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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. KC I'm a big Andy Reid fan and he deserves to win one finally. Plus I want to see the young QBs get some rings especially if we are out of it
  2. This is just the beginning! We were not going to the Superbowl this year. Offense isn't good enough yet. We need a bruiser type RB to go with Singletary. We need a top tier WR. We need another TE to go with Knox. Maybe even a WR3/4 option to mix in. We could also really use a dangerous pass rusher. I'm confident that the team will address these needs.
  3. Disappointed sure.... It's part of the ride... You buy in and go through the ups and downs with the team. Maybe it ruins your night or even weekend. But then you need to look forward to the next season. A couple of 13-3 teams are going home in the next couple weeks
  4. Beasley is the perfect WR3 Find a game breaking WR1 to put with Brown and Beasley and we've got something Then draft a Henry clone at RB
  5. Multiple 13-3 teams are going to have their insanely promising seasons end in the next 7-8 days Perspective
  6. Higher stakes mean higher emotions Some fans are going overboard with the negativity. Winning more and being in big games is going to take some getting used to for many. Perspective is necessary. This is a young team at key positions. The offense is far from a developed product. The key thing to get used to is having a great season and having it end with a crushing loss and being able to handle it. That happens every year to 11 of the 12 best teams.
  7. Brady was banged up this year A 43 year old body won't be any less prone to injury. At this point he's a middle of the pack starter. He won't be getting better at age 43.
  8. That makes sense. I thought the same thing... Just go down at the 1 and it's a kneel down. Probably more of an issue if there was more time on the clock or NE had a timeout to use on offense.
  9. Brady referred to the Patriots as "they"
  10. Yeah but now the 1 score was a TD and there was less time left, around 9 seconds and no timeouts They would have had less field to drive even from the 1 for a FG than from the 25 for a TD Assuming FG range is the 35 that's 64 yards from the 1. Needing a TD after the kickoff if there's a touchback means going 75 yards with less time. It didn't add up but either way it worked out well!
  11. Watching Belichick go nuts while the Titans bled 1:45 punting was fun!
  12. I know Romo said that, but I don't see how it helped them. Instead of 15 seconds down 1 they went to 9 seconds down 7 So assuming a touchback on the kickoff they traded 24 yards for 6 points and 6 seconds
  13. Anyone who says that these guys don't care about winning and losing is clueless Watch an episode of A Football Life. Winning is everything to these guys and their families.
  14. What did he say? I haven't seen it anywhere
  15. Oh NE is 100% going back to the Superbowl this year. It's how football goes.
  16. The biggest plus to me is Allen's attitude and mental makeup So much of sports (and life) comes down to mental strength and belief. Around here fans and most of the media have been pretty positive toward Allen in terms of support and encouragement. Plus the team has been winning and he has made some great plays this season. That helps to get through the growing phase of a raw prospect. Confidence going forward is key. Guys who come in and struggle right away sometimes get stuck in a cycle of bad games and negativity. If they aren't mentally tough and the fanbase turns on them their careers go down the tubes quickly. Allen is in a great situation here and has bought himself some time to continue to develop as he has shown a lot of promise and toughness while the team wins games.
  17. Chargers stadium only held like 30,000 people. That alone would tank the average.
  18. Josh Allen was thought of as a very raw prospect who was going to need a couple years Year 2 has CLEARLY been better than year 1. He just needs to make more of the routine throws. The deep stuff is just fine tuning.
  19. I REALLY hope hubris brings Brady back another year... The guy has been average at best for most of this season It would be nice if it was in NE so that Josh Allen and McDermott could collect a few wins vs Brady/BB/NE before Brady finally retires. It would also help to build up the early parts of the careers of guys like Mahomes and Jackson to log a few more wins against Brady and BB. Basically I want him to stick around so that all the young QBs can stack up a few wins against him. As far as any "yeah butts" regarding his age? I doubt New England fans cared when they beat up on JP Losman and Dick Jauron with Brady in his prime and Belichick in his prime.
  20. Josh is from the Cleveland area and he loved Baker Mayfield in the scouting process leading up to the draft
  21. One thing I've noticed about Brady. You know after 1 drive what type of game it's going to be. If he comes out and misses guys on that first drive you have a good shot at keeping him down. If he comes right out and just starts hitting guys in stride like he did in the 2nd Bills game, he will be on all night. It's going to be rainy and cold, conditions that favor running the ball and playing defense. The NE offense is not great already AND they have struggled to run. Their WR group is bad and Edelman is seriously hurt to where even the injections might not help much. Now that could also help the NE defense, since the Titans already want to run and NE will already be gearing up to stop the run. I think the game comes down to which QB/WR group can play in the sloppy conditions. I know Brady has shown that he can in the past, but with these WRs who cannot get open on a good day and when healthy, along with his struggles this season throwing the ball, it is going to be very tough.
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