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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. After listening to "Rocky Top", he may beg to differ
  2. Yeah, because there is nothing like watching a game full of camp fodder with nothing at stake vs. one of the nations best, nastiest, and most intense college football rivalry. Have you even attended a "real" college football game? (And no, UB, Syracuse, and Pitt do not count as "real" college football)
  3. Probably not. One of the arguments for merger was the companies had hit or were near peak price points people would be willing to pay for a subscription. In other words, if they started to jack up the price, they would start losing customers.
  4. Convert him back to TE. Then there is no reason for a holdout. He will be an overpaid TE.
  5. Apparently you are ignoring the part where I said "Unless she was knowingly allowing it to happen ..." And you counter act with a "moral" clause? Did you stop to consider how "moral' it is to prosecute somebody who had nothing to do with the crime? I am not absolving anybody from anything. I have no problem with the RIAA prosecuting those people that ACTUALLY COMMIT THE CRIME. I do have a problem with the RIAA prosecuting people simply because they feel they can suck the money out of them. And if you think the RIAA have better things to do besides chase the little guy ... Bull When the RIAA is starting to consider ANY MUSIC copied to your computer is illegal even when that music came from your OWN LEGALLY purchased CD ... Linky
  6. Wasn't Peters a converted TE? We could just keep him for the <another TE> spot ...
  7. Unless she was knowingly allowing it to happen, your example is bad. Amazing. How in the world did we let this country get so screwed up. We need tort reform to protect companies from "mean" sue happy consumers, but companies are allowed to sue anybody and everybody - repeatedly - until somebody coughs up the cash.
  8. Then ask him how is one supposed to order Red Velvet Cake? The icing is not red, nor does the cake contain velvet. If he still does not believe the whole chocolate / yellow cake problem, send him this link: Linky It has "pictures" to help him figure it out ...
  9. You are making a big assumption that Jauron would accept having an OC pushed on him. He may not. Yet, it only took three different teams to finally figure that out. And honestly, do you think Wade had any leverage to buck that decision? If Schonert fails, how much longer do you give Jauron to hang himself?
  10. I saw the same thread. The thread is almost hysterical. One guy was boasting how McGahee's play against the Bills proved how wrong we were about him. I thought about posting the stat comparison, along with reminding the Raven fans that McGahee did have a great game - against one of the worst defenses in the NFL. And to gently remind them they still LOST the game. But, I just figured they should mire in their own stupidity, and keep believing they have an 'elite' back.
  11. This is a fallacy. Being an ex-player does not mean he knows how to implement an offense. Further, even if he does know how do it "in theory", he still has to actually do it.
  12. Some manufacturers do put head lights on their machines .... Seems like a waste not to use them..
  13. Why not just buy the local paper? Linky "A notice of sale, containing a description of the property, the time and place of sale, the borrowers name and the lenders name, must be published at the courthouse door and two other public places at least three weeks prior to the date of sale. The notice must also be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the county where the property resides for the same time period."
  14. If you want real controversy, go on the message boards and ask the people there why the History channel is not filming in Yellowknife.
  15. I think you need to stop recreating the same thread; http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=66599
  16. The best thing you could do is hook up with the nearest Real Estate Investor group, or at the very least, an experienced investor. Even if you plan on doing real estate investing as a part time endeavor only. There are numerous reasons for this, more than I could put here in a short post, but here is a couple: Experienced real estate investors are a great source of information regarding the market. Where to look, what to look for, etc... Property management companies. Not every company lists their services in the phone book, and some of the best only advertise by word of mouth, and attending real estate investor group meetings to pitch their service directly to the investors.
  17. Rather quickly: Year - Team - Ave. vs. better than .500 - Overall w/l for that year 99 - Bears - .250 - (6-10) 00 - Bears - .308 - (5-11) 01 - Bears - .500 - (13-3) 02 - Bears - .333 - (4-12) 03 - Bears - .250 - (7-9) 06 - Bills - .125 - (7-9) 07 - Bills - .125 - (7-9) As a comparison, 2001 Packers (12-4) faced 5 teams greater than .500 and went 4-1 against those teams (.800). Note: I came up with an overall average of .267. Somebody on this board had posted an overall average of .187. I believe the .187 average includes his playoff record and his time as interim HC of the Lions. I did not include those in the above averages.
  18. The only reason I brought up the 13-3 season is because people throw out Jauron's COTY award like some trump card, giving Jauron a 'free pass' on the rest of his questionable coaching record. Jauron's won/lost ratio vs teams above .500 is pathetic, overall, from year to year, and on different teams. That is a negative characteristic of Jauron's coaching, and is prevalent not only during his 'bad' years, but exists during his 'good' year.
  19. No, Dibs example showed Jauron only beat the same or less. Only one example showed more. Amazingly, who acquired said scrubs?
  20. Erik Kramer, Kordell Stewart, Chris Chandler (three off the top my head) Chris Chandler took the Falcons to the SB, prior to becoming the QB in Chicago. No it's not. Jauron drafted Cade McNown in 1999. Jauron was so sure of McNown's ability, he named Cade the starter for the 1999 season right after he was drafted. (Due note, this was AFTER Jauron stated Kramer was his starting QB for 99. Two days before the draft, Jauron booted Kramer). And speaking of crap on offense, who do you think the person was that said "I want this 'crap'. Get me this 'crap'"? Hint: He was the head coach. Ah, yes. When all else fails, attempt to compare Jauron to BB. As it has been posted on the TSW before, BB has stated he had learned from his mistakes while he was the HC in Cleveland. He changed his approach to coaching. Compare that DJ. There are 2-3 Bills fans that post on here that happened to live in the Chicago area during DJ's tenure. Listen to what they say. Those people are essentially saying DJ is basically doing the same thing in Buffalo as he did in Chicago. In short, he did NOT learn from his mistakes.
  21. In essence, isn't that already happening now (with all the incentives teams get from the local communities)?
  22. Nice examples. Notice how each team fared against the better competition, something a Jauron coached team has been incapable of doing. If you expect the Bills to just make the playoffs, and nothing more, Jauron can 'probably' do that (just hope he has lots of crappy teams to play against) But if you want the Bills to actually win some playoff games, and hopefully the SB, then the Bills are going to have to beat the better teams in the league. If a Jauron coached team cannot beat the better teams during the regular season, what in the world makes people believe Jauron will be able to do it in the playoffs?
  23. Here's a tip: Despite last year, there are still a lot of people who think Jauron has some serious question marks regarding his ability to be a HC. Yeah, cause Levy and Modrak were so high on Edwards ability they had him ranked somewhere in the second round, IIRC. (What a coincidence, Shaun King was drafted in the second round.) As for Bill Walsh - roll out that tired argument once again. Bill Walsh also called Jake Plummer the next Joe Montana. It has also been reported Bill Walsh highly regarded Joey Harrington. Bill Walsh has not been right about a QB since the 80's. I think the time has come to view Walsh's recommendations with some skepticism. And if you still truly think the 'great QB guru Bill Walsh' cannot be questioned, chew on this tidbit: Joe Montana was NOT Bill Walsh's choice for QB. Somebody else in the 49ers organization had to convince Walsh to take Montana. I want to know who that guy was.
  24. Prior to the Cowboys job, Garrett was considered a coach on the way up, with a good head on his shoulders. Funny, I never heard that about The Turk. Oh, you got me there [/sarcasm]. You keep waving around Jauron's COTY award like it actually means something. Other posters besides myself have posted past COTY winners, some of dubious distinction. If you had bothered to actually look at Jauron's 2001 year (and I know you haven't), you probably will not like what you see. Teflon Dick went 13-3. But let's break that down: the number of teams Dick faced that ended up > .500? 6 the numbers of teams Dick faced that ended up <= .500? 10 Dicks W/L against the 6 better than .500 teams: 3-3 Dicks W/L against the 10 .500 or less teams: 10-0 I could go on, but I would be wasting bandwidth as you seem to be blind to actual facts regarding Teflon Dick. And do tell what year was Jauron a 'runner up' for COTY? So I take it you think Edwards looked 'brilliant' when he was telegraphing the plays to the defense? Or, is that not his fault? No more silly than others in here stating how 'unprecedented' Edwards rookie performance was. The reality, it wasn't. You are right. King did lead Tampa Bay to the NFC title game, in the 1999 season. In the 2000 season, King was the full time starter. By the start of the 2001 season, King was riding the bench, after reality kicked in, and it became obvious he did not have the tools to be a full time starter. I am glad to hear you would 'personally take that'. Nothing like settling for 'second' or 'third' best. But then again, you think Jauron is a "great" head coach, so I am not surprised.
  25. Only 'partly' responsible? What was the rest? Coaching? Surrounding talent? Edward's ability? And just so I understand part of your position, are you saying the Bills coaches 'scaled back' the offense to accommodate Edwards? If so, and you now think Edwards will so greatly improve in one off season that he will lead the Bills to the playoffs. Edwards should improve, no doubt, but I just do not see it to the extent you see it. Your are right, one game does not tell the whole story. While he may have looked good in the Dallas game, Edwards looked befuddled in the second Jets game. He had no clue on how to deal with CB blitz the Jets were running against him. At this point, teams are still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't work against Edwards. As more game film is generated, Edwards habits and tendencies will become more pronounced, forcing the Bills coaches to work on correcting or minimizing the negative ones. And that's why I expect another year of growing pains for Edwards, and not some great leap in improvement.
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