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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. At the end of the day it's just more of a lifting the curtain on that franchise. in 2019 alone they have had several stories come out that show just how crooked and underhanded they are: 1) The Kraft "incident" 2) Brady's plan to get Antonio Brown from Pittsburgh to New England. The two of them 100% set it up, Brown practically admitted as much during his handful of days in NE. He hired people to help him force his way out of Oakland and into free agency for the express purpose of playing with Brady in NE. The fact that the plan blew up in their faces is hilarious and karma at its best! New England fans on their forums complain about how Belichick could go into the season so thin at WR. Hmmm it's almost like he knew that they would be signing Brown at some point, isn't it? Breaks your heart that it didn't work out the way they schemed it up. 3) Now this. Yet ANOTHER surveillance scandal. Let's call it what it is: surveillance of other teams. It's like a creepy guy sitting in a van across the street from your house watching it 24/7. Most of the day he's recording a static shot of the front of your house and literally nothing is happening. Nobody is even home. Does that excuse what he is doing? Plus, if you ask he works for the utility company!
  2. When something doesn't make sense there is usually a reason... One team is so much smarter than EVERYONE else and understands football better than everyone else, even though they cannot draft worth a crap. Think about that one. I'm convinced that Ernie Adams' job is to watch all this video and learn as much about the other coaching staffs as possible. Like I said, people focusing on "why the Bengals?" are missing the point. Every second of the video could be useless. Or maybe not.
  3. Why the Bengals? The Bengals? Again, because it's not about the Bengals or this week's game. Any advantage gained there is incidental. It's about building info on a new HC from the McVay tree. It's for the future as much as anything else. Taylor will be gone in a year or two in Cincy and end up the OC on a good team. This is just data for Ernie Adams to have at his disposal just in case he can notice something from the entire quarter worth of film of the coach on the sidelines. The Patriots look for every minute detail. It won them a Super Bowl vs Seattle. They knew the play because they knew every tiny nuance. Ernie Adams would watch film of McDermott eating breakfast, just to see if he could learn anything. 99% of this filming is probably useless, but it's about the 1 gem Ernie Adams can find. That's his job. It's surveillance of other coaching staffs, plain and simple. 99.9% of surveillance is mundane and useless. Just part of the deal.
  4. The thing is... I think only 3 or 4 people work for the Bengals front office
  5. Because it's about Zach Taylor and the McVay tree Intelligence gathering for the Adams info vault Some game in 2022 we'll all hear about how Belichick knew Taylor's tendencies in some obscure situation and had his defense ready
  6. Its probably not so much about this upcoming game or cheating to beat the Bengals IMO it's more about building a database on Zach Taylor. Tendencies. Interactions with players and coaches. Maybe signals. Probably useless but you never know. The information will be banked and could be useful 2-3 years from now. Think about it: Taylor could be OC for a real team in a year or two. Either way it's info on a guy from the McVay coaching tree. Belichick thinks in 4D while most NFL coaches want to tell loud and have guys run through brick walls.
  7. Agreed Technically not the Patriots doing the filming... Just Kraft's production crew Someone... Anyone MUST stop this disgusting team from even going to the Superbowl this year.
  8. Bengals trying to ensure a loss by firing up NE before the game.... They want that #1 pick but they are worried about the NE offense not getting the job done
  9. If we can get a win in NE it could cost them a bye at least
  10. Wow KC wins it on defense! I'm shocked but their offense is underachieving with all that talent
  11. Yup He'll never win a title as HC
  12. KC cannot get a first down since the fumble
  13. A bit off topic but when did Tannehill become Montana?
  14. Reid's teams just cannot win the big games They will choke this one away
  15. Let's find out I hope everyone enjoyed that first half because we all know what happens now When will this ***** nightmare end with NE?
  16. How the hell is that not a penalty?!
  17. How can they block a punt every ***** game?!
  18. The script calls for a NE win today. 2 DPI on the same drive on 3rd down KC is going to get steamrolled tonight
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