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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady skewed everyone's perceptions Rogers has games where he barely breaks 200 yards .. so does Brees sometimes. Those are the top guys... Many starting QBs have rough games and or don't put up crazy stats Allen is doing fine for a raw prospect who was supposed to need a couple years to learn
  2. That was NEs best game they could play, at home, and we came within 7 yards of sending it to OT. They were desperate and played like it. It was also not our defense's best effort. Plenty of positives to take from the game and nothing changes for us anyway.
  3. Outplayed most of the half but it's tied up! Hopefully that builds some confidence for the offense!
  4. Amazing how Brady's elbow seems fine to drive into guys on a block then land on These #######s are going back to the Superbowl again
  5. Yeah I'll believe NE is over when I see it happen I bought in... They got me again
  6. Refs totally blew clock in Tampa Tampa calls timeout then the clock starts rolling again?
  7. The GOAT QB/HC combo in terms of being totally overrated would be Rivers and McVay
  8. Josh: Tommy... I've gotta run. That torch you handed me is starting to burn my jersey
  9. I am fine with him staying, because we have tons of cap space and he does make some plays... He only has 1 more year after this anyway, so his contract is not a killer. Hughes also comes off the books in 2 years. When you look at how Beane has structured things, this team should be pretty flexible for quite a while. I am always for paying your own and keeping the close knit group together as much as possible. In terms of Shaq I am a bit less inclined to re-sign for top $$ IF we could get him at something like 3 years, $30 million I would consider it, especially since Murphy and Hughes come off the books soon anyway. However, I think someone will pay him more than that based on being part of this defense.
  10. You could cut Kroft and Murphy, and tack on the same amount you're budgeting for Phillips this season and pay the man 16.7 million per year and break even cap-wise. 26 year old, 340 pound DT's who can rush the passer don't grow on trees! I could see 4 years, 60 million getting it done ($15/per). See below.... Phillips is not the type of guy who is going to stop playing when he gets paid... I can't see it I also think that a 340+ lb DT that can get 9-10 sacks lined up next to Harry and Oliver is a great thing to have, so I would 100% pay Phillips if it came down to picking one of the 2. It's easy to see where they could find the $: 1) Cut Kroft ($5 million) Kroft is getting $6/yr. Cutting him would save around $5 million next season on the cap (after the dead cap number) 2) Cut Murphy ($7.2 million) Murphy's cap hit is 8.9 million next year, with about 1.7 million on dead cap if he is cut) That's 12.2 million in space freed up right there. Phillips is getting 4.5 million this year already. 4.5+7.2+5= 16.7 Draft a DE to replace Murphy, who has not done much anyway. Kroft has been an almost total non-factor, and almost surely will be gone. Another realistic option might be to move on from Ty Nseke, which would save about $4 million on the cap after the dead money. Pat DiMarco is also getting 2.3 million and isn't really used. There are a lot of options to make a few cuts and not even dip into the projected cap space. In the end, the Bills have a ton of cap space, so they can pretty do much do whatever they want at this point and not get into trouble.
  11. why create a hole at DT? Re-sign Phillips to a 4 year, $55 million deal with a bunch guaranteed. We've got the cap space and he is young and has really bought into the system here. Going forward you have Star, Oliver, Harry and Phillips at DT. That's a nice rotation. It's time to stack some talent. Why have a great 26 year old DT who is playing extremely well, let him walk, then spend a high draft pick to replace him? INSTEAD, keep that DT and then stack talent with that high round pick. We don't have the nutzo QB contract so take advantage of that!
  12. Brady's elbow is about to blow like Big Ben's did This is why them not having a bye is huge! Brady is toast. 128 yards and barely 50% against the 1 win Bengals....
  13. Patriots fans are screaming like stuck pigs about how they are playing up the career TD passes race tonight for Brees but hardly mentioned Brady yesterday The next couple decades are going to be tough for them... Lol
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