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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I was responding to the poster who tried to claim DJ was just as good, if not better, than Marv Levy. As for extending DJ's contract, I would prefer the Bills wait until a playoff spot and/or winning season (9-7 or better) is assured. If Dick cannot produce a winner with this soft schedule, he needs to be taken out back and shot. (and no, I do not mean that literally).
  2. Oh please, stop. Jauron has yet to prove he can consistently beat the better teams in the league. Jauron has yet to prove he can win consistently from season to season. Jauron has yet to prove he can win a playoff game. When Jauron accomplishes those tasks, we'll talk. Otherwise, put down the crack pipe.
  3. Spin it however you want. The Bills have NOT achieved any greatness this year, last year, the year before that, etc ...
  4. You are right. This present front office has gone 14-18 the past two seasons. If you include this year, they are still 16-18.
  5. I watched the second half of that game. It had to be the two worst offenses I have ever seen. The 2007 Bills offense would have been an improvement for either team. Auburns version of the spread option (a.k.a "War Damn Chicken") turns out is just as good as Borges WCO. Some Barners are denial, claiming it will take awhile for the full offense to be implemented. Interesting spin considering the Spread Option is supposed to be one of the EASIEST offenses to learn (Hint: You have to have TALENT, which AU is lacking on the offensive side of the ball). The most telling sign was Auburn had the ball 1st down and goal at the MSU 7, and tried to run three straight running plays. They never had a chance. They even missed the field goal attempt. As bad as Auburn's offense was, MSU was even worse. The MSU QB played scared. He made bad decisions, poor throws, and just looked like he was in a state of panic anytime he dropped back to pass.
  6. That's it in a nutshell. Until the Bills prove they are for real CONSISTENTLY (i.e more than just a handful of games a season), keep expecting to receive "no respect". As someone else said. Why do people even bother looking for stupid like this. As long the Bills keep winning, it will come. Otherwise, let it roll, and enjoy.
  7. http://www.wedg.com/default.asp WARNING: They seem to be a few seconds behind.
  8. Country has "x" amount of resources. We do 1 and 2, we will never do 4, and you might as well get used to 5. Instead of doing 1 and 2, let's bite the bullet now, and do 3 and 4. Then 5 will be a rarity.
  9. Good God. The high insecurity level of some Buffalonians is astounding. Combined with their never ending need to have their team "validated" by the national media ....
  10. Like somebody would not be able to recognize the Q&A was meant to be "light" considering such blistering topics as "On his iPod" and "Can't stop eating".
  11. I bet Bears fans in Chicago were saying the same thing in 2001. Bottom line: it is one game in a season that is looking like the ball will be bouncing the Bills way.
  12. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
  13. If you think there is every reason to believe Jauron should get ten wins, then why in the world would you be in favor of keeping somebody who under performs?
  14. It is not? Funny, during the offseason, I could have sworn I read / heard where Jauron said this was a performance based business, even for him. That meant playoffs. In fact, he mentioned the word "playoffs". Hold him to his word. Excuse time is over: a non-playoff season is unacceptable, and should result in his immediate firing. If he cannot lead this team to at least a winning record (9-7 or better) with this soft schedule, then he has no damn business being a head coach. Unfortunately, I think if the Bills go 8-8, Jauron will blow enough smoke up Ralphs a$$ to keep his job. The Jauron apologists will be out in force trying explain to everybody how it is not Dicks fault, because the tooth fairy was out to "get" Dick.
  15. So, if I read that correctly: There is only one "PUP" list. Before and during TC, it is an "active" list. Once the 53 man roster is set, it becomes a "reserve" list. And in order to be on the reserve list, the player must have been on the active list. Well, that sucks, and you are right. It still would not have mattered in Crowell's case.
  16. Something else I have not seen asked; Could not the Bills put AC on the PUP list? That would have sidelined AC for 6 weeks, and gave the Bills a roster spot.
  17. The pain train is coming! WHOO WHOO!!
  18. As a Raider, Culpepper lead Oakland to a victory over the Phins. His overall stats were bad, but he did manage to throw 2 TD's, and ran for 3 more for a total of 5 TD's.
  19. Interestingly enough, when Bama was looking for a coach a couple of years back, Turner Gill's name popped up as one of those "not likely to happen, but he is a coach on the rise and is somebody to keep an eye on" possibility. If a school like Bama has eyed him up, there are probably a lot of Syracuse type schools that have their sights set on him. Within two years, UB will be looking for a new coach. They better enjoy Gill while they got him. I also agree with your point about Gill and Syracuse. If Syracuse landed Gill and gave Gill the proper resources to go recruit, Syracuse could make some serious noise in the weak Big East. I guess that depends if you consider the Big East a major conference or not. But yeah, across the board, the ACC is looking pretty weak. As an AJC article suggested, maybe the ACC should stick to basketball. After my initial giddiness of the beating Bama gave Clemson wore off, I have subdued my outlook of Bama this year. Clearly, Clemson was grossly over-hyped. The beating they took just revealed the truth. I do not know if Spurrier has lost his touch, or is just facing stiffer competition. The competition in the SEC has improved dramatically since Spurrier last coached in Gainesville. I hope Rich Rod screws up Mee-sh*ttty-gan to the point it takes decades for UM to recover. I hope Paterno coaches for another 10 years. That will continue making Bowden a thorn in the side of the FSU program for years.
  20. Not to bring up old wounds, but when the Sabres were playing Dallas for the Stanley Cup, USA Today had sent out a reporter to do background, cultural stories on the two cities. Apparently, the writer went to Dallas first. I read his story about Buffalo, and in the story, the writer mentioned being able to buy better tasting pizza from a vendor on a street corner in Buffalo than he could find anywhere in Dallas.
  21. Just watched Bama pound the snot out of Clemson. Either Bama is that good, or the ACC is that bad ...
  22. Let me slow it down for you, since you are unable to grasp the concepts of comprehension, analyzing and facts. If you had bother to read the whole thread, you would have learned what the HOF SB winning genius of a coach named Walsh felt about the following QBs: He originally did not like Joe Montana, and in fact preferred Fuller and Dils over Joe. He liked Rick Mirer, Joey Harrington, David Carr, and Steve Young. He liked Jake Plummer so much he actually referred to Plummer as the next Joe Montana, including winning multiple SB. Walsh was originally wrong about Joe Montana. Walsh was correct about Steve Young. Walsh was wrong about Rick Mirer. Walsh was wrong about Joey Harrington. Walsh was wrong about David Carr. Walsh was wrong about Jake Plummer. That makes Walsh's record 1 out of 6, or about 16%. This is the record of the guy whose opinion you value. If you cannot see that the facts say Walsh's opinion regarding QB's is about as valid as Kipers, then I do not what to tell you. Here a little factoid to chew on: If the 49ers did not trade for OJ Simpson, Walsh and company would still have had their first round pick. Walsh would have grabbed Steve Fuller instead of Montana. And 25+ years later, nobody would gave a crap what Walsh said about a QB.
  23. Talk about a contradiction. You state the following: And then you follow up with this: You do realize Walsh made those comments about Edwards well before Edwards stepped on the football field as a pro? So how in the world can you take the opinion of someone regarding a college QB and treat that opinion like it came from an "expert", when by your very own admission such an "expert" does not exist?
  24. So, based on what you have seen, was Walsh more right or wrong on evaluating QBs? One of the reasons I am so cynical is because of statements like that. Walsh was a good/great coach, no doubt. And because he won three SB (with a QB he did not originally like), Walsh is now considered a "master QB evaluator" But by Walsh's own actions and statements, he was no "expert" when it came to analyzing and evaluating a college QB for the pros. In fact, he was more wrong than right in his evaluations. I find it odd you think my view of Edwards is somehow tied to what I think of Walsh's opinion. You could not be further from the truth. I just do not put a lot of weight into somebody's opinion when history has shown they are more wrong than right.
  25. My apologies. I should have clarified. Dils was not his "first" choice, but was his preferred choice over Montana in the third round. Regardless, Walsh had Montana rated behind Fuller and Dils. How did those two players turn out?
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