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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Gregg likes to hit QBs NE will probably either sit him for this mystery "calf injury" to avoid Gregggs cheap shot defense or just hand it off every play and still win by 20+
  2. LOVE this signing for the Bills! It's neat when it's fun to watch your OL play. This OL is out throwing blocks downfield, destroying defenders, and mauling people.
  3. So many people are incapable of changing their minds when presented with new information. I could see someone hearing this interview with Pancho and thinking "man, that kind of stinks." But then we are presented with a roughly 2 minute video that Jim Kelly made just for Pancho Billa that Pancho Billa himself posted on Twitter around the time of the NFL draft with a thank you message. Given that information, anything that states that he never reached out is obviously false. So at that point, the person who originally thought "man, that kind of stinks" ought to realize that Jim actually did reach out and the entire thread was one big misunderstanding of the facts. But NO, we are apparently incapable of accepting new facts and modifying our views. So we continue to go back and forth about why Jim might not have contacted Pancho, and the pros and cons of such a decision WHEN HE DID CONTACT HIM! LOL It's insane. It's also a little scary. These are the people driving cars, voting, and making financial decisions...
  4. Did nobody even watch the video posted by Pancho that Jim Kelly made for him? Or am I in an alternate universe?!
  5. It's bizarre.... There is literally a tweet from Pancho thanking Jim for his message and people keep arguing about how Jim never contacted him Freaking Common Core....
  6. how long until that idiot Florio runs with this article to back up his dream of the Bills moving to Toronto?
  7. well, Brady does have an injured calf. Probably hurt on the QB sneak TD. The more they try to pretend like he's a real football player, the better. I'm all for him running the Philly special. They keep trying it even though it never works and last year he nearly blew out his knee trying to catch a pass.
  8. Brady has an injured calf muscle all of a sudden... Speculation is that he injured it on the QB sneak TD. Every time they try to make him a real football player he breaks. Honestly, the only hope for stopping them is their arrogance and insistence on acting like Brady can be a real football player and do athletic things like run or catch passes. I'm sure he's fine. It's the Jets they have coming up, so they could line the punter up at QB and be favored by 10.
  9. He will never miss a single game, NE will go 16-0, and he will be named Super Bowl MVP. As much as I hate that team, it must be fun to be so hated and get to constantly rub everyone's faces in it. Edelman seems like he is in heaven. They have no desire to be liked. They WANT you to hate them so they can play the whole "everyone is against us" card. It's true now, though. AB is the PERFECT player for NE. That team is gross.
  10. "they have regrets" and "they wouldn't have signed him had they known..." LOL OK, but what can you do now? Guess they have no option now but to keep playing him because it gives them the best chance to crush America's spirit. They want credit for doing the right thing without doing the right thing.
  11. Big Ben got smashed every week of his career... I know the injury was non contact but he still took tons of hits Brady takes more of a beating during his workouts than in games
  12. The ball is snapped and before you count 1 1000 the ball is in the air and being caught by a WR that is open by 10 yards with no defender on the screen It drives me insane! He could play until he's 60 honestly... He never even gets knocked down in an entire game
  13. Still hasn't hit a deep ball To me that's the most impressive part... These are the throws he supposedly couldn't make
  14. Miami is doing what I do at the start of franchise mode in Madden... The only problem is that I'm not sure they have enough scouting points to unlock rookie traits and ratings Unless Flores purchased the expert scout package....
  15. He never even gets touched That's not a normal offense
  16. Sorry... I like Reid and Mahomes and totally hate NE to an unhealthy extent If Brady was an Avenger I would cheer for Thanos
  17. Dolphins loss today was actually not as lopsided as last week, even with 2 pick 6s #progress?
  18. And yet the 43 year old yoga man gets over on all these younger, stronger, faster, way more athletic guys It's truly insane He barely breaks a sweat during games... Just a warm-up for a night of hot yoga and rustic veggie medleys
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