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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. He can only play so long in college. The problem is whoever has the #1 overall pick probably is a mess, regardless of the year.
  2. There's no need to try to bend yourself in a pretzel to deny the obvious. This is absolutely not normal for a post-game handshake, especially for a guy "coming home" and playing against his former team. It looked to me like Daboll was surprised and even looked back toward McDermott after (right before he gave Josh a huge hug). Now, does it mean anything in terms of the Bills season? Not really, but it's clear these two do not like each other, and not just from this video.
  3. I'm happy for Dak. Dude takes so much abuse in the media.
  4. This game seems prime for Staley to do something dumb
  5. Two inept game managers hoping the other will mess up worse
  6. Daks "here we goooooo" cadence is weird sounding but I don't hate it
  7. Just seems arbitrary. Then there shouldn't be challenges
  8. No need to challenge? Since when? Refs making this up as they go
  9. Now it's awful vs terrible coaching when it comes to game management
  10. Only bright side to Chargers winning is it keeps Staley employed and thus limits their ceiling
  11. Just good enough to keep Staley employed long term hopefully!
  12. Nice drive by the Cowboys! Dak made some nice throws
  13. I noticed that too .. McDermott basically turned away before they shook hands
  14. Love the hand tap to McD followed by a huge hug for Allen
  15. Miami and SF get it: you need to load up your offense with weapons instead of just relying on the QB
  16. I remember when we realized that this guy Milano was a great player a few years ago. Hopefully history repeats itself there and when Milano gets back we're suddenly loaded at LB!
  17. I haven't seen anything, but I think that Tre's injury occurring a few games into the season and his position requiring a lot more stress on the ankle/heel would make it a moot point. Not that he wouldn't want to be healthy sooner, but in terms of playing again this season. From what I've gathered, the ONLY reason there is even a lottery ticket chance for Rodgers is that it happened week 1 and he had surgery a couple days later. That puts a 4 month return around early January, so week 17 or the wildcard round. In that scenario, if he actually is healthy he would probably play week 17 if the Jets had a shot at the playoffs. Maybe he gets back for week 15 or 16 too, depending. For Tre, the same time window would be late January/early Feb. So basically the Super Bowl, if we made it, as a corner who would need to keep up with the NFC Super Bowl WR.
  18. for sure that's one of the many big questions... The BB player was 23, so that has to figure in I would think. I could totally see the lift it could give the team though, even if it's a slight chance, it's a chance. Also, if that 23 year old BB player is taking jump shots and rebounding in 3 months when was it physically safe to start doing those things? I would imagine some time before he actually was back to playing at his pre injury level. It's a pretty fascinating story to follow just as a fan of the sport and what is possible. Who knows how it turns out though.
  19. Apparently there was a basketball player who came back from a ruptured Achilles in 3 months and played basketball at pre-injury levels and Rodgers is having the same treatment done. I would think an NFL QB would put less strain on that achilles than a basketball player, whose entire sport is based on pushing off of that foot to jump and land repeatedly. 3 months after surgery would be 12/14.
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