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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Wait? What? What's it like to root for a team that is 12-0? Never mind ...
  2. Overall, he was bad in Cleveland, but he did win a playoff game. And in NE, BB won the SB in his second year.
  3. 10-6 w/ no playoff berth gets Jauron a stay on his "execution". And we will call it a success, because that is about all the success a Jauron coached will provide.
  4. Another head coaching opportunity just opened in the SEC. Linky
  5. We are great fans. We do NOT bulls**t ourselves or others into accepting mediocrity, or worse, failure. So huge the Bills went 9-7, and a legitimate playoff contender the only time in this decade. And it was so bad, Levy actually wanted to retain Mularkey. - You can thank TD for cleaning up the cap. - Younger does not automatically equate to better. - Three years later, and the playoffs are still something we can only hope to achieve. Meanwhile, a rookie HC in Baltimore with 15 players on IR is in the drivers seat regarding a playoff spot. Meanwhile, third year HC Mangini the Half Wit is in the drivers seat to win the division, and a 2nd playoff appearance. Meanwhile, a rookie HC in Miami took over a team that was in chaos last year, and is presently ahead of the Bills in the standings. Oh yeah, he is also only one game out of the playoffs. - And we overpaid for numerous others Maybe if you took your head out of Jauron's ass, you would realize the Bills are overall in no better shape now than they were three years ago. But to people like you, it will only take another 2-3 years to realize that when it comes clear not all of those "rising stars" pan out. Then you will B word about certain people and hindsight.
  6. Some people get so touchy around the holidays ....
  7. At least tell us if you were being sarcastic, if not: Oh the irony ...
  8. I want to see some emotion. He does NOT have to be a screamer, or get into a player's face like that guy. At least cheer or celebrate when something good happens (and I do not mean clapping on the sidelines while wearing his mittens). A fist pump, or when the players come off the field, slapping a player on the back for making a play. And when something goes wrong, do not be afraid to swear. Do not calmly discuss a bad call with a ref, let him have it. Go wild and call him an "over officious jerk". Show the people you are actually involved in what is going on, and not just some kind of spectator watching the game. If he waits until the game is over to praise plays or players, it's too late. The full impact of the remark will be lost.
  9. Neither Kiffin or Orgeron bother me. Kiffins collegiate coaching resume is as shallow as Al Davis. He was a Co-Cordinator at USC for two years. Wow. Color me underwhelmed. As for Coach "O", he bombed out at Ole Miss. And if you think I'm being critical, here's a Vol's fan view: Coach Orgeron That makes me wonder how well Coach O will be able to recruit in the SEC. Throw in Kiffin's inexperience in this part of the country ... It's not looking pleasant for UT on paper. As for Kiffin: Ouch. And he forgot to mention Richt at UGA, the Nuttjob at Ole Miss, and Petrino at Arky. IMO, if UT did hire Kiffin, along with Orgeron, they better hope daddy Monte comes along, otherwise UT is looking at a coaching hire that could make their program the second best in the state that plays in the SEC. Now, if UT would to go hire Brian Kelly or Butch Davis, then I would go .
  10. Uh, if he does go to Tenn, he will be wearing "arnge". A pukish creamsicle version in fact.
  11. Insert another #1, and move everything down one: 1. Choosing Jauron as HC.
  12. Apparently the Knoxville Sentinel is reporting Lane Kiffin has agreed in principle to be the new HC for the Vols. Linky Interesting line in the story: I wonder if somebody inside UTenn is just throwing up a smokescreen.
  13. Exactly. Rick Roll'd is essentially the same thing as tricking people into clicking a link to the peter pan goober. Edit: What HopsGuy said.
  14. Ego + Passion => Can drive people to do some crazy unnecessary things.
  15. I would not be surprised if it did. This could very well turn out to be the 14th minute in it's 15 minutes of fame.
  16. Macy's Thanksgiving parade was Rick Rolled by Rick Astley himself. Thanks to Comedy Central. Linky
  17. I have a few Buffalo Chicken Finger Sub from the Orchard Park Deli (if they are still open) Reuben Sausage Royal
  18. since57 But you better hurry: I also found this wallpaper in their download area (actually, it it the only wallpaper available) http://www.zubacreative.com/since57/1024.jpg
  19. Why is that hard to believe? Like I said, it takes nerve to admit you're the f***up. As long is there is an excuse ... er, reason, he feels is beyond his control, he will never properly assess himself. Yes, we will disagree. But I am curious. What makes you believe Jauron is capable of leading this team to the SB? What evidence are you basing your assessment on that Jauron is a good coach? Stuff like that is usually in reference to the other team. The coaches talk about how much better the other team is. That type of talk is done in a different context. Coaches do not want to provide BB material to their upcoming opponent. The phrase I am talking about was in reference to his own team. That's coaching. And if you want another example, go look at the Ravens. That's with a rookie HC and 15 guys on IR. As Kokbills said, MM led this team to the only winning season this decade, and with a legitimate shot at the playoffs. He did it with inferior talent when compared to now. This year, the Bills are in year three of a Jauron rebuild. He was handed a cupcake schedule, especially in the division (Dolphins were putrid, and were starting their own rebuild. Pats* lost Brady for the year, and Mangini the Halfwit was still coaching the Jets. Essentially putting the division up for grabs) Meanwhile, the Bills had their magic QB of the future, and were going to get all those players on IR back. So hows that working out? We can practically forget about winning the division. A wild card spot is more likely, but even then, the Bills are on the outside looking in. There is a developing concern the Bills might not even be able to produce at least 9 wins. And the Jauron supporters are claiming the Bills still do not have enough talent or the right personnel to run his system. This despite Jauron is the one responsible for the talent the Bills do have, and that he has had three whole off seasons to get the players he needs for his system. I say enough. The Falcons are playing better ball than the Bills, and they have a rookie HC, with a rookie QB, and a RB that gets to start for the first time in his career.
  20. The problem is not how much he has to change, the problem is admitting he has to change. And we are talking about a coach who said it was hard to win a game in the NFL. That statement should have sent a cold shiver down every fans back. I do not care how true that is, that's an excuse, and not a plan to find a solution. 31 other teams have the same exact problem, and you do not hear them talking about how "hard" it is. And that is part of the mentality that needs to change. He has to be willing to except blame. Until he can do that, he will never understand he is the root of the problem. I do not agree with that assessment. Even good players can underachieve with the "right" coaching.
  21. You do realize Coughlin admitted he had to change himself? These type of transformations are a rare occurrence in the NFL. It takes real commitment to look in the mirror and say to yourself, "The problem with this team is not the players, it's not the scheme, it's not the assistant coaches. The problem is me. The problem is my philosophy and my style. I need to change those." Switzer was handed a team loaded with talent and had already won 2 SB, and the assistant coaching staff to go with it. Jauron would have taken over the same team, and would have screwed it up.
  22. Lets see: Trent played well in the SD and KC games After the Cleveland game, Trent ADMITTED being confused by defenses he had not prepared for a simplified offensive game plan which probably helped him deal with said confusion But, you are still not quite sure just how much of that concussion is affecting him? You just keep hanging on to that. That way when he plays lousy again, you have got your built in excuse already to go. IMHO, what's wrong with just admitting he is a second year QB going through second year growing pains. Nothing more. No concussions, no stubbed toe, no athlete's foot, etc ... He's struggling because defenses are starting to dial him in. That's what defenses do. And they are professionals, just like Trent. In fact, the majority of them probably have been doing this 'football' thing longer than Trent has. As for your second part, you do realize and remember after last year, Trent earned the nickname of 'Commander Checkdown'? He was being compared to Kelly Holcomb. So how does a player who is noted for checking down in his short career all of a sudden is "not playing normally" when he's checking down? Saying Jauron is not one of the better game day coaches is wrong. Jauron is a lousy game day coach. Secondly, when two news guys are saying the Bills have not confirmed the extension signing, you might want to rethink saying Jauron does have the extension. Personally, I find that a bit odd. If the Bills did extend Jauron contract, why not come out and admit it? Thirdly, do not kid yourself if you think Jauron will give up his control over personnel. Either learn to live with his decision, or can his ass. IMO, can his ass.
  23. I am waiting for the other classic: one good game against a really crappy team nullifies the sh-- performance displayed in the 4 previous games
  24. He plays this position called "Tight End". The Bills coaching staff have no clue what that position actually does.
  25. What? You do not like Dick's "enthusiasm"? Dick: Well men, looks like we are in pretty tight spot. But you know, this is not as bad you think. We are .500, that must mean there has to be teams below us, right? And if we can find someway to win the next 6, we are right back in it. I know that's tough, because it is hard to win in the NFL. Player: If we win the next 6, do we take the division? Dick: Even if we do win the next 6, we might not win the division, but that's okay. We might get a wild card spot. Player: So, we will be in the playoffs if we win the remaining 6? Dick: Now, I did say 'might', and not 'will'. I do not want to get you guys hopes up, and then we fail to get a playoff spot. Then you guys would hate me, and I cannot have that. It would hurt my feelings. Here's what I interpret: Game plan adjustments? During the year? Who does that? Why would anybody do that? It's all about constant and execution. You keep doing the same things over and over and over, and eventually there will be a different result. Trust me. I know. I have been a HC in this league for nearly 8 years. I must be doing something right, otherwise I would not be working.
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