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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. That is so wrong. That is very difference between good and bad coaches. Good coaches are able to get the players to believe in the system, and go out on the field to give their all. When players stop buying into the system, and just start going through the motions, that is a sure sign the coaches have lost the team. The coaching staff is toast. Again, good coaches inspire players to exceed their expectations, and to raise their level of play.
  2. Replacing "expensive washed up cancerous scrubs" with under performing and/or overpaid free agents and rookies is not improving the team. Replacing "old crap" with "new crap" is still CRAP. Horsecrap. Pure, unfiltered horse manure. I could care less when you said the Dolphins were a dangerous team, you completely do not get the concept they are a dangerous team WITHIN 1 YEAR after they pushed the reset button. Even if Atlanta is the hiccup, what does that make Baltimore? And Washington? And how do explain Eric "Half Wit" Mangini leading the division, and in position for a second playoff appearance? You are so caught up in "excuse" making you cannot see the big picture. Here is the big picture for you: There are teams in the NFL doing just as good or better than Bills with less experience, less talent, and/or in less time. HOF "caliber" coach is a coach that knows how to win and win consistently. Otherwise, they would not be a HOF "caliber" coach. Therefore: HOF "caliber" coach = winning (or winner if you prefer) coach. Suffice it to say, a coach that can only generate one winning season out of 7 (and now possibly 8) does NOT fall under this category. So, yes. I am greedy. I am needy. I want a HOF "caliber" coach (winning). I want my team to win this year. I want them to win next year, the year after that, and the year after that, etc ... Meanwhile, you think 1 winning season out of 7(8) is sufficient. You are defending it to the end. You got what you wanted. Just think. The Bills could conceivably end up 6-10. You must be overjoyed.
  3. Why not? What evidence do you have that dictates otherwise? Are you fugging kidding me?! Unlike you, I want a winner. I just cannot settle for mediocre. If that's being "needy", than I'm needy. No wonder you are willing to stick up for Jauron. You are quite happy accepting failure. You got your wish. I hope you enjoy the hell out of it.
  4. Britney Spears during an interview in 2003 was asked for her opinion regarding the war on terrorism. Her response, to paraphrase, "We should just trust the president." You are right. We should never question or demand accountability from anybody or anything. We should just shut up, sit down, and bury our heads in the sand with the blissful ignorance that everything will be alright as long as we do not question. Where do I sign up to be so stupid?
  5. And in their fifth year, Jauron went 7-9, for a second consecutive losing season, and was released, fired, kicked off the Chicago Bears. Fisher went 13-3, and went to the SB. So, both coaches, in the first 5 years as being a HC: Jauron went 35-45, and one playoff appearance where he was spanked. During that time, he produced 4 out of 5 losing seasons. Fisher went 44-36 with a SB appearance. During his time, he produced ONE losing record, 3 break evens, and 1 winning record. Jauron MAY have a knack for inheriting crap, but it has become obvious he only has the ability to add to it.
  6. That's what makes the SF game so absolutely frustrating. Lynch was tearing it up, and somehow he's not getting carries down near the goal line? 16 plays in the red zone, Lynch ran the ball 3 times. Each time was on first down. One time per red zone trip. I do not get it. The Bills best player for the day, and they stop giving him the ball.
  7. And like you don't. I like how you choose to just ignore Jauron's time in Chicago, and try to pass it off as "we do not know enough to speak wisely about". Are we to assume you know enough of the early part of Fisher's career to speak wisely about it, and to make the comparison to Jauron?
  8. And went to the SB in his fifth. At the end of Jauron's fifth year, he was being kicked out of Chicago.
  9. The same Jim Mora that said he would quit on his team before the year was up to take the job as HC at his college alma mater? Yeah, sign him up.
  10. Hang on a sec. Earlier you had a problem with Tenn hiring Kiffin. Do I sense a change in attitude?
  11. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Jauron supporters make this same BS assumption, and state it as fact. The only difference is they try to blame everybody and everything else for his failures. There is no evidence that can support your claim of Jauron being like the other 85%. If you have such evidence, present it. Otherwise, accept the real facts he sucks. It's not that his capable up to a certain point, and we need to change to get beyond that point, the reality is he just sucks.
  12. No. The 49ers are really that bad. We just happen to be worse than they are. Yep! That half wit "fraud" is leading the division, and is in position for a second playoff appearance. Meanwhile, Bills fans are coming up with half baked delusional theories on trying to reach our first playoff appearance under Jauron. We cannot even beat the Browns and 49ers in our house, and you expect to fly out to Denver and beat the Broncos in Mile High? Stop it! You are killing me. The other part of the delusion continues. Not only are the Dolphins, Jets, and Patriots going to collapse, but so are the Ravens. Franchises that win on an annual basis do NOT allow games the Browns and 49ers to happen. If by chance one does, they make damn sure it does not repeat a second time. The seed for this year has been sown. Fire Jauron at the end of the season, and air out the locker room so the players will longer suffer through the stench of Jauron.
  13. This is a tired argument. I hate to break it to you, but even professional football players need motivation beyond money. Otherwise, they would do just enough to keep their job, and no more. It takes a real leader to inspire people to reach new levels. Even Coughlin admitted he had to change his ways. He may never win the coaches popularity contest, but he knows how to get the most out of his players.
  14. You are wasting your time. If Ralph does pull the plug, it will not be until the end of the season.
  15. Lynch ran 16 times for 134 yards in the game. It was obvious he was the best O weapon today. Of the 4 trips inside the SF red zone (and there was 4), Lynch ran the ball 3 times out of the 16 plays called (not counting attempted FG). Each time was on first down. That's it. Seems to me, they would keep feeding the ball to their best player. Why were they even attempting to pass? The running game was working. You even said so. So why deviate from what was working?
  16. 1-7-SF 7 (8:23) (Shotgun) 22-F.Jackson left guard to SF 2 for 5 yards (32-M.Lewis, 52-P.Willis). 3-1-SF 6 (10:49) 22-F.Jackson left guard to SF 7 for -1 yards (94-J.Smith). That's 2 plays near the goal line, unless of course, you think the 6 and 7 yard line are NOT near the goal line. You never said squat about the passing plays. Why did the QB call those timeouts? Problem with the plays getting in on time? That's ok. You are one of the last holdouts. It will come in time.
  17. How many time outs were wasted this week? Why was Jackson running ball down near the goal line when Lynch was tearing the 49ers to pieces? Why were they even attempting to pass down near the goal line? That's okay. I can count on you to keep providing the 'excuses' why Jauron and staff are still unable to provide a winning record.
  18. Do not bank on that. Extension be damned. Ralph will find it difficult to pay for that extension when the stadium is only half full. Injuries should have never been the excuse for last year. Period. It was a cop out by the apologists trying to explain why Jauron, yet again, was unable to achieve a winning record. When I see the Ravens this year with a rookie HC and 15 players on IR still inthe driver's seat for a playoff spot, the injury 'excuse' was complete and utter BS Wow. 4 games left, and you think they can win 3? Who? The Dolphins are possible. The Jets are going to beat us, the Broncos are going to beat us, and so will the Pats. See #14. Address that problem first, and watch #15 become a non-factor. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Unless things turn around dramatically, 2009 could be the start of a new era.
  19. You mean to tell us it really is Jauron's fault for some of the crappy play calling? Who would have thunk it!
  20. You said yourself, you are willing to sign the petition numerous times under different names. Unless it's a contract, names on a piece of paper probably will not motivate Wilson to do anything.
  21. Yes they can. With all due respect to our Australian brethren, the Prime Minister, and the State Premier, the organization is U.S. based, any application outside of the U.S. is considered "Ferren". They will need to file a petition of application to the intake panel. If approved, they will be required to file an application to the application committee (please include 4 forms of picture ID with the application) for approval. If they do not have 4 forms of picture ID, then they will need to file a petition to the intake panel requesting formal dispensation of identification. The intake panel will need to file a 'Ferren' petition to the board sub-committee to see if they will allow the vote committee to allow the board to vote on it.
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