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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Now he needs 7 rings to surpass Brady! Maybe he should lock down a starting job before he calls out the guy who has 6 SB rings Lol
  2. Given recent history you could be right... They had the next guy in Garappolo but traded him away though I think
  3. That's what everyone said about the 90s Cowboys and 5 SB winning 49ers teams of the 80s and 90s The torch always gets passed
  4. You know what's exciting? Your teams ownership is about to become a lot less brilliant once Brady's avacado kale smoothies wear off... Then it's into the abyss for Patriots fans! Awesome run for sure. But now it's time for your team to go back to perpetual 5-11 seasons. Patriots fans experience has peaked. It's all downhill from here. The Sabres have a bunch of 18-22 year old players. Give it time. Like I said, why does a Patriots fan care about the Buffalo Sabres anyway?
  5. Of course it doesn't make you smart but I think some people just want vindication for their criticism of ownership and are going a little overboard In the end we all want the same thing
  6. Now the narrative is that the Pegulas earned their billions by chance/luck, because they "happened" to own land under which oil existed? LOL Yeah, OK. Hey, too bad I didn't luck into billions with all of my millions of acres of oil reserve land that I just happened to wake up one day owning. Nobody really believes that anyway... it's just a cheap shot from embittered fans that think anything the teams do is automatically wrong. Kraft is a sick, twisted man who made two good decisions as Patriots owner: hiring Belichick and keeping his mouth shut afterward. I guess he's a genius though, because Super Bowls! This desire to attack the Pegulas is simple I think. Many were against the Sabres tank and felt ridiculed for it. The Sabres got Eichel and Dahlin, and they had to hear all about it. So they dug in and attack the team every chance they get (and the W/L record has made that easy lately). So Eichel isn't any good. Dahlin is overrated. They were fine with a team of JAGs striving for 8th place... WE (pro tankers) WERE ALL WRONG DAMMIT! The tank failed! JUST ADMIT IT NOW! (but hurry before this group of guys who can't even buy a freaking beer in this country mature). On the Bills side some think Whaley had built a juggernaut of a team and Rex came in and ruined it all (by going .500, better than any coach since Wade). We ruined a potential SB contender by not hiring Jim Schwartz as HC (nobody else has either BTW)! When Whaley was canned they were upset by everyone piling on him for embarrassing the team with his incompetent press conference. He's loved all around the league they said! Yet oddly nobody wanted to give him the keys to their future... Well, I guess the XFL did! To make matters worse, McBeane immediately breaking the drought made their position tougher. But then the team picked the "wrong QB" and it was game on last spring/summer! However, Josh Allen having some nice moments made their stomachs queasy. What if they were wrong? No, no NO! So now these Whaley fans, the anti-tank crew, and Russ Brandon (who probably still posts here) want vindication. It's just human nature. Here's the cool part: WHEN the Bills and Sabres win, how much credit will Russ Brandon, Doug Whaley, and whatever the people who hate the Sabres now wanted instead get for it? Answer: ZERO. Kind of makes you smile, doesn't it?
  7. Cardinals will draft Murray #1 If you are a HC and you believe that strongly in a QB you get him when you can and figure the rest out later Rosens job is going to be tough... Going to his 2nd team in 2 years with now 7 rings to win...
  8. My impression is that the Pegulas fire a lot of people because sports don't work like private industry and they are getting frustrated that investing resources doesn't lead to success in sports the same way it does in business
  9. It's less about the law and a lot more about the PR people in twitter are putting #Patriots and #human trafficking together It will tarnish their brand, regardless of any official action
  10. regardless of the law, the Patriots image and the NFL are tarnished. Mostly the Patriots image, though. An NFL owner paying for victims of human trafficking to have sex with him is not a good look and is going to cause all sorts of problems. Especially since it's NE, the team that is always winning and always on the forefront of sports media.
  11. Bill Cowher but now we know his wife was ill at the time and he was going through a lot and needed to be with family Totally understandable. BTW, Chan Gailey was going to be Cowher's OC
  12. Lol I'll take a 4th round pick at RB instead Putting huge $$ into a RB is a waste unless you can save him for the playoffs. Otherwise they are too beat up by the time big games come around.
  13. If the Bills don't make it to SB 54 KC will finish the job this time. Hopefully the Bills can actually win a game against NE this year. I would take a 3-0 sweep, with the 3rd game Saturday night of wildcard weekend at New Era field
  14. NE won most of its Super Bowls as a "blue collar team" When they got fancy they lost 3 times: Giants twice and Eagles
  15. To me, a "big name RB" is always hurt by the time the playoffs start due to workload. Look at Todd Gurley, who now we find out WAS in fact hurt come playoff time (as if that was a mystery). Not worth it. Too much riding on one guy at a position where they take a beating. Only way it works is to have a couple similar guys who can split time so that you don't run the guy into the ground in week 1-8. Hard to see that with Bell's salary demands. Now, if you told me the Bills would have Bell and Shady both, and use both, then maybe. Bell might go for it too, because he has mentioned being over-utilized in the past. Still, I think that you can draft a RB in the 3rd or 4th round and get close to the same production on a fairly regular basis.
  16. I was just despondent that KC lost to NE and looking to blast anyone wearing a KC uniform for failing to make the SB fun to watch.... Irrational NE hatred was all that was... That team has made me a nutcase come January. Time for the Bills to end that dynasty!
  17. Giants are in an odd position as probably the only team that has to feel like they own the Brady/BB Patriots dynasty. 2-0 in the SB vs them and I think .500 in regular season games against them as well. But I hear you... why make the beast stronger? I say trade him to KC for a 7th rounder!
  18. LOL They call me "the Weatherman" due to my accuracy in football predictions! But yeah, I've been WAY OFF this year. I ought to work for ESPN and get paid for this!
  19. This team is about to start winning. McDermott is, IMO, a good NFL coach. I don't think he's on the level of Reid, McVay, Pederson, Payton, Carroll, or even Harbaugh. But I would put him up there with Zimmer, Tomlin, Quinn, Rivera, Lynn and Washington Gruden. And he's IMO far above a LOT of current head coaches. We could do a lot worse. you can win a lot of games with guys like MCD who are good to above average if you have the players. I didn't mention Belichick because he is on a level all his own. But he does lose games and he does get outcoached (see Giants Super Bowls x2 and the Eagles SB last year). So you don't need to be Belichick to beat Belichick, even on the biggest stage.
  20. Cardinals are about to become the 2000's Bills.... eerily similar Lack of talent, questionable coaching decisions, poor QB, and Losman is even likely going there as a coach! I like JP Losman the person, so I wish him well. But Arizona is going to lose. A lot. That division has LA, Seattle, and SF, all of which have good to great QB play and good to great coaching. Where is the room for Arizona to win?
  21. Antonio Brown is not getting traded to NE. He'll go the NFC most likely. Hopefully to SF, because that would make things interesting out there. NE has 15 RBs already so I can't see them paying Bell what he wants. But OBJ might get traded there. From the Giants perspective he is out of their conference and division then.
  22. The Patriots won because they ran the ball every play and once you loaded up they threw to Edelman, who is open by 5 yards on every down. If they get OBJ they will try to pass more and try to make bigger passing plays, and Brady will throw INT when that happens. He doesn't have the arm anymore (didn't need it this year anyway) and he also doesn't take hits handing off every other play. But make him stand back there to let patterns develop and he is going to take the hits that every other QB takes on that 42 year old body. I'm all for this trade. Hopefully it costs them a premium in draft capital to do it.
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