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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. for sure that's one of the many big questions... The BB player was 23, so that has to figure in I would think. I could totally see the lift it could give the team though, even if it's a slight chance, it's a chance. Also, if that 23 year old BB player is taking jump shots and rebounding in 3 months when was it physically safe to start doing those things? I would imagine some time before he actually was back to playing at his pre injury level. It's a pretty fascinating story to follow just as a fan of the sport and what is possible. Who knows how it turns out though.
  2. Apparently there was a basketball player who came back from a ruptured Achilles in 3 months and played basketball at pre-injury levels and Rodgers is having the same treatment done. I would think an NFL QB would put less strain on that achilles than a basketball player, whose entire sport is based on pushing off of that foot to jump and land repeatedly. 3 months after surgery would be 12/14.
  3. I just re-read the last several pages of this thread and I think a few people mentioned the same thing. That happy go lucky smile and swagger that Josh had just isn't there much this year. He looks freaking miserable almost every game. Maybe it's the weight of expectations, a true issue with Diggs, frustration, or something off the field. But that's the thing I notice most. Even postgame last night when he was interviewed as the winning QB on the field, he seemed like a guy that just lost a playoff game. A couple clichés, then he said "let's go home." Couple that with his comment of "same **** different day" after the Jets game and I am starting to worry a bit about his psyche. These guys are human, and I hope whatever it is gets fixed. Also, Tirico had set the postgame interview up as Josh and Diggs but it was just Josh standing there looking like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world.
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy end of credits style font: THE BILLS OC WILL RETURN....
  5. it seemed like the team had this weird dazed look to them, but maybe that's just me projecting based on the feeling of watching it It doesn't seem like the joy of the game is there this season.
  6. Saleh is a good coach, especially when it comes to defense. Gotta give the man his props. He's like Rocky... you have him on the ropes, one punch away from a knockout and yet he somehow finds a way to stay in the fight and rally the team. Also, don't discount the effect of Rodgers being out there pre-game, no crutches, no boot, just in shoes and throwing passes to Jets players. When he went down it was like the entire season was over. Now he has those guys buying into the idea that if they hold down the fort he just might make it back, and that is a huge lift for them mentally and emotionally. It's been 4 weeks and he should still be in a boot but he's walking around in sneakers, smiling and tossing footballs to his teammates. That stuff helps them buy into the season. There will be no QB controversy either. Wilson isn't the reason they are winning, at all. He also idolizes Rodgers, and the team is full of Rodgers guys. So if they are winning this way with defense and Zach making the occasional play there will be zero locker room issue with Rodgers stepping back into the starting role. In fact, Wilson will have done EXACTLY what a backup should: hold down the fort, make some plays here and there, and keep the team alive. I doubted the idea that Rodgers would play this season, and still do, but it's not insane. The fact that he got hurt week 1 helps, obviously, and probably factors somewhat into the "nobody has ever come back in the same season" mantra. It's going to be a lottery ticket as-is. If it was week 7 when it happens then there's no conversation of it. Most Achilles injuries happen later than week 1. All an athlete needs is a glimmer of hope, and Rodgers is making sure everyone knows he plans to try to get back. As a fan of the sport, I like stories, and what a freaking story it would be if Rodgers comes back to play the same season he tears his achilles.
  7. imagine if a star QB was hit 30 seconds after the whistle like that and taken out of the game for a leg injury like Spencer Brown. It would be the ONLY topic on national sports airwaves this morning and a massive PR nightmare for the NFL. Remember how big a story it was when Mason Rudolph got smashed with a helmet? But a lineman? No biggie I guess. so much for "player safety." That should have been an ejection. It was way, way after everything else.
  8. he missed 2 long kicks, and both in the same game, which IMO is better than spreading them out over 2 games. It's one bad night, where the team just seemed flat in general, so I chalk it up to that. If he hits one of the 2 the game is 17-9 at the end (maybe 18-9 or 16-9 if the Bills went for 2 after the 2nd TD)
  9. Hey I'll take it but whatever. They got one the play before for crying out loud
  10. When you play a team like this you just go out and score 24 and even if they get something on you here and there it won't matter
  11. This is why you do not let a team like this hang around. We got lucky but it opens the door to goofiness
  12. That was very close... Great play by Benford to break that up!
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