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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. We can keep the WR. Just reset the plays so their patterns do not extend beyond 5 - 10 yards.
  2. Wow! OU - 65 TT - 21 That's a mudhole stomping.
  3. The problem is Kelso wasn't an atypical DB back then. He was slow, even by those standards, but played heads up ball. He made the team because he was smart. If speed was the only basis a player was judged on, Kelso would have never made the team.
  4. Kelso was considered to be on the slow side even back then. Why do you think he lined up in center field the majority of the time?
  5. Orchard Park. Buffalo is a blue collar city. The Bills represent Buffalo. And they play their home games in uppity elitist Orchard Park? The Bills won league championships when they played in the Rockpile.
  6. For somebody who is talking hindsight and perspective, how in the world did you determine 19-23 is so much better than 10-32?. Neither team has made the playoffs since the coaches took over their respective teams. Detroit is not going to make a third year, and Buffalo's chances are in serious jeopardy. From my hindsight and perspective, they both blow chunks and I do not want either one to be the HC of my team.
  7. I liked the how the poster stated the Lions would have loved to have kept Jauron "given their dismal failure since". Like somehow the Bills having failed to make the playoffs, unable to beat a team with a winning record, and being 5-5 in his third season with a playoff appearance in doubt again, is just some brilliant shining example that Lions fans can only hope to ascend too. Now where have I heard that one before ....
  8. Imagine that. Canadians living in Canada having a sense of national pride. Who would have thunk it. What's next? British people living in England thinking their the best?
  9. Shoot him with a tranq dart. More humane than being locked up in a room. Of course, Jauron is pretty comatose while awake. There might be a problem with determining if he's knocked out or not.
  10. He needs at least 10, if not more. He needs all that time to find the right personnel to make his system work. You ought to know better. When ever the team fails to win, it is because he does not have the right players in place yet.
  11. The NFL has been talking about going international for years, long before the Bills decide to play in Toronto. While you are correct that nobody was holding a gun to Rogers head when he signed a contract, nobody was holding a gun to Wilson's or the NFL's head either. Businessmen, regardless of their nationality, will make stupid business decisions. Regardless of who signed the contract, that still does not negate most Americans believing the Bills will be successful in Toronto because everybody wants an NFL franchise or wants to at least watch one in person.
  12. They would have? You have proof of this?
  13. Yes I do think it would take. But like I said, it would take a long term plan and commitment to make it happen. If you look at that link I provided, you will see one of the CFL franchises was located in Baltimore, post Colts and pre Ravens. The franchise was pretty successful by CFL standards, and that is with an NFL franchise sitting just up the road in D.C. IMHO, Buffalo would be a prime target for the CFL. Unless UB decides to go play with the big boys in the college game, Buffalo has no real collegiate football team to draw away entertainment dollars. Buffalo is located near the border creating an almost instant rivalry with other nearby Canadian teams. Further, you state a lot people would give up football if the NFL left their small market. I am one of those people. But it is not football I would give up on. It would be the NFL. I would still watch the collegiate game. And while Id o not live the WNY area anymore, I would still root for any team that is willing to represent my hometown, CFL team included.
  14. I do not know if they are anymore kinder or nicer, but I do know if you treat them with respect and you respect their culture, they have this strange tendency to be nice to you. If you cop an attitude that your way of life or that your country is superior, they have this other strange tendency to become 'testy'.
  15. You need to brush up on your history. Vegas was not the only American city that had a CFL franchise. Linky I have been involved in numerous discussions regarding the viability of the CFL existence in the US. It would take a long term vision and plan to make it happen. I am talking decades. The way the NFL is going, only the larger cities will be able afford to keep an NFL franchise. That makes the smaller markets exploitable, and a great target for CFL expansion.
  16. The bigger question is why do people who call Canada 'America, Jr' always think Canadians are rude?
  17. I have always maintained that LA has a much better chance of landing an NFL franchise before a team lands in Canada. The problem is Americans think everybody wants an NFL franchise because the majority of people in America want one. Canada is NOT America. Believe it or not, Canada is another country with its own laws and culture. People who think they can slap an NFL franchise in Canada, and the Canadians will come in droves, are in for a rude awakening.
  18. You can view it however you want to. I was just pointing out the very flaw of the Jauron supporters premise. Assumptions are only valid if all parties are willing to accept the assumption as a fact. In Jauron's case, not everybody agrees with the supporters assumption of "Dick Jauron is good coach". In fact, that assumption is the very basis of the disagreement. Uh, no. The game was lost. There is no "if" about it. The complaints I have read are blaming Jauron for NOT taking a CHANCE to get better field position. Nobody is assuming the pass play would have worked, and/or Lindell would have made the FG. That is NOT the same as saying if the Bills did not turn the ball over, they would have won the game. You have no way of proving that. If the Bills did not turn the ball over, would that have increased their chances of winning? Yes, but increasing their chances does not mean they would have won.
  19. Unless I missed something, Wilson distanced himself from Sullivan when Trent Edwards name came up. He was making it clear Sully and him did not necessarily share the same opinion on how good Edwards is/will be. Even Wilson said (to paraphrase) "do not think this free fall is sitting well with the owner". Essentially, they are both saying the same thing. Jauron is on the hot seat, and it is getting hotter by the week.
  20. Playoffs. Teflon Dick mentioned it during the offseason, and Whitner guaranteed it. I was expecting wild card. When Brady went down, the division was up for grabs. If this team had enough talent to make the playoffs as a wild card, there is every reason to believe it had enough talent to take the division minus Brady. Coming to the conclusion that this team is another 2-3 years away from competing for a playoff spot, to me that is unacceptable. Eric Mangini took over the Jets the same time Jauron took over the Bills. The Jets have already made the playoff once. Right now, the Jets are in the drivers seat for the division title. If the Jets make the playoffs this year, that will be twice in three years. Many people on here consider Mangini to be a halfwit. If he's a halfwit, what the hell does that make Jauron?
  21. Technically not true. Two of his three past OC went on to be HC at the collegiate level. Crowton bombed out at BYU, and is now the OC at LSU. Fairchild led Colorado State needs to win it's last game to make .500. As for his past DC ....... we won't talk about it.
  22. There was some liberty, but the concept was the same. As another poster said (to paraphrase) there are a lot of intelligent people that have under achieved. Jauron was not the first, and he will not be the last. First, the players do not hold all the bargaining power. Jason Peters is a case in point. How much bargaining power did he have? As for the rest of that paragraph, welcome to America and to capitalism. It's the employees that are responsible for generating the revenue of a company, because it it the employees that create the product or provide the service. Unfortunately, that is also not totally true. And it's the same way in football. I'll spare the bandwidth and the space, and not go into a whole scenario as to why, but just know that ultimately, the HC is held accountable in the same way mid level managers are held accountable in a company. When the team is not performing well, the owner is not going to call the players in and find out why they are not meeting expectations. That's why he hired coaches. It is their job to get the players to meet expectations. It is the coaches he will hold accountable for the failure. All accountability falls on the coaches because it is all their decisions that has put them where they are. The players did not decide to become younger as a team. The coaches made that decision. The players did not decide to switch to the Tampa 2 defense, the coaches did. The players did not decide to stop/start blitzing, the coaches did. Ok, what about execution. The coaches made a decision regarding a scheme, and the players failed to execute it during the game. If it is one or two players, it is the players fault. If it's a group of players, that is usually an indicator of a bad decision. And who is held accountable for the decisions? The coaches. I can. In fact, I suggest you spend some time researching Marty Shottenheimer, and his days coaching the Cleveland Browns and Kansas City Chiefs. His teams consistently ranked near the top of league every year in takeaway/turnover ratio. That's due to his emphasis on those concepts. In other words, that is something that can be coached into a team. And therein lies the great fallacy. As I pointed out in your post, you provide no such evidence. In fact, regarding all Jauron supporters, this is a common issue. They never provide facts as to why he is good. They make assumptions. They provide excuses. But no evidence. The biggest assumption made is he's "a good coach". This assumption drives every Jauron supporter to find the "reason" (a/k/a excuse) he has yet to live up to that expectation. Amazingly enough, not a single "reason" points to Jauron. Fact: Jauron posted a losing record in Chicago. Supporters: the "GM" was out to get him, he had crappy teams, he had no QB Fact: Jauron has posted a losing record while being the HC of the Buffalo Bills Supporters: team was in chaos when he took over, youth, all those "injuries" You see what I am getting at? Not a fact in support of the argument he is a "good" coach. Just excuses of why he failed to meet expectations. Don't even start with the "ifs". Last time I checked, there were 160+ plays during that game. That's 160+ (plays) x n "if possibilities" (per play) that could have impacted the game.
  23. It has been reported he did, but the Bills organization has never confirmed any report. Hopefully, if he did, it was contingent on the Bills making the playoffs. No playoffs, no extension.
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