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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Go. And more importantly, take Dick with you. Please, for the love of God, and all that is humane, FIRE THE DICK.
  2. Coulda, shoulda, woulda, ... if, if, if ... If I had played the Lotto, I would have won.
  3. I understand this is hard for the Jauron apologist to grasp: It is possible for coaching to be the sole reason a team sucks. Bad coaches have the ability to lead good players to poor/mediocre results. Ah yes. The Belichick example. When all else fails, compare the crappy coach to a good coach in attempt to prove that coaching does not matter, and it's all about the players. Like Sisyphean Bills has said before: "Jauron is just a victim of venomous fate."
  4. And every single one of those guys defined themselves by their 8th year. Jauron is no exception. He has defined himself what he is. A LOSER. End the abortion NOW.
  5. Yes we do. A Loser. 1 winning season in 8. Enough said. End the abortion NOW.
  6. Oh, come on. What would happen? Hurt their feelings? The players are highly paid professionals playing a game. I want to see a real coach motivate this team. A coach that will instill the fear of accountability. Every player, and I do mean every player (that includes pretty boy Edwards, Lynch, Poz, etc..) is expendable, and can be replaced. If they cannot or will not do what it takes to play every game with intensity for the full 60 minutes, they are gone. No questions, no compromises. Bye.
  7. This is Dick "Kotite" Jauron's EIGHTH year as a head coach. He has produced 1 winning season out of 8. He has not been able to generate a winning record against the better teams in the league his entire head coaching career. Enough is enough. End the abortion NOW.
  8. I would not be looking at those 6 wins against Bama as evidence of his "big game capabilities". During Tubby's 10 year tenure, Bama had 5 different head coaches and was dealing with a 5 year NCAA probation that included three years of reduced scholarships.
  9. No, the all cap cutting did NOT already take place. Go back and look at the date of the first article: 12/31/2000. Even that blurb of the article talks about how the Bills will have to let players go. Does that sound like all cap cutting is done? IIRC, after the 2000 season, the Bills were projected to be OVER the cap limit for the 2001 season based on the then present contracts. By the end of 2000, Butler was handing the keys to Wilson and was looking to board the plane to San Diego. As Ramius pointed out, TD had to go in and clean up Butler's mess. And that mess was huge. As for the June 1 date, IMO, you are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. If TD cuts players before June 1, the entire remaining signing bonus hits the 2001 cap. By cutting the player after June 1, only 1 year of the bonus impacted the 2001 salary cap, with the rest coming due in 2002. If you thought the 2001 team was bad, the team would have been worse if he had cut everybody before June 1.
  10. What is with the revising of history? All three articles were pulled from the Buffalo News archives. Note the dates on every one. All were before TD arrived. (TD was hired in early 2001, IIRC) The salary cap problem was real.
  11. They suck. Let's keep them. Already setting up the excuse for next year. How many more years is it going to take to convince you? How many excuse can you come up with to cover up the incompetent head coaching? What credentials does 'Kotite' Jauron posses that makes you believe he is capable of making the playoffs? Why do you continue to accept a proven head coaching failure to lead your team?
  12. As BuffaloBaumer said: "Make it stop..." Stop with all the excuses. Are there fans really willing to buy into the "no talent" excuse again? 8 frigging years, 1 frigging winning season. Enough of Kotite version 2. I swear. "Kotite" Jauron is like the JP Losman of head coaches. No matter how many times he fails, people still believe if given the right circumstances, he will eventually succeed. The dude sucks. Period. End of story. End the abortion NOW.
  13. Why not? Is not 8 years proof enough? How many more years do you need? 2? 3? 5? Let's stay with the incompetent head coach, but we can "fix" him by making him hire good coordinators. I got a better idea. If the Bills are going to fire the coordinators, why not take it one more step and fire the incompetent head coach? One winning season in 8 says yes. The inability to win against the better teams in the league during his entire head coaching career says yes. That's like arguing we had the best team during the preseason. Or on paper.
  14. Then what's the freaking point of keeping him? If you can admit NOW Jauron is incapable of leading this team anywhere in the future, all you are doing is delaying the inevitable and wasting time hoping for something that will never happen. The coaching staff is stupid and incompetent, and incapable of developing young talent. But let's keep them anyways because it may have a negative influence on the players if we get rid of the bad coaches. This says: "I'll choose to stay with the known incompetence, because I am afraid of the unknown." What, you mean like a philosophy of winning? Yeah, that would be terrible for the young guys. It's better to stick with the philosophy of underachieving that only a Dick can deliver. And we have seen over and over that sticking with a consistent loser only leads to more losing, never winning. Time to end the Dick "Kotite" Jauron era.
  15. The problem with your argument is your "time frame". You are trying to tie Jauron's 3 years in Buffalo to the other coaches first 4 overall years. Or to put it another way: This is Jauron's 8th year as a HC. 8th, not 4th. Landry's first 5 years were all losing seasons. He broke even in his sixth, and produced two consecutive winning seasons by his 8th. BB won his first SB by his 7th yr, and was leading the Pats* to a second consecutive winning season. Noll had won 2 SB, and was producing his 5th consecutive winning season. Meanwhile, Jauron still has yet to prove he is capable of leading a team to consecutive winning seasons. Forget playoffs. Now you want to give Jauron 3 more years (I guess the first 8 wasn't proof enough) just to make the playoffs, because you are convinced a new HC will be incapable of doing that. I do not buy that argument. There is no proof a new HC will or will not make the playoffs with this team. However, giving Jauron 3 more years to prove he is a loser is only delaying the inevitable. I'll take my chances with a new guy.
  16. Oooh, I forgot about Nutt. I believe the same "booster" contacted Petrino, only to find out Petrino has a "poison pill" clause in his contract. Petrino belongs to Arky for the next 4 years.
  17. That's debatable. In the 10 years he was there, Tubby was only able to manage 2 trips to the SEC CG, winning just 1 of them. Not exactly an achievement that screams "big game coach capable".
  18. Honestly, considering what happened at Auburn 15-20 years ago, I cannot say race did NOT have some sway in their decision. However, speculation and rumors began oozing out after the Chizik announcement that the reasons he was chosen: a) already had a history at Auburn b) was the only coach they talked to that would allow the AD to have final say on the coaching staff. If 'b' is true, Lowder hit the mother load.
  19. I am well aware of who Lowder is and what he has done. And if IIRC, Auburn is "stuck" with him until 2012(?).
  20. Looking at the boards, there seemed to be big support for Turner Gill. One of the boards even had a "button" of Gill dressed up in those ugly as sin Auburn colors. But you are right. The same fans seem to think Lowder and the good ol' boys were never going to put with a black HC. On the other hand, the same fans are convinced Auburn is a top 15 school / program, and that Gill refused the Syracuse job just so he could take the Auburn job (if offered). They are now sorry for Gill because Auburn "jerked" him around.
  21. Rivals is reporting Chizik is new HC for AU. Linky Auburn fans are coming unglued. But what other choice did the school have: Spurrier said he was not interested. So did Mushcamp, Grobe, Patterson, Dooley, and Leach. My personal opinion:
  22. ESPN reporting Miss St has hired Florida Offensive coordinator Dan Mullen. Linky
  23. I hope Donte understands there are 32 teams, and HE does not have to be a Bills player.
  24. Just wait! He needs more time. He hasn't got his players. He delegates his authority to to his coordinators. What ever the problem is, rest assured IT IS NOT HIS FAULT.
  25. In February 2006, Sherman was hired by the Houstan Texans to be assistant head coach/offense coach. In January 2007, Sherman was promoted to OC of the The Houston Texans, and still remained an assistant HC. In November 2007, Sherman accepted the job as head coach of the Texas A & M Aggies. So now we know you were wrong about Sherman, I suppose you can tell us how many teams had interviewed or were interested in interviewing Dick Jauron after the Lions cut him loose? I'll give you a clue. It is less than 2.
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