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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Being a bit over dramatic? Did not somebody post on the here the Bills ended up with the 18th hardest schedule by seasons end? A far cry from the "HARDEST" schedule ....
  2. Clicks. I hate hover style menus. They may look 'cool' for the kiddies, but they can be a pain in the to navigate in and around.
  3. If we can believe the stories out of south Florida, Dorsey will look like world beater in comparison.
  4. Tolls would be the least concern. You need more ways to get on / off the island. Two bridges will not cut it.
  5. One problem. You forgot to include we play the Jets - twice. Just as much as Favre could help the Bills by beating "our" opponents, Favre could help our opponents by beating us.
  6. I think you are skewing your cause/effect and time lines. The Bills beat the Broncos in the AFCC game after the 1991 season. Eight years later, the Broncos had already won and celebrated their second SB. Of course, in beating Marino and the Dolphins, Buffalo had it's own media darlings such as Kelly, Thomas, B. Smith, Bennett, and even later, Flutie.
  7. According to you, just like the way we "destroyed" the image of Elway? The same Elway that is: -in the NFL Hall of Fame -awarded league MVP in 87 -started in 5 SB -won 2 SB -awarded SB MVP I do not think his image his "tarnished" in any way shape or form because he lost to Bills a few times. Sorry. Favre makes the Jets a better team. Period. How much better is unknown. Just do not bet on them being a cake walk this year.
  8. Hell ... No. Favre may not be the QB he was 10 years ago, but he is a big upgrade over what the Jets have now. I would like to see the Jets get worse, not better.
  9. #2, without question. If am not mistaken, both Buffalo and Rochester are losing population. Until that problem is corrected, the other options sound nice, but are long term failures waiting to happen. Do not mistake the apathy you see now with the present Toronto deal as a default attitude towards the NFL. Canadians are interested in the NFL, just not the way it is being shoved down their throat.
  10. After listening to "Rocky Top", he may beg to differ
  11. Yeah, because there is nothing like watching a game full of camp fodder with nothing at stake vs. one of the nations best, nastiest, and most intense college football rivalry. Have you even attended a "real" college football game? (And no, UB, Syracuse, and Pitt do not count as "real" college football)
  12. Probably not. One of the arguments for merger was the companies had hit or were near peak price points people would be willing to pay for a subscription. In other words, if they started to jack up the price, they would start losing customers.
  13. Convert him back to TE. Then there is no reason for a holdout. He will be an overpaid TE.
  14. Apparently you are ignoring the part where I said "Unless she was knowingly allowing it to happen ..." And you counter act with a "moral" clause? Did you stop to consider how "moral' it is to prosecute somebody who had nothing to do with the crime? I am not absolving anybody from anything. I have no problem with the RIAA prosecuting those people that ACTUALLY COMMIT THE CRIME. I do have a problem with the RIAA prosecuting people simply because they feel they can suck the money out of them. And if you think the RIAA have better things to do besides chase the little guy ... Bull When the RIAA is starting to consider ANY MUSIC copied to your computer is illegal even when that music came from your OWN LEGALLY purchased CD ... Linky
  15. Wasn't Peters a converted TE? We could just keep him for the <another TE> spot ...
  16. Unless she was knowingly allowing it to happen, your example is bad. Amazing. How in the world did we let this country get so screwed up. We need tort reform to protect companies from "mean" sue happy consumers, but companies are allowed to sue anybody and everybody - repeatedly - until somebody coughs up the cash.
  17. Then ask him how is one supposed to order Red Velvet Cake? The icing is not red, nor does the cake contain velvet. If he still does not believe the whole chocolate / yellow cake problem, send him this link: Linky It has "pictures" to help him figure it out ...
  18. You are making a big assumption that Jauron would accept having an OC pushed on him. He may not. Yet, it only took three different teams to finally figure that out. And honestly, do you think Wade had any leverage to buck that decision? If Schonert fails, how much longer do you give Jauron to hang himself?
  19. I saw the same thread. The thread is almost hysterical. One guy was boasting how McGahee's play against the Bills proved how wrong we were about him. I thought about posting the stat comparison, along with reminding the Raven fans that McGahee did have a great game - against one of the worst defenses in the NFL. And to gently remind them they still LOST the game. But, I just figured they should mire in their own stupidity, and keep believing they have an 'elite' back.
  20. This is a fallacy. Being an ex-player does not mean he knows how to implement an offense. Further, even if he does know how do it "in theory", he still has to actually do it.
  21. Some manufacturers do put head lights on their machines .... Seems like a waste not to use them..
  22. Why not just buy the local paper? Linky "A notice of sale, containing a description of the property, the time and place of sale, the borrowers name and the lenders name, must be published at the courthouse door and two other public places at least three weeks prior to the date of sale. The notice must also be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the county where the property resides for the same time period."
  23. If you want real controversy, go on the message boards and ask the people there why the History channel is not filming in Yellowknife.
  24. I think you need to stop recreating the same thread; http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=66599
  25. The best thing you could do is hook up with the nearest Real Estate Investor group, or at the very least, an experienced investor. Even if you plan on doing real estate investing as a part time endeavor only. There are numerous reasons for this, more than I could put here in a short post, but here is a couple: Experienced real estate investors are a great source of information regarding the market. Where to look, what to look for, etc... Property management companies. Not every company lists their services in the phone book, and some of the best only advertise by word of mouth, and attending real estate investor group meetings to pitch their service directly to the investors.
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