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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. #1 - true #2 - true, with a caveat. Pats* will have the most time to prepare for the Bills #3 - absolutely agree #4 - I do not know about that #5 - Unfortunately, this one is on Monday night, where the Bills have sucked royally in recent history #6 - You mean "Shotgun" Schonert, our OC? Don't hold your breath.
  2. Actually, there is nothing illegal for employees working "off the books". The problem is not reporting the income. As long as the women report the income as self-employment income (and pay the self-employment tax that comes with it), the IRS has no problem with them.
  3. Oh, look. Another trademark Dick Jauron Signature Epic Collapse.
  4. The thing that jumped out at me was that every starter on their OL is somebody they drafted or somebody they developed through their system. Compare that with the Bills. It may or may not mean a thing, but it does make one stop and go "hmmmmm ...".
  5. To further expand upon this: Taken from the Patriots* website, the Unofficial depth chart (updated 3/20/2009) shows the following: LT Light, drafted by the Pats* in the 2nd round in 2001 RT Mankins, draftd by the Pats* in the first round in 2005 C Koppen, drafted by the Pats* in the 5th round in 2003 RG Neal, UDFA originally signed by the Pats* in 2001 RT Kaczar, drafted by the Pats* in the 3rd round in 2005
  6. Oh, for f**ks sake ... Linky I will readily admit he is an excellent college QB, probably one of the best at the collegiate level, but a fugging stone plaque of his "promise"?! Before he has even graduated?!! They are going to look extremely retarded in Gainesville if (and that's a mighty big if) the Gators tank the upcoming season. Should have waited until he graduated.
  7. I need to open one of those clubs, or at least make everybody think I am. That way I can partake in viewing the interviews and auditions.
  8. I give them credit for trying every year, because they do actually try to do something. Now, they need to try and make their efforts produce positive results, something we haven't seen for quite awhile.
  9. If you treat that like a 7 minute meal, then you do not deserve that. She is like a scrumptious 5 course meal with a delightful dessert ending. Back to the poll ... I chose Popeye's because the food is actually pretty good for fast food. However, there is only one store near me for miles. And the service is absolutely horrendous.
  10. Mostly Discovery, HBO, and USA Everything else is just here and there. Some of the shows I do make time for: Burn Notice The Deadliest Catch True Blood (when it was on)
  11. The day the Bills trade Edwards for Cutler. Then we will hear all about how Edwards could not win because he was too stupid, etc ...
  12. Interesting. You conveniently left out the facts (sack wise) the NY Jets were 7th in the league, the Raiders were 13th, The Seahawks were 10th, the Lions were tied at 16, and the Cowpukes were #1. How did that work out for all of them? And the Cardinals? 14th. In order for the Bills defense to "win the championship", the Bills have to make the SB first. In order to make the SB, the have win playoff games. In order to win playoff games, they actually have to make the playoffs. In order to make the playoffs, they actually have to produce a winning record. Got it? 1. Winning record 2. Make playoffs 3. Win playoff games 4. Make SB 5. Win SB Unless the pass rushing DE is also a run stuffing DE, then the pass rushing DE is worthless. Opposing teams will not have to worry about the pass rushing DE when they can just line up and shove the ball down the Bills throat. I'll worry about a situational (and potentially one dimensional) player like a pass rushing DE as soon as the Bills can do numbers #1 and #2. But they will never be able to accomplish number 1 and 2 because the FO is too busy fugging up the offensive line.
  13. Born and raised in the WNY area until the economic reality forced me out. But thanks for playing. And instead of supporting your position, you made a pathetic attempt to insult me. The Bills defense was 14th in the league last year, both in points and yardage. It ranked 13th in passing and 22th in rushing. The Bills offense was 23rd in points, 25th in yardage, 22nd in passing, and 14th in rushing. The Bills cut loose their starting center and starting LG. They replaced the center (we hope), but still have not addressed the LG position. Throw in the potential of losing their starting LT on top of that, and the FO once again looks like they are half assing it in addressing the offensive problems. So, please explain how does a pass rushing DE solve those problems?
  14. Yeah, because a pass rushing DE will fix the anemic offense. Then throw in a FO seemingly hell bent on creating more problems with the offense, than they are fixing it. Can't wait for the season.
  15. For those that follow PAC-10 ball: Oregon Ducks HC Mike Bellotti will take over the AD spot. OC Chip Kelly will be the new HC. Linky
  16. Maybe, maybe not. Spurrier may only get scraps to play against when USC(East) plays Tenn. Kiffin and Tenn will have to play GA, Florida, and Bama before hand. IIRC, all three schools (coaches and recruits included) have a bone to pick with Mr. Kiffin.
  17. I once watched Bills QB throw 3 picks in the first half against Cincinnati, and he just laughed about it. Based on your on criteria, that QB would not be a leader, correct?
  18. ... just shut up. Linky Let's see. Kiffin has: Insulted SEC coaches - check insulted SEC recruits - check insulted SEC schools - check What's next? The conference?
  19. Interesting. I remember a player named Bruce Smith that did some "showboating" every time he got a sack when the Bills were on a national game. I do not remember him being "booed" off the stage. Then again, maybe the San Fran writers just think we were booing him when in fact we were saying "Brrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuccccccccceeeee". Silly San Fran fans. D**ks are for chicks.
  20. Apparently McCargo and Dockery didn't earn enough Gold stars during the year. You forgot one: an underachieving high motor LDE with a fat contract is retained ...
  21. Interesting. But I sure wish I knew how DJ holds his players "accountable": "Yes, he’s a coach you want to play for and want to win for, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hold you accountable — because he does." What does that mean? The player does not get a gold star next to his name for the week? The player gets sent to bed without dessert?
  22. I also like this quote: ""From our standpoint,'' Brandon said, "everything we do is a risk. I was criticized for the Marcus Stroud trade last year, ... " Did I miss something last year? Who criticized Russ for that move? Something about this article is not passing the smell test. I wonder if the Bills organization is not using Peter King to spin the actual events in order to "enhance" certain players appearance. Brandon is a marketing man after all.
  23. The same Trent Edwards that is 25th in the NFL in attempts? Just checking ...
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