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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. I would not bet on that. Players like Stroud and Mitchell have come from franchises that were winning. Both have a better concept of what it takes to win in NFL than, say, players like Edwards and Whitner. Edwards and Whitner would remain loyal to DJ only because they have no idea what "better" is. (or as Trent once said. "Dick Jauron is the best Head Coach he is ever had in the NFL.") How many stupid "roll out dump off to the FB" plays will it take before TO is in Stroud's and Mitchell's ears, telling them what a dumbass DJ is?
  2. Looks like you "forgot" to mention they cut loose one of those "top free agents" this past off season, so we are still trying to "fix it". Nor do you mention they were "fixing" their "fix" from the previous off season. And while our biggest need got "fixed", our record still did not improve. Other than Mitchell, name the remaining "key" free agents. I have never doubted his desire to win (because he really does want to win), he just isn't the best decision maker.
  3. There is a downside to every move, and that's the downside to this one. However, if TO helps the Bills get into the playoffs, so be it. I seriously doubt we will see Owens in a Bills uni next year, regardless of the outcome this year. Assuming the Bills make the playoffs, I think I can stomach DJ for another 1-2 years before they cut his ass loose. And if the Bills implode this year like they did last year? At least it will interesting to hear/read what Owens has to say. And that will be immensely better than the prototypical BS Jauron soul sucking "It's hard to win in the NFL" press conferences.
  4. Screw him. Trent is one the guys that needs to stop being coddled by this coaching staff. As bad as JP was (and he was bad), at least he had the cojones to call out the coaching staff. Hopefully, Owens will now do it.
  5. I read the article. The way I perceived it, there is no rumor. Stroud said it. Exactly.
  6. Agreed. Signing TO was a pure desperation move by the FO. However, the attitude he brings into the LR is sorely needed. Owens WILL hold other players (and hopefully, coaches) accountable. There should no more of this crap of "Well, we just didn't execute the way we wanted to" or "Its hard to win in the NFL", etc .... In the end, I love this signing, especially a one year deal.
  7. Apparently you missed the Edwards interview were he said unless you played the position, you had no right to be critical of him (to paraphrase).
  8. And it was the "differences" that caused the outcry. The Bills were not the only team complaining about the Bengals tactics. Part of the Bengals tactics of their "no huddle" was nothing more than a deliberate attempt to generate a cheap "too many players on the field" penalty against the defense.
  9. You are not missing anything. Jim Mora was the HC of Indy when Manning was drafted. I have not read Dungy's book personally, so I have no idea if the poster put Dungy's words into the proper context.
  10. How many turnovers did we get against the Cardinals this past season? Or the Browns? The Dallas game was one of those once in a blue moon type of game.
  11. Cool. Can you start one for the pollyanna sunshine pumpers who are convinced, despite evidence to contrary, that the upcoming year will be THE year (just like the past 3 years were going to be THE year), because no matter what the Bills do or do not due, it always the right move?
  12. A.) I never said sneaking alcohol into a bar was a crime, nor was I trying to imply it. B.) What I was implying seems to be a pattern of repeated "stupidity". Mr. Lynch seems a little "dense" in understanding the concepts of good behavior, or at least putting on the appearance of good behavior. And if cannot come to grips with the "good behavior" concept, the chance of him screwing up again (on something more serious) seems pretty high at this point.
  13. Let's hope. But we are talking about a person who was kicked out of a bar for bringing in his own alcohol. Multiple times. One would think he would have figured he could not do that after the first time.
  14. The Bills moved up from the bottom to average, and they did this with the SECOND easiest schedule last year. With a theoretically stiffer schedule next season, the Bills will need a stronger pass rush just to remain average. Meanwhile, the sad sack offense is still wallowing in the depths of he** with no real expectations of it moving upward.
  15. Great. When Marshawn continues to be Marshawn, he can watch the Bills games from behind bars. Then maybe Marshawn's new "roomamte" will be impressed with "Marshawn being Marshawn".
  16. Well, there is that. I was just replying to the poster who said Poz was a prototypical MLB.
  17. Prototypical? Maybe my eyes have deceived me, but I could have sworn I read an article where this coaching staff was open to the idea of moving Poz to the outside if they acquired another MLB. That doesn't sound prototypical to me. Nor does it sound like the staff is 100% positive Poz can play MLB.
  18. You've got the points, you just need to connect them. It's nothing more than a general consensus or majority vote. Let's look at this way. Let's take three valid arguments: coaching, QB, OL You say QB is the biggest problem. I say coaching is the biggest problem. TSW member "X" says OL is the biggest problem. General consensus among us 3 is the Bills suck because they have not addressed the coaching/QB/OL problem. Scenario: Right after the season, Ralph was fuming about the teams collapse after a 5-1 start. Extension be damned, he cuts loose Jauron and brings in another HC. I am thrilled with the new choice. General consensus: Me: Happy You: Unhappy - still have not addressed the QB problem "X": Unhappy - they do not get it. Until the OL is fixed, nothing will work. Overall: 1 yeah, 2 nay = Bills still suck. So, unless the Bills address the vast majority of the problems impacting this team, the overall general consensus will always be the "Bills suck". Just think, if the Bills would just solve the Owner/GM/HC/QB/OL/TE/WR/DT/DE/"Pass Rush" problem this offseason, the vast majority of us Bills fans would be happy campers. I am not surprised by Coles decision. I had posted in another thread that it was obvious Coles had little to no desire to play in Buffalo, and that I would not surprised to learn his contract is similar to the one Buffalo offered. As it turns out, and without knowing the finer details of the actual offers, Buffalo was willing to pay $6m a year for up to 4 years, and Coles ends up signing for $7m a year for 4 years.
  19. While this very true, I think the OP was pointing out the fact that regardless of what the Bills do in attempt to improve themselves, there will be some faction(s) of the fan base that will still complain the Bills did not address problem "x" (which is the REAL problem), and therefore we should not be surprised the Bills will still suck. In other words, while everybody is disagreeing on "how not to suck", the majority seem to be focused on finding that "one" thing that provides the most bang for the buck. (or at the very least, how the numerous problems need to be prioritized) I say HC. Somebody else says QB. A third says OL. Another says "pass rush" (personally, I do not get that one. Yes, the Bills need a better pass rush, but how does that help correct an inept O?)
  20. I may have not clearly defined my point: The Bills focused on a TE that could block, and it was hoped he would develop into one that could also catch. (Royal). That did not work out well. My point was they should focus on a TE that can catch, and see if we can develop him into being able to block. I agree. However, there are very few of those types of TE playing in the NFL. Most clubs (like the Bills) have to find one or the other (pass vs block) and try to develop the guy into a more complete TE. I think we want essentially the same thing, but are just looking at it from different angles. This is mostly due to the inept coaching staff, and nothing to do with the players ability. Jauron and company seem clueless about the concept of "deception".
  21. I do not have to kid myself. I was alive, breathing, and had graduated from HS before Levy even took over the Bills. I had a fairly neutral opinion of Levy when he took over. And I had no opinion of BB (other than it took some guts to get rid of Kosar). Um, no it does not. I have already stated on this board that one winning season will NOT change my perspective of Moron Jauron. In fact, prior to the start of last season, I stated Douche Bag needed to accomplish three things for me to even consider changing my opinion of him. Like the true failure Dick is, he has failed to accomplish even one item. There is no "want to fail". He is already a proven failure. Repeatedly. Dickie needs to stop talking about how he would "like to win", and actually prove he knows "how to win". And speaking of "sad", you are the same poster last year that had a problem with other posters talking about Trent Edwards injury history, like it somehow meant people were "wishing" Trent would get hurt. Now, in this thread, you "hope" Wilfork's hit (which he finally admitted this past year as being cheap and dirty, on a Bills player no less) will make Jauron look like a genius. My God. What lengths you would go to defend the loser HC.
  22. You just keep thinking that.* BB, while being the HC of the Browns, got rid of Bernie Kosar, a favorite of the fans and the organization. I have no doubt BB would have eventually benched Bledsoe in favor of Brady. It was only a matter of time. Mo Lewis just accelerated the process. * But then again, you are the person that believes Cade McNown was "forced" upon Dick Jauron.
  23. I thought we already had one of those "decent blocking TE". His name was Robert Royal. He sucked at catching. Time to try a new approach. Let's get a TE that can actually catch a ball. That way, when "checkdown charlie" ignores his WR (again ... well, hopefully not), he'll have another target to choose from. That way, if Edwards gets comfortable and confident throwing to a reliable TE, he'll start trusting his WR, and take chances down field.
  24. Silly Jauron apologist! Even BB won a playoff game in his first 5 years. By his 8th season, he won a SB. 8 years later we are still hoping the "Dick" is capable of producing another winning season. You also must be a blast to watch games with. "We lost another one! YES!! Dick Jauron! You da MAN!!!" Back at you! Just remember, you got exactly what you wanted.
  25. Yeah. Because 7 losing seasons out of 8 proves nothing.
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