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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. This reminds me of the Steve Spurrier days at Florida. Remember the QB's he created that were drafted in his "Fun 'N Gun". How did all those QB's work?
  2. Some interesting note in that article: Gill interviewed for the Syracuse job last week. Both Paul Johnson and Jimbo Fisher are the leading candidates. IMO, Paul Johnson is a reach. I do not think he will jump from the GT ship that quick.
  3. The XFL folded because it was bad. My wife, with no clue on who ran the XFL, watched about 15 minutes of a game with me, and made the comment "If i wanted to watch wrestling, I would watch wrestling, not this." That's when it really hit me. The XFL tried to take the focus off the game, and put it on the individuals (characters) just like modern professional wrestling. It was doomed from the start.
  4. Regarding our disagreeing quite a bit in the future, would you mind if I took a different approach? We wish the same thing, but like all fans, we disagree on the path and steps to get there. At present, we see things differently. Next year, we may see things exactly the same. When we disagree, yes, let's keep it from getting personal, and respect the others position. When we agree, let us enjoy the camaraderie, as fans, it brings.
  5. Congrats to the fans of the Florida Tebows ... er, Gators. Leave no doubt in the NC game.
  6. That's NOT an Atlanta Braves "A" logo, that's the "A" logo for the University of Alabama Crimson Tide!!! Here, compare the "A" to official Alabama athletic site: Roll Tide My apologies to Big Bad Boone and the rest of TSW.
  7. Interesting enough, I have been checking out some of the Auburn boards, and Gill is getting some llllloooovvvviiinnngg .... An injustice! Auburn would regret for many years. Question: How do you regret not having something when you never had it to begin with?
  8. Yeah, nothing like downloading and viewing underage girls, right? Where do you live again?
  9. Tebow = 'new' flavor of the week. Maybe a Florida fan can correct me: IIRC, Tebow has played in an option offense since high school. Out of the 800+ snaps he has taken, he has lined up under center only 17 times. In fact, he prefers to line up in the shotgun. So unless an NFL team is planning on running the spread option, Tebow is looking at one hell of a learning curve.
  10. Sorry. The way it was written I interpreted it to mean "his dream was to play in the playoffs for an NFL team", which he had done before, twice. I did not realize you were referring to "as the starter from the start of the year".
  11. I'm not a dick. I am a cynic. The dick is the HC of the Bills. I already agreed Flutie got screwed. I also like how everybody automatically assumes if Flutie played that game, the Bills were playing in the SB. I 'rag' on Flutie for a number of reasons. *I hate to break it you, Flutie wasn't a great QB. *Flutie was so self centered, he had no problem causing a division in the locker room if it meant he got to play. *I forgot. He also had no problem throwing teammates under the bus to escape criticism.
  12. I understand why you Like Jauron now. Both Flutie and Jauron are similar. Nice guys, easy to root for, neither one is a long term winner ....
  13. I don't have to long for it. Isn't that what the Bills are averaging now?
  14. You do realize he already lived that dream? Twice before that incident ever took place. Not to say he did not get screwed, but let us not rewrite history and make it more dramatic.
  15. If that is a quote from Wilson, Jauron's days are numbered. The older Wilson has got, the less forgiving he has become. IMO, if Jauron wants to stay employed, he will need the team to finish at least 8-8, be ready to sacrifice some assistant coaches, and do some heavy a$$ kissing.
  16. No. One good game does not over shadow numerous bad ones. Just like one good year does not overshadow 7 bad ones.
  17. But what of his days in Chicago? The owners there loved Jauron, and went to bat for him when Angelo told them he was going to fire Jauron.
  18. Actually, from some of the things I read, the AD asked Tubby 3 times to reconsider. I think Tubby realized his days were numbered anyway with the way he handled the whole Tony Franklin fiasco. He decided to get out while he still had his reputation and legacy.
  19. Unless you know something I do not, Ole Miss is not even a factor in the equation. I am curious. Other than the way Tubby left Ole Miss, what makes you think that loss would carry that much weight?
  20. Not by a long shot. There is no "one" thing that forced Tubby to resign, but the final straw was the 36-0 beating Bama cheerfully handed out to the 'Wah Ig-guls'.
  21. Civility means you do not move into your new home and immediately start insulting the neighbors. If you do not like what the neighbors are saying, do not move in.
  22. No doubt. But Tubby was his own worst enemy. He remained steadfastly loyal to his BBQ gang, and that loyalty extracted a price every year.
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