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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. It's all in good fun.. Think of it this way: someone cares about the Jaguars because Ramsey runs his mouth a bit. Adds some entertainment to an otherwise unwatchable team!
  2. Now that he's on the market... Let's sign him up!
  3. The Rams look like a great candidate for a post SB Falcons type fall from the top of the NFC Atlanta still hasn't recovered from that SB loss. I could see SF winning that division next year. Rams straight up blew it by not scoring pts with their supposedly great offense.
  4. I agree that announcers were awful This is even true for the NFL so maybe they can develop some talent to call up eventually
  5. Seems odd that there will suddenly be 2 spring leagues next year They should have worked together and put all the resources into doing 1 well
  6. Schopp is going off on the Bills for being mentioned in a story as if they signed Hunt to a 5 year deal and put his jersey on the front page. Lol
  7. We got Tre White, who has been amazing for us, way down in the late 20's of the 1st round. I would make this deal in a heartbeat. IF you hit on both and get 2 Tre White type players then look out! It's about to be rainbow and gumdrop season around here (a term I am taking from a Patriots troll who mocked my positive Bills thread!)
  8. Next year there will be a ton of defensive coaches with experience hired IMO Also, I hate to say it but the Rogers fiasco shows how great Brady is. Everyone says he's the GOAT but he's still totally coachable and will do whatever Belichick says
  9. NE is smarter than most teams and their mystique freaks out most teams and coaches aside from Harbaugh, Pederson, Coughlin and Reid These other coaches just stand there like they saw a ghost or are just excited to ask Bill for his autograph and Tommy for a post game kiss And before people like on Reid... He made halftime adjustments and dropped 31 on Belichick in the second half. Sadly, his defense sucked Mr boy genius McVay and his amazing offense didn't even make a play.
  10. In the NFC it's the Saints and Bears with Eagles as an outside shot next year imo Seahawks and Cowboys are both just fodder for the good teams but will win some games
  11. You need to update your avatar Gumdrops have their place when it's gumdrop season. And it's about to be gumdrop season around here. Reid isn't a chump, he just hasn't been able to get over Belichick when it matters. Until he does.
  12. remember: HE is the genius and anyone who sat next to him for lunch should be a HC Meanwhile, there's Doug Pederson, whose offense put up 41 points with a backup QB and actually WON the SB vs Brady and Belichick. Bill Belichick had ZERO answers for Nick Foles and Doug Pederson's offense. Yet McVay is the genius. OK
  13. Dying? The scouting combine gets more ratings than other league's games
  14. Agreed but who else stands ready to challenge? AFC has been top heavy for a while. Last year NE beat Jax and Ten in the playoffs, neither team made the tournament this year.Peyton Manning prevented 3 more NE super bowls. For all the grief he took he was 3-1 vs Brady and Belichick in the biggest game they could play. Sadly he is retired now so they have breezed right through. Same could be true if KC takes over Here's an oddity: Cleveland and Denver played in the AFC championship game 3 out of 4 years in the late 80s. Obviously Denver won all 3
  15. I think KC becomes the dynasty. Bills become the spoiler once or twice to break up their run like the Ravens vs NE KC has the HC QB combo that nobody but NE has in the AFC
  16. NE was a joke when I was a kid. Automatic 2 wins. The idea that they would become a dynasty would have been equally laughable. Why not dream? It's morning in the AFC
  17. I think the dethroning of the Patriots happens in 2019. If Dee Ford lines up onside it happens in 2018. That's why I'm glad both will be back. Someone has to beat them in order to fully turn the page. If they just retired now it would hamstring the next great AFC team. That next great team needs to have wins over Brady and Belichick on their resume and on their way to their own Super Bowl run. Then Brady and Belichick can retire. Otherwise they only won because the big boys went home and let the B teams play. Perception, but also reality IMO. Will it matter that they are not the same as when they are in their prime? Well, as we just saw Belichick is as good as ever, maybe even better than ever. So beating NE is a big deal, regardless of Brady's age next season or the one after. The league needs an AFC team to get over on NE in 2019, and hopefully it's the Bills in this division! Having a consistently great defense is really hard to do, but great defensive coaches can scheme up an awesome plan (see Wade and Bill in the Super Bowl) when the stage is biggest and the lights are brightest. That's why I don't buy into the Texans, Broncos or Ravens long term. Lots of pieces needed on defense and coaches not on the same level as Wade and Bill. Bill O'Brien and Vic Fangio are not in the same universe IMO. Harbaugh is great I think, but about to suffer from Andy Reid in Philly syndrome: in one place too long and needing a change of scenery. Hopefully to the NFC.
  18. Yup. The Dynasty might be "Not Done!" but this was it for them. Hubris will bring Brady back next year (and hopefully more) which will serve was a nice catharsis for us as the Bills regularly beat them with Brady still on the field. Doesn't erase his titles, but it eases the pain a bit AND creates a few "passing of the torch moments" in the AFC overall and the AFC East. A nice ugly situation where the Patriots practically force Brady to retire OR end up benching him midseason to "protect him" would be fantastic but might be asking too much. Either way, he is nowhere near the same QB. They won this year by running the ball and Dee Ford lining up 6 inches Offside. So who takes over in the AFC going forward? You need a great coach + a great QB. In my view, the AFC has ONE of these combos outside of Brady and Belichick. Reid and Mahomes. One pair is #ALMOSTDONE! and the other is #JUSTGETTINGSTARTED! My predictions: KC becomes the big dog, Cleveland and Indy become the perennial winners who can't close the deal most years but get a SB trip or two, and the Bills become that mean, nasty, tough team that you do NOT want to see in the playoffs and win 1-2 Super Bowls in between Mahomes and KC winning! Here are my future outlooks for all AFC teams: AFC East NE: #DONE! or at least # ALMOSTDONE! NJ: a possible threat but Gase is a nut who has authority issues MIA: nowhere BUF: the new 2000's Ravens... tough, good defense, nobody wants to see them in the playoffs but not flashy AFC North CIN: LOL... I predict misery... they will be the 2000's Bills PIT: Still good, and might get another SB berth but falling apart due to locker room/off field issues. Plus, Ben is getting old. BAL: Not sold on Jackson and fully expect them to be 6-10 or worse this year before imploding CLE: I know it's Cleveland but NE was NE before they became NE (if that makes sense). Loaded roster, great young QB, good coaching, good GM. Wild card is an awful owner. AFC South Indy: Luck is decent and I love Reich. They are going to win games every year. But when it's cold Luck looks miserable. Division round fodder for KC, CLE and BUF! Hou: the ultimate "meh" team with fading stars on defense. I like Watson, but I feel like the roster's window is closing. Could be a current Seattle like team that goes 10-6 and goes nowhere. Jax: LOL.. implosion incoming Ten: another "meh" team. Mariotta is mediocre, which is just good enough to get people fired for not replacing him. AFC West KC: On track to make people sick of them in 10 years. Reid could easily coach another decade if he stays healthy, and Mahomes is great. QB/HC combo of the AFC LA: Rivers is on his last legs and always chokes in the playoffs anyway. They'll be another divisional round fodder team for a couple more seasons before the wheels fall off. Oak/LV: A mess, but they have a ton of picks. No idea. Den: Just another team... nothing jumps out about them as great, and the defensive players are not getting any younger. When you look at the landscape of the AFC it is stark overall, which is part of how NE goes to the bowl every year, especially now that Manning is gone. But the torch will be passed, then what? Luck Mahomes Watson Allen Darnold Big Ben Rivers Mayfield Those are your AFC QBs of note, with Big Ben and Rivers being on their way out as well. KC missed ring #1 this year, but they aren't going anywhere. One of these (Mahomes/Reid) is head and shoulders above all of the others.
  19. Hey, you have to give credit to the winners because you value the prize When the Bills win it all I want to hear everyone saying how great they are and will listen to/watch everything that praises their greatness. NE dynasty has just been something to get through. It sets up well for us that we will become great once they are ancient and running on fumes. They won't be around to stop us from getting to Super Bowls. Mahomes might, but we'll deal with that in time.
  20. Chiefs will beat NE twice next season and win it all... AFC is still going to be a one trick pony, just the pony will change. It could be KC and Cleveland being the new NE/ Indy where Mahomes outduels Mayfield a bunch of times. Meanwhile, the Bills will be the 2000's Ravens, with a tough mean team that will get there once or twice and win it all 1-2 times in between KC and Cleveland trips.
  21. Jordan played offense and defense Jordan was not carried by his team to any titles. Jordan took time off in the middle of his dominant career
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