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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. So we just give up and roll over now? How many SB rings did AB win when he was surrounded by equal talent in Pittsburgh? Thomas is a shell of himself. They have no TE. Their OL is just ok. Last year Brady took a lot of hits and played half the season with a significant knee injury. People are acting like they are suddenly invincible. Brady is 42. Last year he got hurt pretty significantly and they started running to protect him. I'm all for them passing every down. They will look scary for a while but fatigue and hits add up.
  2. Steelers had Brown Bell and Juju with very good TE and a top 3 OL for a while They didn't win Just because he went to NE doesn't mean squat. If they try to pass all the time Brady is going to take a ton of hits and won't make it through the season Last year he barely made it so they became ground and pound. AB might tempt them to try to keep passing. In that case, Brady is going to take a beating.
  3. Even though we "know" he will sign with NE there is some part of us, deep down, that tells us that won't happen and he'll sign with a team like SF that nobody cares about Then BAM he's with NE and we lose our minds
  4. The Patriots are the monster hiding under all of our beds
  5. Raiders were sick of the headache and Gruden thought it would be cool to see NE win another Super Bowl
  6. Going to NE= chance for payback against the evil, uncaring world Lol Until he melts down when they call him on his BS
  7. He is 100% signing with NE No team buys into the "us against the world" storyline better. And somehow they become even more hateable
  8. Whatever it takes to stop NE from ruining the Super Bowl every year
  9. BTW, remember how Tomlin was "soft" and a "people pleaser" who let players run the show? Somehow he kept Bell and Brown pretty much quiet and happy until the past year or so. I give him credit!
  10. If he ends up on the Patriots that is a good thing! The only time in Brady's tenure that they DIDN'T win Super Bowls was when they decided to load up on WR and throw the ball all over the place. They won a lot of games, then lost in the SB/Playoffs and Brady got hit a LOT in the process. Big time WRs take time to get open down field. You aren't going to throw the ball in 1.5 seconds and have AB open downfield. When you hold the ball, you WILL get hit. 42 year old skinny guys getting hit are not going to last long. NE change their game years ago to protect Brady. Run the ball, quick routes to smurf WRs who are always wide open, and the occasional toss it up play to Gronk, who could catch anything in his prime and was undefendable until injuries piled up. The thought of Brady holding the ball an extra second or two while guys run deeper routes and taking the type of hits that every other QB takes makes me smile.
  11. One thing is for sure.... I'm glad the Pegulas bought the team when they did. 1.4 billion, although it was the highest price ever at the time, is a bargain now somehow.
  12. What really gets me is that the more pot becomes legal and accepted the more wound tight and angry people get... One would expect the opposite. What Dawkins said was totally innocuous. People used to be able to talk to each other without going batshit crazy over the slightest perceived "offense" I'll just come out and say it: the end of rock music and the advent of social media have made society totally miserable.
  13. Society is so uptight and hyper political now... Good lord people, in the words of the most over rated QB in the league, RELAX! All this back and forth comes from what Dawkins said? LOL Can nobody just laugh anymore?
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