homeland Security. The border patrol. The Alabama National Guard. The United States Navy: Pfft. She's already been flipped. You actually think she became governor without the consent of the REC? Just don't tell the Barners, though. They still think she's part of the AU family. Pro tip: The Illuminati is just a cover story for the REC.
  6. It appears the police already knew something was going on from 2012-2015: https://www.cleveland.com/osu/2018/08/records_show_history_of_domest.html However, if this is true: "McMurphy’s reporting indicates that not only was Meyer’s wife Shelley intimately familiar with the accusations, but that Urban himself was copied on numerous text messages detailing the abuse." https://www.landgrantholyland.com/2018/8/2/17641818/ohio-state-football-urban-meyer-end-of-an-era-explained?utm_campaign=landgrantholyland&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter Then Meyer is screwed: "Meyer is required by the university's sexual misconduct policy to report knowledge of domestic abuse by a university employee. According to the policy, "An individual need not be charged with or convicted of a criminal offense to be found responsible for domestic violence pursuant to this policy." Meyer's original contract required him to promptly report any violations of university rules by assistant coaches to Gene Smith and the Office of Compliance Services. Failure to do so could result in termination with cause." http://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/24258253/ohio-state-buckeyes-place-urban-meyer-administrative-leave So not only was it in the school policy, it was written in his contract. He did not have to call the police, all he had to do was report it to the higher ups.
  7. AC/DC - Back in Black Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell Megadeath - Countdown to Extinction Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power White Zombie - Astrocreep 2000
  8. From the same LA story: "It would have cost the Rams nearly $16 million to put the franchise tag on Watkins..." The Rams already knew the ball park salary what a top WR was going to get paid in FA. The Rams could have slapped the franchise tag on Watkins, and paid him roughly the same he is getting paid now. They chose not to. "The plan was to continue to pursue Watkins with the hope that demand for his services on the free-agent market would not put him out of reach." It's beginning to sound like the Rams did not think Sammy was worth $16M/yr, and were hoping other teams felt the same way.
  9. So what? It does not matter if Watkins' deal, or some other WR's deal, set the market. The Rams had no interest paying Watkins that amount of money. They obviously felt he was not worth it. Apparently, they feel Cooks is worth it.
  10. Albums/CDs: AC/DC - Razor's Edge Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power White Zombie - Astro Creep 2000 Every song on them. Buffalo band: Canadian band that never made it in the USA, but they got some great stuff: No list would be complete without Santana's Smooth: One of my guilty pleasures (lyrics NSFW):
  11. The NCAA is already a non-profit organization.
  12. Blasphemy! Repent! You must beg forgiveness from his holiness Bear Bryant. You must say "Roll Tide Roll" 5 times while clutching something hounds tooth.
  13. Don't hold your breath for any new competition, or that competition will keep prices down. Essentially, there is not enough people interested in sat radio, and those that are, are only willing to pay up to certain amount for it. IIRC, that's why the companies were allowed to merge. The amount of subscription revenue being generated was not viable to support both companies. Understand, until the merger, XM never generated a profit. Not a single penny. Sirius generated a profit for one or two quarters prior to the merger, but that revenue was propped up by the sudden spike in sales of their radios.
  14. Seriously? "But hereing & reading about all the great things Tyrod is doing in Cleveland ..." has you worried? Go look at all the QB's the Browns have had the past few years. It's a who's who of bad QB's. Taylor is probably the only semi competent QB they had since 2010. Of course he's going to look good. Give a starving man a bologna sandwich, and he'll think it's the greatest meal ever. But it's still a bologna sandwich, and not a filet mignon.
  15. He does have the Dubose stink attached to him. Not sure how well that will go over with some of the older fan base and alumni. On the flip side, he did stop Clemson from being Clemson, and won a NC title. Seriously doubt Kirby will leave UGA voluntarily. He is a UGA grad. However, if Kirby was able to build UGA into a consistent power, and then leave for the Bama job ... I can only imagine the howling and moaning I will hear from the UGA base.
  16. Boy, are you going to be disappointed in the results.
  17. Some of us don't have to wait to realize. I know now just how special this is. Saban will go down as one of the best, if not the best, college football coach. Ever. Saban is in a class all his own when compared to other coaches. And that's kind of a problem. Saban warps peoples perception what a "great" head coach is. Les Miles at LSU went 114-34 (62-28 conference), 2 NC appearances with 1 win (probably would have won the second one if it wasn't for the aberration in Tuscaloosa), and was fired. That's insane when you consider there was no scandal or NCAA investigation attached to that firing. How many programs out there would have given their left nut for that kind of record? Hell, I would have been thrilled with that kind of record post Shula. But Miles was fired, partly because he struggled to get past that "freak" in Tuscaloosa. Enjoy the ride now, while it's still going. Because I pity the poor bastard who comes after Saban, just like I pitied the bastard that came after Bear Bryant.
  18. And for the Sammy cult, the seed has been planted for the excuse "reason" if Watkins 2018 production is mediocre once a gain. #SammyWatkinsDecoyOfTheYear2018
  19. It's a joke. Somebody called it years ago. https://coed.com/2012/03/28/wtf-all-holes-filled-commercial/
  20. Call me Cynical, but I think there's more crazy about her than just her eyes.
  21. Where do you stay? I heard the hotel availability and pricing is nuts in Tuscaloosa and up I-20 towards Birmingham during home games.
  22. You probably said it wrong. You were in Canada. Up there, it's not "Roll Tide", it's "Roll Tide, eh."
  23. Throwing this out there: Drive to Canada and hook up with CBF? And don't give me this "It's too far." It's the Alabama Crimson Tide we are talking about. ROLL TIDE ROLL!
  24. Itchy gums! The guys reaction is priceless.
  25. What position does he play? Is he working his azz off?
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