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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Packers are a petty poorly managed team. They wouldn't get Rodgers top tier weapons because they figured he was so good they could get by with decent. But they want to get rid of him. But they don't want him to go somewhere else and succeed. But they want the Wilson trade that they refused to take last year and the year before. So they sign him to an enormous extension that is all guaranteed money. And then decide they want to move on halfway through the season but don't do it. It's going to be hilarious to watch them go 5-12
  2. 2 1sts? LOL NFW I would do that for a guy who is going to delve into the "beautiful mysteries" of life in another 10-11 months and possibly hang up the cleats, or maybe not, or maybe, depending, possibly... If you are going to burn 2 1sts then you sign Lamar
  3. Green Bay is in a far worse spot, IMO. They came right out and said they don't want the player back. Does anyone actually think that Rodgers is above calling the Packers' bluff and showing up to camp?
  4. that would be incredible! LOL Part of me always wondered if Rodgers was trying to find a way to become a free agent so that he could choose his team. He's plenty smart and manipulative enough to make himself a huge distraction/headache (plus very expensive) so that eventually GB has no choice but to cut him loose. That contract is nuts, and GB cannot have him lurking around as a "backup" while Love is trying to start his playing career as the #1 guy. He can skip all the non-mandatory stuff, come in for camp, it will be a total circus, and at that point no team will be willing to give anything up for a guy that GB cannot have around the team. They can say all they want that he will be Love's backup, but it's not going to work. Green Bay totally screwed up yet again. They could have traded Rodgers to Denver or SF for the Russell Wilson deal but they want it both ways. They don't want Rodgers there, and they don't want him to play, but if he does they want to control where he can and can't go.
  5. Which makes me think he wants to play somewhere else but doesn't want to come out and say that. A franchise QB coming out and saying "I want out of here" is a total heel turn type move that not even Rodgers is doing. Even he (Rodgers) has been framing it as a "mutual decision" and based on where the Packers are. "Lamar forced his way out of Baltimore when they bent over backwards to accommodate him, even building an entire offense around his skillset so he could succeed " vs "the Ravens refused to pay Lamar what he is worth so he had to go somewhere else to get what he has earned" are 2 totally different PR spins
  6. He could maybe negotiate a 2 year, $100 million deal, all guaranteed. It would make the franchise tag after a huge $$, basically guaranteeing him $150 million in 3 years. What if the real issue is that he just doesn't want to play in Baltimore? You can't come out and say that as a QB, but if you're the victim of an unfair team then people get it and fans will be angry at the Ravens instead of Lamar if he leaves. Thus all these stories being leaked that the Ravens offered Lamar the moon and stars and he turned it down or just wouldn't answer/engage with them (and Lamar mocking the stories on Twitter).
  7. Here's the thing... Who leaks those stories about Lamar supposedly turning down huge guaranteed $$ offers? Lamar doesn't benefit because it makes him look unreasonable and probably drives off potential suitors (if he turned down $200 million guaranteed already then we're definitely out...) Ravens benefit, IMO, because they look like they have been totally reasonable with Lamar AND they drive off any potential other teams, leaving Lamar with no option but to come back to them for whatever $$ they are willing to pay. And IF in the unlikely event some other team signs him to a huge deal they will look like they did everything possible to keep him for the PR spin.
  8. Lamar's tweet was interesting... I wonder if he would do a 3 year deal if it was 100% guaranteed? It's less total $$ but in 3 years he would be able to cash in again for even more, one would think.
  9. as many have said, there's really no "making up the lost money" for Lamar He could have had 40+ million more the past 2 seasons. Whatever he gets going forward he would have had anyway, on top of that extra 40+ million. He is getting paid pennies on the dollar so far, which sucks to see. He's sticking to his principles, which I respect, but I just want to see the man get his $$ and maybe even go the NFC
  10. Rodgers won't confirm anything is my though. How could he? At BEST he will say he's not going to retire, but unless the trade is official he won't come out and say he's going to be a Jet.
  11. same... how come Brady got 150 years of Cleo Lemon, Mark Sanchez, trent edwards, Losman, Chad Pennington types in the AFC East?! Meanwhile we get 2 super teams in our division and the fumes of the Evil Empire!
  12. I had a dream that Rodgers retired and it seemed so real I had to double check that it wasn't already announced.
  13. To be honest I'm not sure... my favorite option is to draft a WR early I don't follow Hopkins enough maybe... Either way I could do without either but if we get 1 I would take Nuke over OBJ
  14. Hopkins had a PED suspension I think, which I care about a lot less.
  15. Beane and McDermott love to trade for/draft RBs for the bench. Someone has to stand on the sidelines in street clothes
  16. I would still rather have Nuke over a guy who tore his same ACL twice already and comes with drama.
  17. I'm not a fan at all of this idea... Trade for Nuke instead. Better player
  18. maybe some of the rumors about serious locker room issues were true...
  19. I'm rooting for Lamar and want him to get a bigger contract than Watson because IMO he deserves it. The way Lamar plays and the way teams use him in their offense it makes sense to want the guaranteed money. From the team side, you're probably paying it out anyway. Plus it's more interesting to me if he goes to another team. It's a story. Same with Rodgers.
  20. Judging by the fact that no teams were allowed to talk to Lamar before the tag was applied, and within an hour a half dozen QB needy teams came out to say they weren't interested seems a bit fishy. But who knows... It looks bad though.
  21. I think this is going to blow up into an enormous firestorm that is going to look terrible for the NFL. I would be apoplectic if the Bills were in the Falcons or Panthers spot and came immediately out to say they weren't interested. No discussion even. No meetings. Just zero interest.
  22. If Lamar sits out the entire year would he become a free agent? Technically what's stopping the USFL or XFL from offering him $10 million dollars to play this spring to help tide him over this season while generating huge PR for their league? I just want to see Lamar stick it to the Ravens and the league at this point. This is straight up BS.
  23. This is going to be a lot of fun to follow, and I hope some NFC team makes Lamar the highest paid player in NFL history. Makes the AFC a little easier, and Lamar gets a serious payday. If you look at SpotTrac he was making peanuts (like 1 million or so per season until his 5th year option) while the Ravens ran him into the ground. I can't blame the man for wanting to get his guaranteed money.
  24. the way these stories go he should be a Panther by tonight.
  25. Ravens should put the non-exclusive tag, let Lamar go find another team's best offer, then just match it and say "see, you got top market $$" Theoretically, could another team sign Lamar to an offer sheet that, for example, gave him a $5 million bonus for every game played in Baltimore as a poison pill to stop the Ravens from matching?
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