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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Rodgers on SF would be fun to watch, plus it doesn't make a division rival better. I would be shocked if Green Bay traded him there so he could win another MVP or two and get all the way to the NFC Title Game twice.
  2. they just don't build them like they used to! kind of amazing that the Roman Colosseum still stands yet our billion dollar stadiums are junk after 30 years
  3. This is the first time I've heard of any concerns regarding habits/training. If sleep habits and nutrition are concerns now then either that gets fixed or once he gets a few years older his body will just fall apart due to his demanding (on the body) style of play. You can get away with stuff when you're younger that you can't once you add a few years. Brady haunted us for as long as he did precisely because of that type of stuff, taken to an insane level of dedication and commitment. Even he started off not being anywhere near as disciplined though, and he's talked about that. So Lamar can always start the avocado smoothies and yoga but he's really costing himself here.
  4. can you imagine how good Thurman Thomas in his prime would be in today's game? The guy lined up at WR as a RB before it was cool
  5. I love a big disruptive DT! This year hopefully Phillips doesn't injure himself diving at a QB when the game is already over anyway. Big man hustles and that's how he got hurt twice this season. Blew a tire running along with a turnover and then dove at (I think) Mac Jones and busted his shoulder after chasing him for like 140 yards yards back and forth around the field. NOW we need to draft a DT of at least the same size to be the 1T and line those guys up in the middle!
  6. LOL at this idea. HOWEVER the McDermott playoff record is going to become a bigger and bigger national story if he doesn't get the team over the hump. It's what happens when you have a superstar QB but can't get to the big dance. Only Lefleur in GB seems immune to that.
  7. This was hilarious! The best part, IMO was him following up saying how from what he remembers Love was a really good player LOL
  8. I would enjoy seeing Hopkins play for this football progrum.
  9. IMO teams feel that the Ravens would just match anyway, making it a waste of their (the new team's) time
  10. If Lamar is determined not to play there anymore then the Ravens should cash in now while his price would be highest. Don't be the Packers and let it become personal and petty. Do what is good for business. You don't want to be the team holding a young, superstar QB's career hostage from either a PR or business standpoint. If they announced that they were willing to do a traditional trade then there would be suitors and they could get a huge haul.
  11. agreed... Dawkins is a very solid LT, Morse is a very solid C, our guard play is fine (could be better and maybe will be with our FA signings)... I like Spencer Brown more than many and hopefully Doyle coming back from injury adds some competition to the mix
  12. on the topic of OL, I think our OL is average. Not great, but nowhere near bad. And we picked up a couple decent players to help. There's maybe 3-4 truly good OL in the entire league. All the super athletic big men want to play DL, where there is money and glory to be had. Sure, if you're the best guard in the NFL you can make some bank, but nobody will notice you.
  13. if this and the Rodgers trade happens the AFC East is going to be crazy.... except for NE, who will stink! LOL That's amazing
  14. maybe Von Miller will sign a 10 year extension with 5 void years on the end to clear cap space for Hopkins? Saints style cap management Practice for his GM career
  15. Ted Washington is an absolute legend, and pretty much my ideal DT. Having him was like parking a car in the middle of the DL. He couldn't be moved.
  16. Packers approach to all-time great QBs on their roster: we don't want to be with you, but we don't want you to be with anyone else, either.
  17. every time I see that long blank screen, knowing that a tweet is loading on my slow as molasses computer, I get excited. Sadly, it's like the "breaking news" stories from Sports Illustrated that the Jets and Packers are considering a Rodgers trade.
  18. true... and Gabe is about to be ready for a new contract, which if he has a great season, will mean huge $$
  19. no way I would trade Gabe Davis... isn't the idea to build and add weapons for the offense?
  20. This might explain why there are no offers. Lamar is a great player for sure, but this entire episode is a mess and might be a window into what things are like behind the scenes.
  21. The only thing better than a massive, angry, unmovable mountain of a DT is another DT lined up next to him who is slightly bigger. Let's recreate the Ted Washington/Sam Adams DT pairing
  22. bad news... the Packers front office was selected to mediate/negotiate the trade on behalf of both teams... So it will be done in October, at the earliest
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