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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I think it's pretty obvious nobody is willing to pay him what he thinks hes worth. Teams are not lined up around the corner for his services. I also think he now realizes it. He would have to be an idiot not to realize it. Just do not be surprised when Coles signs with another team, and we later find out the deal he signed was similar to the one the Bills offered. I do not care how those teams did in the playoffs. The big picture is being missed. Those teams made the playoffs. Football is a team game. The same youth that cost them a playoff game is the same youth that got them there. You can spin it and say they had experienced QBs, but it was the same experienced QBs in the playoffs. And how you account for the Falcons and the Ravens both making the playoffs with rookie QBs?
  2. Beebe was quick, just not as quick as Roscoe is (as you said, Roscoe is "amazingly" quick). Beebe reportedly ran a 40 in 4.21. You do not run it that fast by being slow off the line. (FWIW, SI.com listed RP running a 40 in 4.4).
  3. Coles has little to no desire to play in Buffalo. That should be obvious by now. He will either end up going to the Bengals or the Vikes. Tendering Jackson that BS sum of cash is a smart move. I have no doubts that Jackson will get a better deal from the Bills before the start of TC. Peters has been offered a contract. As for being too damn young, that is a BS excuse thrown out by the Jauron apologists in attempt to cover up his horrendous coaching. This past season, two teams younger than the Bills made the playoffs, one of them being the Dolphins.
  4. Take a number and get in line. You are number 125,258,589,986
  5. Roscoe Parrish = Don Beebe v2.5 Both are/were quick Both are/were fast Both are/were dangerous in the open field w/ the ball and returning kicks Both are/were nothing more than a 3rd or 4th string WR If the Bills got a viable #2 WR, RP numbers would improve, but nowhere near what some people are expecting.
  6. This is a pretty funny statement coming from one of the biggest Jauron apologists on this board. I wonder what "reason" you will offer next year as to why this "proven capable" HC was unable to produce a winning record yet again.
  7. Trent made that statement during an interview with Mike Francesa from WFAN on January 30th, 2009. Original thread concerning the interview: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=82426 Link in OP to recorded interview is still valid. But here it is anyway: http://www.wfan.com/pages/744503.php Search page for "Trent Edwards", and listen to it. Note in the beginning, TE admits he is a Dodger fan, and is too critical of them. He also says that comes with the territory of being a "fan". Towards the end of the interview, Trent clearly states what Sisyphean Bills essentially said.
  8. I especially liked the part near the beginning of interview where Trent admitted he was a Dodger fan, and he admitted was too critical of them (the Dodgers). Trent was a Stanford man. Does he even understand the concept of "hypocrite"?
  9. See! Let's make it happen. The "Dick" will not be denied.
  10. Numbers 1 and 4 are all that matter. The rest is just "fluff". I have always said, the Bills are 1 of only 32 teams in the NFL. No matter how bad they get, they will always attract players. If there are 31 teams that will not take on a player, but the 32nd team will, the player will go if he wants to play bad enough.
  11. Because he will be playing for the "Dick"! According to another thread, all players want to play for the "Dick". The "Dick's" ability to attract free agents cannot be ignored. Rogers will come and will immediately be motivated by the "Dick" way, Shaun will toe the line, and will run through walls for our beloved HC.
  12. Good coaches always look for ways to win, regardless of the QB. They do not need a "good" QB to make up for their mistakes. Average coaches need a good QB to be successful. Bad coaches will rarely be successful regardless of their QB. Great. You have shown correlation. You still have not shown causation. If this is your attempt @ causation, keep grasping: * Browns game - making the statement that the game would have been a blowout if the ints were NOT thrown is paper thin. It is on par with the statement "If I had played the Lotto last night, I would have won." It a paper thin argument because there is no way to prove your statement. Even if the passes were not picked, there is no proof the WR would have caught the ball, or that the Bills would not have still ended up punting the ball a few plays later. Following your logic, I can just as easily say "If Jauron had called passing plays on the last drive instead of running the ball, the Bills would have won the game." As for the rest of your examples, the same concepts apply. You cannot provide any proof the games outcomes would have been different if the outcome of the plays would have been different. So the problem is not the coaches, the problem is the 53 players on the team? Jauron is a smart coach - why? Because he graduated from an Ivy league school? How does that qualify him being a smart football coach? 1. Those that blame Jauron realize he is the BIGGEST problem. 2. Jauron is NOT a proven, capable coach. Again, I ask, where is the proof that substantiates that claim. If anything, Jaron is a proven loser of a coach. His record and body of work speaks for itself. 3. How come Trent gets only three years (no more excuses), but the proven loser (1 winning season out of 8) is allowed more time?
  13. You said basically the same thing last year. You keep telling yourself that. Because you are always willing to blame something else.
  14. There is a connection between the above and the following ... Maybe if it was reversed ...
  15. Why? Are you trying to sell the one you foolishly bought last year? I'm sure you can offer proof the decision did NOT come from DJ? Why is it every bad decision that surrounds DJ is NEVER his fault? Why can't you believe DJ really is that stupid as a HC? What part of 1 winning season out of 8 don't you get? Last off season, you were trying to sell the upcoming season as "the season", because Jauron finally got "his" QB. Now, this upcoming season is going to be "the season" because his QB is entering his 3rd year. When DJ fails again this year, are you going to claim the decision to start TE did NOT originate from DJ?
  16. It only took DJ 8 years (as a HC) to figure out his game and time management abilities suck. It should take another 8 years for him to figure out how to correct it. Gotta have patience. It's all about the continuity.
  17. I disagree. GW first year team was severely hampered by salary cap constraints. And under Mularkey, the Bills have produced their only season this decade. Three years of Jauron, and the only thing to show for it is "excuses" of why he was unable to produce a winner. Nobody has yet to prove Jauron is even capable of being able to produce a winner. This is true. I also realize they are not going to change their minds now. That still does not mean I have to like the decision, nor does it mean I should start drinking the yellow colored "Kool-Aid" just because some people want to believe it tastes just like "Lemonade with a twist". What proof do you have Jauron can succeed with a "good team"? How do you know the Bills are NOT a "good" team? After watching the Bills the past two years, how can you NOT determine coaching is having a serious negative impact on this team? What has he done over the past few years that were good?
  18. By their 8th years, both Cowher and Fisher had made an appearance in the SB, and produced multiple winning seasons. After 8 years, Dick "Numb Nuts" Jauron is still trying to prove his only winning season wasn't a fluke. Actually, it is well established DJ has significant control over the personnel decisions. Three years later, this team still has little talent, and somehow it's not the fault of the guy who has control over personnel.
  19. This is where you are wrong. I do NOT want the Bills to crap out. Apparently, YOU DO. You got exactly what you wanted. The Bills retained a proven loser of a HC. You should be elated. Did you jump for joy, pump your fist, and scream "Go Bills!!" when you heard the Bills were keeping DJ? I bet you did. It's all about the continuity. Screw results. Who was the moron that named McNown, a rookie QB, his starter, even though the player was not even signed yet? But continue making excuses for the moron.
  20. You Jauron apologists still do not get it. It will not matter how much talent the Bills acquire, it will never be enough to overcome the piss poor coaching. It's like trying to pound a square peg through a round hole. And when it fails, people like you think the way to solve the problem is to get a bigger square peg. Screw changing the hole the peg has to fit through. It's all about continuity, even when the continuity has been proven to be a complete and utter loser.
  21. There is no "magic" coach. Just incompetent and competent ones. Incompetent coaches accept players like Kelsay and Preston. Competent ones do not. The argument of "Nobody in the NFL wants to move to or play in Buffalo" is BS. Buffalo is 1 of 32 opportunities to play in the NFL + a salary cap that makes it impossible for wealthier teams to stockpile players = players and coaches will come to Buffalo. Otherwise, they will not be part of the NFL.
  22. The fact you readily admit your post deals with the RESULT reveals a flaw in your theory. You make a valid correlation between wins/losses and QB production, but your "facts" provide zero causation. Results only tell you what happened, and not how they happened. The biggest reason the Bills are 7-9 the past three seasons is because of DJ. How many times during this past season did you hear/read the comments of players stating they were not properly prepared? How many times during this past season did you watch the Bills coaching staff get out coached by the other team? How many times during this past season did you see the Bills coaching staff looking/acting confused by a given situation? I hate to break the news to you, but those problems are not caused by poor QB play. Those problems cause your QB to play poorly. Get rid of the incompetent DJ, and hire a competent HC. Then watch all the bs problems go away.
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