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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Let's get 8 points this drive
  2. Huge stop there for the defense! Offense needs to show up
  3. Tired of seeing Burrow escape every single sack
  4. Nice tackle by Dorian there
  5. Facemask uncalled... Un freaking real
  6. Cook consistently turns a loss into a 1 or 2 yard gain
  7. Kincaid is a player We really need another threat at WR to help out
  8. The offense looks horrible. Everything seems like a Herculean struggle
  9. Everything seems so hard on offense this season aside from the Miami game
  10. What the hell?! Intentional grounding? That is a joke Referring in this league is a joke. A freaking joke.
  11. WTF ... Not even close
  12. Kincaid playing on one leg
  13. I'm starting to worry that we're the Rivers Chargers teams. Lots of wins but mediocre coaches who stay employed because "hey they win a lot of games"
  14. FFS that was another should be INT
  15. That was a pick waiting to happen
  16. Freaking enormous stop there! We got a game!
  17. There we go! Great stop
  18. Suh + Joseph makes me smile Nothing I love more than gigantic, immoveable DTs who make plays
  19. Funny how that's not taunting
  20. Huge stop on D! Let's go tie this thing up
  21. McDermott needs to adjust here. I like him but I do wonder if he's the guy to win a Superbowl.
  22. Defense needs to make a stop here
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