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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. If you think this is bad, you should have tried living through the 2-14 years. Since I refused to "renounce" my fanship then, I sure as hell will not renounce it now. Somebody else posted earlier they would give up their fanship when they died. I will extend that thought with: "Or the day the Bills leave Buffalo for good."
  2. The same way 24% of the population still thinks W is doing a good job. They DON'T think.
  3. That's unfortunate you think that way. If it was true, then I suppose you would have no problem providing the call letters of the station in your area that play the following formats: Country and Western (this should be an easy one) Rock (another easy one) Top 40 (even people living in east podunk have one of these nearby) HipHop/Rap (while very popular, still does not saturate the airwaves like the previous three) Bluegrass (not to be confused with country and western) Metal/Industrial (not to be confused with rock) R&B (no, not the same as rap) Jazz/Skat (the hardcore stuff, not for the timid) Smooth jazz (for the timid jazz fan) Blues (not r&b) Good luck finding one that plays these next ones NFL Network Comedy Howard Stern Playboy/adult Maybe you should try listening to more than one station. Or you could try hooking up with Claude and Veter (sp?).
  4. I remember at the end of last season people complaining we needed a pass rusher. And everybody got excited when they drafted Ellis. Are you ready to write him off? As for O-Line, other than C, this was supposed to be a unit of strength going into this season. Heck, right before the season started, somebody started a thread stating we needed to give the O-Line a freaking nickname before the national media did! Here's one of my problems. Not only do they have to go back and attempt to fix something they supposedly already took care of (bringing into question their competency in assessing talent), but they will create new holes that will have to be fixed. Look at this past off-season. Other than Hardy and Ellis, what other draft picks did the Bills make to feel a critical need? Did they draft a center? No. I saw the Bills drafting a bunch of potential special teamers, because they decided to let a bunch of their veteran ones go. So now, instead of experienced veteran depth, they are stuck with rookie depth that will take a couple of years to determine if they will pan out. Those that don't, more holes to fill.
  5. I was like you at one time. Then I went on a trip with somebody who had it, and that's all it took for me. I'll never go back to terrestrial radio. It cannot match the musical selection and diversity of sat. I think I have listened to every station offered at one time or another, and found myself listening to stuff I would have never thought of. Stuff like radio classics. Original broadcasts of radio shows like The Shadow and X-Minus 1.
  6. I have not tried to stop you from enjoying the Bills wins. Enjoy them to your hearts content. Even the delusional desire a reality where "events" took place based a on a criteria of hope and "happy thoughts".
  7. Don't you know? All wins are a testament to the great coaching of this young, rookie like, inexperienced, still learning how to win (did I say young yet?) team. As our great HC has said, it is hard to win in the NFL. All loses are flukes. If it wasn't for the other teams showing up, the Bills would be 9-0 right now, and in command of first place!
  8. And you know this for a fact how? Getting a proven winning HC might be hard, but there is no shortage of assistant coaches willing to take a stab at being a HC. If you doubt me, ask yourself how does/did teams like the Bengals, Lions, and now Raiders keep finding somebody to be a HC? (And no, I am NOT saying they all were good choices) And no, Jauron is NOT better than the other guys, not unless your goal is to be consistently mediocre, which Jauron does seem to excel at.
  9. Oh my God. The apologists are getting desperate to excuse away Jauron's poor performance. So how do you account for the complaints against Jauron during the 2007 season when the Bills still had a SINGLE "face" in the FO known as Levy?
  10. Yeah, but in choosing his examples, he chooses to ignore the obvious. It is interesting how he has Bill Parcells listed more than once. Yet, nobody really questions if Parcells is, was, or would be a good coach. The Bills are Jauron's second stop. Does he list Jauron twice? Of course not. You want to know what Jauron's record in Chicago was after 41 games? 18-23. This stat is far more relevant than any comparison to any other coach. That's because it is a a direct reflection of our present HC. And how did his tenure in Chicago work out?
  11. 19-22 is winning? Boy, are you easy to please. I'm betting on reading a bunch of new excuses of "why" if the Bills reach 6-6.
  12. Without question, coaching. You know that's the problem. It is staring at you right in the face. It's even in your post. You state the obvious: Then you try to blur the responsibility: These guys should be playing better, but they are not. That's a coaching problem, not a player problem. And if there is still some doubt, it is the coaches responsibility to make the players "look good". It is NOT the players job to make the coaches look competent.
  13. Unfortunately, the GM and HC are the same guy, and they cannot be separated. IMHO, Dick is a lousy GM and a lousy HC. In 7+ years, he has been unable to post a winning record against teams with records above .500. The present Bills team lacks heart, desire, and motivation. Since it is the whole team, that makes it a coaching problem, and not a player problem. I find it very odd JP complained about the coaching back in 2006 (they would not let him scramble). JP and Lee Evans both bitched about the coaching / play calling in 2007 (prompting many in here to call for the "punishment" of Lee Evans) And now, in 2008, we have players complaining about not being prepared (prompting people in here post "shut up and execute") So over the past three years, we have complaints about the coaching staff, not from the fans or the media, but from the players. That's not a coincidence. That's a clue. His game planning blows. He cannot select coordinators to save his life. He seems absolutely lost on how to pinpoint, dissect, and solve problems. I do not know if other coaches would have settled for this personnel. We know Jauron did, and most likely will continue to.
  14. And the Metro Rail could be effective and extended beyond the UB campus, as it has done a decent job so far. In your case and mine, it will be a long wait.
  15. Here's what I do not get. Dick Jauron goes out and acquires or keeps some of the crappiest players in the league, and you apologists sit around and praise the guy for the job he has done. Back in week 2, I made statement in which I still stand by: Some of the people on this board are so desperate for success, any success, they will accept failure if they can find something positive in it.
  16. Selective comparison, got to love it. Throw out Jauron's first 5 years in Chicago, why? They do not exist? You want analysis? To me, it looks like to me a rookie/first time head coach was able to match records with a multi year veteran HC.
  17. Let's see: "The Drooler" = consistent winner "The Statue" = consistent loser If having a winning team means having a HC that can consistently win, slap a bib on the SOB, and let's go! Unfortunatley, we are stuck with the statue for the next couple of years.
  18. I think playoff experience has little to do with a guy being a motivator. Motivators can be of any experience. They just have the drive and desire to win, hate to lose, and have no problem letting others know. Playoff experience is better at keeping younger players on a more even keel, and keeping your eyes on the target.
  19. Alvin and The Chipmunks They sing like they have no nuts, and the Bills are playing like they have lost theirs
  20. Maybe he did sign it, but it comes with a qualifier. The extension is only valid if the Bills make the playoffs this year. We can hope, can't we?
  21. You missed his point. London Fletcher was the last Bills player that publicly displayed disgust with losing. Since then, the Bills really do not have a player of that category.
  22. As much as I hate to say it, he WOULD be an improvement. Rich Kotite finally realized the problem was him, and not everything and everybody else. Jauron is not smart enough to come to that conclusion.
  23. I cannot tell you if the Bills plan on using this excuse, but the Jauron apologists have that one within their sights. Throw in "players not executing" excuse and "lousy personnel" excuse, the apologists will cling onto these and keep them ready for the offseason. If the Bills continue to tank, these excuses will be the reason they did, and not a single one will be Jauron's fault. If the Bills turn around and make the playoffs, these excuses will be the proof that Jauron is a "great" coach because of all the adversity he had to overcome. Wait, watch, and see.
  24. If the Bills finish at least 1-5 in the division, I guarantee they will NOT finish in last place in the division. THIRD PLACE! THIRD PLACE! THIRD PLACE! THIRD PLACE! (Look at me! I am being optimistic!)
  25. That would be impossible (this year), considering we already lost to the Cardinals.
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