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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Uh, no. Ralph is about money. Ralph will be more concerned about the loss of season ticket renewals than some piece of paper with tens of thousands of names on it.
  2. I am not trying to beat anybody. I have never liked the guy. When the Bills hired Jauron, I became unglued. I do not think I posted my tirade here, but I did post it online somewhere. And I can tell you with all honesty, it wasn't pretty. As for Marv going senile, I cannot tell you for sure. I thought Marv hired DJ because Marv was 'comfortable' with him. Marv had known DJ from their Chicago days, and I believe DJ shares some basic philosophies with ML. As much as I hate to admit it, Levy had no clue how to hire a HC.
  3. Forgot the sarcasm tag. FYI: I see you are fairly new to posting. You should have done some lurking before hand. If you did, you would have seen I am one of the biggest Anti-Jauron people on this board. I cannot stand the mother . Never have, never will.
  4. Obviously it's not the coaches fault. Everything would have been fine if the players had executed. Just more proof we do not have enough talent yet. But the Bills are young.
  5. I have already said it was Orchard Park and their elitist attitude. Who do they think they are with their Orchard Park Quakers State HS Champs BS?
  6. Oh, yes, you are right about that. I completely forgot about the meeting to discuss forming the panel. But that meeting needs to be voted on by the board. And the only way to get the board to vote on a meeting requires the activity panel to file a petition of vote to the board sub-committee who decides if the matter needs to be brought before the board's vote committee which in turn decides what actions the board votes on. So who wants to be on the activity panel?
  7. Actually, it is a committee looking at forming a committee to look at starting a petition to create a petition to start a petition.
  8. Problem is, some of us have been right about Jauron the day he was fired by Chicago. We were mortified the Bills actually hired the schmuck, and chose to keep our mouths shut in the desperate hope he would change his ways.
  9. You got to have patience guys. I'm telling you, Jauron just needs another 3, 4, 5, 6 years.
  10. I don't know about that. Based on your scenario, I could see the Bills beating the Dolphins 6-0, the Jets 3-2, and finding a way to lose to the Patriots.
  11. Do you mean to tell me the Bills staff just wheels out his mummified corpse, and stands him upright for the games? Wait ... that actually explains a lot ...
  12. Make it a public stoning by the fans. That way, the fans can release their frustration.
  13. I get what you are saying, but I wonder why the Bills will not even give a 'yea' or 'nay'? Do they consider even answering a yes/no question falls under 'discuss'?
  14. I think he was trying to attack the opposing D, and that's why he pulled Trent. I think he was hoping JP would chuck the ball down field more.
  15. In no particular order, as they all bear the same amount of blame: Coaching - brutal play calling, more wasted time outs, etc .. Lindell - you have to make those QB - QB play was terrible.
  16. Nope. I was referring to TheChimps request for a new team. If that happens, I would prefer an open air stadium.
  17. Just NO to the Dome! Real football is played in real weather.
  18. Link? While I do believe it is true, a couple of Buffalo snooze people have stated the reported signed extension has never been confirmed by the Bills organization. I was curious to actually read the article.
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