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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. When it comes to Josh, maybe it's actually simple. A couple of years ago everything was new and fun, and he also had great relationships with a number of people who he no longer has. 1. He was with a woman he had been friends with since they were kids 2. He and Stefon were best buddies 3. Daboll was here as his grumpy but loveable uncle who knew how to push the right buttons at the right times and it all seemed to work 4. Everything was new. Stardom, money, accolades. Josh Allen was appointment TV. You never knew what he would do next, but he was going to put on a show. Some of this might just be changes in his life. He is no longer in that relationship. Daboll is gone. Stefon seems to always be pissed off at him. His game isn't quite where it was. The team is losing and the pressure is different. It's not new anymore, now there are real expectations. Not to be too corny, but we can all probably remember a time in life when everything was "magical." There's tons of movies and literature about that feeling, and what happens when we lose that feeling and things become mundane. Could be why he doesn't have the same look in his eyes, and I'm glad McDermott said it too, because everyone can see it.
  2. Bengals window might actually be closing. Gotta pay people now
  3. Beckham looks hurt. This season has been brutal with injuries and flags
  4. I like Lamar and would 100% root for him in the Super Bowl (because obviously the Bills couldn't be the opponent). But he'll never hold up. Heck Cam Newton,who looked like he was chiseled out of stone, was done by his late 20's
  5. Lamar is amazing but he's always going to be a shell of himself come playoff time due to nagging injuries
  6. Bengals are going to win Just my gut feeling, although it's almost always wrong... Lol
  7. Cool! When Frazier returns to the team this off-season we'll know this was all legit.
  8. As much as I love seeing the Bengals in agony, those were such BS DPI calls, but they almost always happen
  9. Yeah, he seems really on edge and almost nasty lately, which is (IMO anyway) different for him. He's always been an apologist for the team, but it's been easy the past few years for the most part until recently. I have thought for a long time that the WGR guys are just playing radio characters for the sake of having a better show. No two are really similar. I mean the main guys... the young guys just eagerly yap over everyone trying to get themselves a few seconds on air. It's almost pathetic to listen to.
  10. McDermott cleaned up the mess here, but the standard is not "be better than a 17 year playoff drought" He's 4-5 in the playoffs with a generational talent at QB. The team went the farthest early on and has failed to get that far every year since. AFC Title Game Divisional round Wildcard Possibly fail to make the playoffs That's not good enough.
  11. Eventually every coach runs his course, just the nature of the business. I am of the opinion that Andy Reid is the true GOAT, given that he went to Super Bowls with 2 different teams and 2 different QBs, has an extensive coaching tree of successful coaches, and will likely be somewhere in the top 3 of all-time HC wins by the time he retires (with a realistic shot at being #1), and he didn't even have Mahomes until he was in his 60's. Even he ran his course in Philly. Belichick won 6 Super Bowls and went to 9 with NE and a few years after his last SB win he's about to be let go. 6 Super Bowl wins! McDermott did a good job cleaning up the mess and restoring a sense of respectability here. But honestly, he's won jack squat that matters with a top 3 QB in the NFL who is a generational talent, and the team is a disaster that is going backwards.
  12. I think the Bills actually have a pretty good OL, especially based on what's there for OL across the league
  13. 100% McDermott Everyone other than Terry Pegula works for him, regardless of what the "organization flow chart" says. I mean in actual practice. This is Sean's team, plain and simple. What he wants with the football program he gets. Pegula worships the man. McDermott won a couple of playoff games with a generational talent at QB, so he is set for life here.
  14. EVERY COACH under the ago of 60 will be fired from his current NFL job. Hell, even Belichick could be fired after this year. He actually won things. Lots of them. McDermott has led the Bills to a few playoff berths. He has won nothing of consequence. So it's a matter of time, as always. Question is can McDermott lead the Bills to a Super Bowl?
  15. TV job seems like a great way to stay involved with the game. Everyone loves you, you only need to work a few days a week (travel and prep, plus the game), and you make good $. As soon as the season is over you're basically off until next summer. Best of all, you always win, every week! You would have to really, really want to coach to give that all up.
  16. Sal is unlistenable when things aren't going well, because he will defend McDermott and the organization no matter what. His favorite thing to do if someone criticizes McDermott is to jump on them and talk over them saying "who would YOU hire? Who would you hire?" Who? Who? Who? When the team is winning Sal is a fun listen though, because he's in his element praising the team.
  17. He cleaned up a mess, and he also had a once in a generation QB talent land in his lap. They peaked in the 2020 season with the AFC Title Game. 2021 season was 13 seconds (Divisional round) and 2022 season was a wildcard beatdown at home. 2023 season will likely be no playoffs at all. That's 4 years where the team went backwards. Now the defense is old, broken down and expensive, and we have a defensive HC who seems to want to spend most of the assets on defense instead of surrounding the QB with weapons. This only ends one way. The only question is how many of Allen's prime years we waste. Being paired with a defensive minded HC is a major disadvantage for Josh Allen that the other top QBs do not have.
  18. Part of me wonders is the issue with Diggs was that he decided to speak to someone like Beane or even Pegula about McDermott on behalf of some of the players but Josh didn't back him up. That might explain his reaction after "meetings" this offseason. Sadly, because of what happened with Josh McDaniels I doubt McDermott would hold a "airing of grievances" meeting at this point. LOL
  19. For sure, he sort of needs to stay through week 17. After that he needs to be fired before Josh Allen is completely ruined. Dick Jauron would have won a lot of games with Allen as well. He had a couple seasons where he won a lot of games with scrub QBs.
  20. I think there are major issues between players and McDermott and until he is gone we're just spinning our wheels. I'm fine with giving him the rest of the season because aside from Leslie Frazier there's nobody "on staff" that I would want to take over on an interim basis. But he needs to go, barring some miracle turnaround. The team peaked at 13 seconds and has gotten worse every year since. Now the wheels are falling off and eventually players are going to start talking, even if it's "anonymous sources" type stuff. McDermott is done here, the only question is how much time we waste between now and a new voice in the locker room as HC. What's the plan? Draft defense with all of our top picks again and "run it back" to another early playoff exit in 2024 that buys McDermott another couple years to waste Allen's career and poison the locker room?
  21. McDermott is done now, it's just a matter of how much of Josh Allen's prime years we will waste before it's made official. McDermott is never winning a Superbowl here, let alone getting to one.
  22. The new stadium might be the saving grace. Cannot open that building with a mess of a team that people aren't excited about or a broken franchise QB who might even try to force his way out
  23. I hope this doesn't become another Eichel situation due to an incompetent organization.
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