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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Let's see: "The Drooler" = consistent winner "The Statue" = consistent loser If having a winning team means having a HC that can consistently win, slap a bib on the SOB, and let's go! Unfortunatley, we are stuck with the statue for the next couple of years.
  2. I think playoff experience has little to do with a guy being a motivator. Motivators can be of any experience. They just have the drive and desire to win, hate to lose, and have no problem letting others know. Playoff experience is better at keeping younger players on a more even keel, and keeping your eyes on the target.
  3. Alvin and The Chipmunks They sing like they have no nuts, and the Bills are playing like they have lost theirs
  4. Maybe he did sign it, but it comes with a qualifier. The extension is only valid if the Bills make the playoffs this year. We can hope, can't we?
  5. You missed his point. London Fletcher was the last Bills player that publicly displayed disgust with losing. Since then, the Bills really do not have a player of that category.
  6. As much as I hate to say it, he WOULD be an improvement. Rich Kotite finally realized the problem was him, and not everything and everybody else. Jauron is not smart enough to come to that conclusion.
  7. I cannot tell you if the Bills plan on using this excuse, but the Jauron apologists have that one within their sights. Throw in "players not executing" excuse and "lousy personnel" excuse, the apologists will cling onto these and keep them ready for the offseason. If the Bills continue to tank, these excuses will be the reason they did, and not a single one will be Jauron's fault. If the Bills turn around and make the playoffs, these excuses will be the proof that Jauron is a "great" coach because of all the adversity he had to overcome. Wait, watch, and see.
  8. If the Bills finish at least 1-5 in the division, I guarantee they will NOT finish in last place in the division. THIRD PLACE! THIRD PLACE! THIRD PLACE! THIRD PLACE! (Look at me! I am being optimistic!)
  9. That would be impossible (this year), considering we already lost to the Cardinals.
  10. Makes one wonder whether or not Jauron even allows this type of behavior on the team.
  11. There is no perhaps. He is part of the department. He's the guy that gets to decide who stays, who goes, and who gets to come in. Other than that, nice post.
  12. That would depend on how the overall team looked and was playing. Was there a clear sense of direction? Did he tolerate players that did not "execute"? As for the Bills, they are three years into a rebuild, and the coach is still talking about how the team is not executing. Here's a clue. The team is not responding to that style of coaching. Time to change it. Start benching people. Get the message out you will not tolerate a half-assed performance. Stop being the player's buddy, and start being his coach.
  13. I'm not kidding myself. Bama has exceeded every pre-season expectation, even those originating from the Crimson Tide followers that I know. Nobody expected them to be where they are at, especially with the amount of freshman they are playing. And all season long I kept hearing and reading how this team was going to beat Bama, or how that team would "drop 50+ points on Bama". When Bama reached #2 in the polls, I started hearing how Bama did not deserve being there, and how they were overrated. When they moved to #1, same thing. Bama is overrated, and and they will lose to LSU. Bama beat LSU in Baton Rouge. What do I hear now? Bluefire saying Bama does not deserve being #1. Ok, whatever, take a number, and join the rest of the country who thinks that way. And you will probably find me standing right next to you. And that's because all season long I keep waiting for that shoe to drop. The one that contains their title hopes. Problem: It hasn't happened yet. I think part of the reason Bama is #1 and in the hunt for a NC is the same reason you, me, and a whole bunch of other people keep expecting them to lose one game or another. Everybody keeps underestimating them. However: They are well coached. They are physical. They are determined. They refuse to quit. And that makes the Tide a very dangerous team. So, when I say I hope everybody keeps thinking Bama has no business being #1(or 2), and Florida is going to kick their ass, I mean it. I want the sports pundits, prognosticators, and even the UF players and coaches thinking the same way. Come SEC CG time, I want ALL the focus on the UF, and how Bama is just an obstacle in Florida's way. If the UF players and coaches start to think that way, it will the biggest and stupidest mistake they will make this year, and it could very well cost them a shot at the NC.
  14. You might be waiting awhile. But look on the bright side. After this year, he will still have 3 more years of being able to prove his critics wrong.
  15. I would disagree as DJ's past record says otherwise. In the Bills case, that would include firing the HC as he is part of that department.
  16. I thought we already heard this song and dance. Who's left the Bills haven't played and lost to? Themselves?
  17. Whatever. As long as they are raising that crystal football in January, rank 'em #2 if it makes you feel happy.
  18. Nothing wrong with wanting a winner. However, unless the Bills plan on running the spread option, Tebow is not the answer. I would rather have the kid from UGA.
  19. Immediately report to the middle of the road. p.s. Bring bullets. The lynch mob
  20. So, only the last decision counts? The other 2 that are in direct conflict with the last "correct" one do not exist anymore? Actually, everybody I know personally considers me an optimist. I can't say I disagree with them. The Cynical comes out in me when I know people are more concerned about blowing smoke up may ass, trying to convince me their s**t doesn't stink, despite evidence to the contrary. DJ is a classic example. Spare me in telling he how "good" or "great" he is. DJ's own short and long term history says otherwise. The optimist in me keeps hoping Dick finally gets 'it'. The cynic in me tells me not to bet on it.
  21. Actually, DJ is 1 out of 7 years in making the playoffs. Here's an honest question: Did you keep a straight face when you said "He makes the right decisions."? Did you agree with his QB carnival last year? But then again, he just needs 2, 3, or 4 chances to make the right decision, right? Just like he needs more time to turn the team around. 2-3 years is not enough. Dick needs 5+ years, right?
  22. I agree DF got screwed out of the Titans playoff game. But that does not refute the fact DF had been unable to retain the starting job on 4 different teams. Ask yourself why that kept happening. Explore the possibilities.
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