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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. That's an interesting concept. What's even more interesting is when that concept is applied to Jauron. He has 1 winning record out of 7 (8) years. At what point are you willing to admit that one winning season was the exception, and not the rule? Let's look at the first part of your post. Let's assume what you say is correct, and the team makes the playoffs despite Jauron's idiotic coaching. Do you fire him then? He is a terrible coach, right? How many Jauron apologists will be frothing at the mouth claiming vindication and starting An Apology Thread for Dick Jauron? What about the following year when he tanks the team again? Do we give him another 4 years? I hate to break it you. Even good talented players cannot overcome bad coaching in the playoffs (see Schottenheimer).
  2. I noticed you used the word "young" or some variation of it about 4 times. You got some kind of fetish?
  3. 'Ole Trent has been lighting it up, hasn't he? Should have never come down to bad breaks ... Dick claims he plays every game like his job is on the line. He must really hate his job. Sorry, you started it.
  4. Tommy Tuberville officially resigned as HC of the Auburn Tigers Linky Poking around some of the AU Tiger boards, one small interesting rumor caught my attention: Tuberville to MSU That makes two SEC West schools looking for a coach.
  5. Jauron may not be "destroying the team", but he is sure as hell strangling the out it.
  6. You can forget about them drafting a QB. Do not be surprised if it's a LB.
  7. Not a single solitary item. I never said you did. You claimed you had no other choice: I offered some choices. Don't stay here and throw a pissy party. Don't stay here and read other peoples "negative" views. Go to another board. Start your own.
  8. I haven't bought tickets nor merchandise since Jauron has been hired. Thanks for playing! And if you do not like what you are reading here, feel free to go to another board, or better yet, go start your own. That way, you can be the moderator, and only allow people who think just like you! Hooray! We are 7-9! Excellent! Hooray! We are 7-9 again! Consistency! Boy, am I ever glad we hired the "Dick"! Hooray! We are 6-6! Stay the course boys! We want consistency! 7-9 here we come! Hooray! Looks like another three more years!
  9. Dibs is the one seeming to claim the Bills have better talent now when compared to 2005. I am just trying to get him to verify that is his position.
  10. One option is to do what you do, shove your head in the snow, and gleefully accept what ever is delivered via the alternate entrance.
  11. So to clarify, you are not basing your statement "the team is better" on a W-L record, but on the perception the players individually are better? And the reason the Bills have not achieved a better W-L (this season yet to be determined) could be based on the perception Dick doesn't have a clue how to utilize said talent?
  12. Unfortunately, yes. Some people are so desperate for success, any success, they will gladly accept a failure because they found something positive about it. But what do I know. I am just a needy, greedy Bills fans wanting a "HOF caliber coach".
  13. Why worry. Pack your shorts and suntan lotion. And when you arrive, if it's cold and snowy, look on the bright side, it's not your fault you brought shorts.
  14. It's already been established you want the Bills to lose. As far as you are concerned, the Bills are on course. Me, I'm just a greedy, needy Bills fan wanting a "HOF caliber coach".
  15. We do? At present, the Bills are 6-6 with the real possibility of losing the next 4 games. That means the Bills could end up with a 6-10 record. Since the season isn't over yet, let's assume the Bills do lose the next 4. Would you still be willing to say the Bills are better?
  16. I'd rather be a NY Jet fan than be a Dolphins fan! (my understanding is, a lot of Dolphin fans HATE the Jets fans)
  17. Typical "needy" Bills fan. What do you know.
  18. The Bills are exactly where he wants them to be - mediocre to crappy. He thinks the fans of the Bills are "needy" for wanting a "HOF caliber coach".
  19. Last time I checked, the Chicago Bears and the Buffalo Bills are two different franchises. Both were in operation from 1999-2003, and both still are in operation starting in 2006.
  20. Okay. Let me rephrase that: I think believe a big chunk of our problems are caused by him (Jauron), either directly or indirectly. Your argument would be more valid if the Bills were the first team Jauron has coached. It's not. He achieved similar results on a completely different team.
  21. Nope. But I think a big chunk of our problems are caused by him, either directly or indirectly.
  22. Assuming some wild chance Gruden did come to Buffalo, Monte would not follow. It is being heavily rumored Monte plans on going to UTenn with his son.
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