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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Rodgers signed a 3 year, 150 million dollar contract last offseason that is 100% guaranteed. So I think it will become somewhat of a "thing" for top tier guys.
  2. True, but he already earned over 300 million dollars, so I doubt the money alone is a huge factor.
  3. It's just my impression after watching that entire hour long interview. It was pretty interesting to see a different side of Rodgers. IMO, he will retire. We'll see. Hopefully soon.
  4. My prediction after listening to Rodgers on the Aubrey Marcus podcast is that he will retire.
  5. I love the idea of McDermott calling plays on defense. He's really good at it, and it was why he got this job.
  6. Jeez, I get a bit of a rush at just the idea of going 5 MPH over the limit on the expressway.
  7. Right but either way Watson is not giving up a penny of guaranteed money, which is the point with Jackson's contract. I get that it's crazy money, but it's how things work. Cleveland gave out that contract and now any elite QB should consider it the starting point for discussions. Even if the entire contract is not guaranteed, agents will demand Watson's guaranteed money plus whatever else that may or may not be guaranteed. I feel 0 sympathy for billionaire owners who, if the roles were reversed, would also demand every penny they could get. Someone will give Lamar a fully guaranteed deal, so why would the player accept anything less? Whether it's a good idea for the team or not is sort of irrelevant to the conversation. If a team would do that for Watson, with all his off field baggage, then someone like Lamar, who is a bigger star and has accomplished more, can also get it. I hope he goes to the NFC and makes a Brinks truck load of cash. He's a great player and does things the right way. It's just that he isn't going to allow his career to go the way of RGIII where the team abuses him and leaves him busted up and without getting his big payday. I say good for Lamar.
  8. I still say that if Lamar were a free agent, some team would give him a fully guaranteed contract in order to get him to sign, maybe more than 1. Therefore, why should he settle? He holds all the cards, ultimately. He is a star QB, former MVP, and could sit out an entire season if need be and still be the #1 free agent a year from now.
  9. Lamar deserves a contract bigger than Watson's. Lamar is a better QB, a more dynamic threat, was league MVP, and hasn't had off the field issues and suspensions. That, plus contracts always go up over time= give Lamar what Watson got, plus some % on top of that. I'm always going to be for the players getting paid. If Lamar had torn his knee RGIII style in the playoffs this year the Ravens would say "gosh that's awful" and pay him pennies on the dollar or cut him loose and he wouldn't see a fraction of the $$ he deserves. IF Lamar was a free agent, some team would give him what he wants, maybe more than 1. Why should he settle?
  10. I want to see McDermott call the defensive plays. It's his forte, so let's benefit from it.
  11. If there was a dome, there wouldn't have been a travel ban in Erie County during that blizzard, and the streets and parking lot would have been cleared for thousands of people to drive in whiteout conditions through 10 feet of snow to reach the stadium and we wouldn't have had to lose a home game. That's the logic?
  12. The biggest issue with a monster talent at RB is that he's beat up/injured by the time the biggest games come along in late December and then the playoffs. Someone in the NFL is going to adopt the "load management" philosophy with those types of players someday and look like a genius. These guys look unstoppable in September and by January they are on IR or a shell of themselves. Regardless of his health, I wouldn't play Miller until week 14 next season, just to ramp him up. We need him in January, not September.
  13. This team is built backwards. All of the investment in $$ and draft capital is on defense, except the QB. Great defenses are going to get scored on by good offenses with the rules the way they are now. Look at the Eagles star studded defense in the Super Bowl. Your defense needs to limit the other team just enough for the offense to outscore them. Paying $100M+ to a pretty good LB makes zero sense in today's game.
  14. There's a TON of injury luck involved too. The Eagles just played 95% of the NFC Title Game against a team faced with the choice of having a RB playing QB or have the QB with a busted UCL who couldn't even throw a screen pass hand off every play. That game was over after the 1st offensive series for SF when Purdy went down. One hit in the 1st quarter and that game went from 50/50 to basically a bye for the Eagles to the Super Bowl. But you've got to be there to be lucky. Can you imagine the Bills being in the AFC Title Game and it's the 1st quarter and Devon Singletary is lining up at QB? If this year's Bills team faced a 2 game schedule of the Giants and then facing a Pop Warner level offense for 3 full quarters we would have been in the Super Bowl too. I get the school of thought that says we've got a good HC and a good staff and eventually they will break through, if given enough chances. The problem is that we have a defensive coach whose defense doesn't show up in the playoffs. That worries me more than anything else.
  15. Could he be converted to a blocking TE? He's pretty athletic for a man his size
  16. Get ready for this kind of talk. 2022 was all about the run to the Super Bowl. 2023 is going to be (locally and nationally) about whether McDermott is good enough to take the Bills where they want to go. It has already started. It's the price of having a top 3 QB. You're supposed to win, and the spotlight gets brighter. We said the same things about other coaches and teams for years. Now it's our team. The Bills have nothing to show for having 3 seasons of top 3 QB play.
  17. I would love to see Henry on the Bills with a lighter workload so that he's healthy for the playoffs. Awesome player, unique talent, great person as well. A Henry/Cook 1-2 punch would be sweet! Imagine having to deal with Henry and Allen all game on defense.
  18. McDermott is going to need to get this team further in the playoffs. This management is becoming known for coming up short.
  19. We'll I guess not... Vance Joseph got the job. I was looking forward to Rex returning just for the entertainment factor.
  20. I think Diggs is just frustrated like we all are. Beane and McDermott are going to be under the microscope going forward. You know how teams like the Chargers, Packers, Cowboys, and others have been making the playoffs, not winning, and the national talk is about the head coach not being good enough? That's going to be the talk around McDermott if this team keeps getting bounced in the playoffs.
  21. Green Bay is sick of him, refused to really build around him for years, and also doesn't want him back but will only trade him to an AFC team. OK. LOL The Packers won the lottery back to back with HOF level QBs for 30 years and got Big Ben's career out of it. That is malfeasance. But it's because they are always looking to do everything half way, to leave themselves an out, instead of going all in to win.
  22. Green Bay had 30 consecutive years of HOF/MVP type QB play and has 3 Super bowl appearances and 2 titles to show for it. That is a total indictment of the organization. Big Ben has the same record in Super Bowls as Favre and Rodgers combined (3 appearances, 2 wins)
  23. He's a name but I would rather have a young, hungry, cheaper player. I'm a bit wary of guys with a history of ACLs, especially after blowing the same knee out twice.
  24. Fair enough. I just need to see Beane take offense seriously this off-season.
  25. Already a captain? I call BS. My latest tracking poll has Diggs trailing Zeke 51-39% with 10% undecided
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