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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. It seemed fairly tame to me honestly I was expecting more.... Just typical Schopp angry at the team
  2. This is the problem with UFC I would have rushed in to cover up Schoop and call the fight early on... Schoop recovered but Sal was already sitting on top of the cage with his hands in the air
  3. natural grass is better for players as well... the grass or turf tears instead of the ACL joint
  4. If you could pick one, which would you choose: 1) Defense with 11 Pro Bowl level players OR 2) Offense with 11 Pro Bowl level players I say offense, due to today's rules. But either way you win a ton of games
  5. The thing is... you can experiment with this! Here's what you do: 1. Go to the bank and take out $300. Make sure it's crisp new bills. 2. Go down into your basement and run the $300 through a paper shredder. 3. Roll out some of that fake grass green carpet from your nearest big box hardware store over the concrete 4. sit down on the hard floor against the wall 5. pour yourself a bottle of Labatt or similar piss water into a plastic cup and light a $20 on fire and there you are! The dome football experience!
  6. Retractable roofs are never open Total waste that adds hundreds of millions to the cost
  7. Rams must be setting up for another move
  8. I would be so happy to see Bell join KC NE must be stopped, period. I don't care who does it or what it takes.
  9. I absolutely hate the idea of a dome, and any thought that a Super Bowl will come here is a fantasy. Domes are awful, look horrible on TV, and feel like playing in a basement. Just watch a Saints game. They look like they take place at 2:30 in the morning on a green outdoor carpet from the hardware store stretched over concrete. It's dark, dreary, and hard to watch. Also, "retractable roof" is just another way of saying "roof that is always closed." It's pointless and adds hundreds of millions to the cost. A dome itself pretty much doubles the cost of the stadium. A simple cost/benefit analysis is enough to see that whatever benefits come from playing in a basement (at the worst) or an airplane hangar with the front door open (at the best) are outweighed by the ridiculous costs associated with ruining the experience. Steelers, Browns, Bears, Bengals, Chiefs, Packers, Patriots, Ravens, Eagles, Bills... all outdoor teams that play in winter weather. A new stadium will cost plenty without a roof of any kind. A roof doubles the cost and ruins the experience.
  10. No! Football is an outdoor game. Weather didn't stop the 90s Bills! Patriots see fine with it too as does Green Bay
  11. I just changed the channel Watched more than I thought I would No way Steelers were going to lose
  12. I hate watching guys who can't throw get away with it
  13. Well that was fun for a bit I didn't expect to watch a single play of this game
  14. Better than a punt! It's a brilliant play... All outcomes work out for Miami given 3rd down TD DPI INT at goal line
  15. Odd how the Dolphins look tough then suddenly fade Almost like.... Well I don't want to say it
  16. I'm riveted! I want a Dolphins win... Badly
  17. Our game vs CLE is basically going to be a playoff game
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