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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Chargers could win a bunch of games Watching Rivers throw the ball makes me want to scream
  2. Stupid Chargers escape Lol at the Bears though Chargers drive me nuts and that loss would have really helped us
  3. The NE CLE game is a plus for us either way When NE inevitably wins it puts some more needed distance between us and CLE
  4. Our offense is too inconsistent to put up a lot of points
  5. This is going to be a loss... Defense can't get off the field 5-2 isn't bad but they cannot start to slide
  6. Catapult arm has the Chargers up on the Bears Today is not going well
  7. Wow how did the Eagles not get 2? We caught a huge break there
  8. Would that have been 1 or 2 points if the Eagles returned it?
  9. Resign Phillips to a lifetime contract Oops bad timing on my part... Lol
  10. Let's be cool .. no need to take penalties or get ejected
  11. I feel like guys like Schatz and Clayton will come on WGR for years and talk about how inaccurate Josh Allen is like it's gospel
  12. they could have gone 7-0 in the middle of the season and done this on defense, but instead they happened to start off with a bunch of cupcake games (minus the Bills) right now their numbers look great, but we'll see what happens...
  13. That's about all there is to say I think... Brady has been supposedly lobbying behind the scenes and I'm sure AB can cry a little and make nice with Kraft if it means crushing souls this season IF AB doesn't go back to NE then IMO Sanu and Gordon are pretty much a trade off, except Sanu isn't one Saturday night away from a lifetime ban from the league
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