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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Lots of crazy things happened that game including McCoy coughing up the ball in the red zone But you're right, it happened
  2. Reid's playoff record is 10-9 McDermott is 0-2 People ragging on Reid are over doing it... A few of those 9 post season losses were to Belichick
  3. KC was banged up and a lot of crazy things happened vs both Titans and Texans during the season KCs defense has turned it on lately. Either way the Bills weren't beating KC. Chiefs if they lose its 35-31 or something similar... Bills offense is good for 1 TD a game
  4. You need to score TDs to beat KC You don't beat them 20-17 or something like that Bills offense can't score TDs
  5. We watched another game last week that was 16-0
  6. Another WR making a play on a non perfect ball I feel like our WRs slow up on that and it goes over their heads
  7. The Patriots came very close to going to this year's Superbowl
  8. Now everyone can make dinner before the Ravens Titans game!
  9. My exact thoughts Bills WR don't make those spectacular catches to bail out our QB when the throw isn't perfect
  10. Depodestas list: Stefanski Stefanski Stefanski Has to be weird going to an interview and suggesting that a member of the committee be fired as McDaniels will likely do
  11. NFL fans in general seem to enjoy watching Josh Allen from what I've read and seen It's not that many non-Bills fans think he's necessarily a great QB in the traditional sense, but he is certainly not boring and the Bills are a fun team for even non-Bills fans, especially since we've been so bad for so long before now. He makes insane plays every week. It's a show when the Bills play.
  12. Good guy, amazing that he was a head coach for 3 different NFL teams, 2 after he quit on the Bills. It's odd that he went 9-7 two years in a row with the Titans and still got fired anyway after making it to the divisional round of the playoffs his last season. Going 9-7 is what the Titans do.
  13. I think the offense is close. Draft a top WR prospect, sign another Brown/Beasley level WR in free agency, and get a bruiser type RB to pair with Singletary. Do those 3 things and bring back Spain and I think you see vastly improved offense. Also, sign Dalton to be the backup QB.
  14. I see it as just a misplayed ball. Is it disappointing? Sure. But the problem is that this offense has such a small margin for error that if we miss our ONE PLAY on a given drive it stalls. You need, as an offense, to be able to bounce back if someone misses a play and hit something else on the next play. Instead, this offense gets someone open, something goes wrong, and then it's like nothing happens for another quarter.
  15. I think that he is still great, and as the GOAT should be paid top QB $$ by NE for the next 3 seasons. Anything less than a 3 year, $100 million contract from NE is a slap in the face! If Mahomes is getting 40 million per season, Brady needs at LEAST 30. I hope Kraft goes to $35 as a bit of a "financial apology"
  16. Yes, you want that big-time star WR BUT the offense overall could be just as good with 2 John Browns and 1 Cole Beasley, as long as the TE position continues to develop
  17. These guys have been known to surprise us before. Did ANYONE see them trying to trade for Antonio Brown?
  18. if Brady comes back to NE I think they will be OK I can't imagine him being awful, but I can imagine him looking like the 12-15th best QB in the league. Just a guy.
  19. If Brady is still as good as ever, how come Belichick switched up to a power running offense late last season when they still had Gronk and Edelman was healthy, and when he was a year younger than he is now? They were struggling then too, but rode the defense and run game to a Super Bowl win by a score of 13-3 in a game that was 3-0 to start the 4th quarter. The struggles continued this year and only got worse as the season wore on, which is predictable. 42 year old players suffer more from nagging injuries than they did when they were young. 43 year old players moreso. And Brady flat out missed throws all season. He's started to throw more pick 6's due to a lack of the same accuracy and arm strength. 2 weeks in a row at home with a pick 6, and should have been 2 on Saturday. He threw an easy pick 6 that Logan Ryan flat out dropped before halftime on Saturday. Ryan later got another one once the game was basically over anyway. I was a little shocked at how Romo said Brady's deep pass to (I think Harry) that was about 3 yards behind both the WR and DB and pretty much out of bounds anyway was a "great throw" that showed he still had the arm strength. I'm seeing Brady flat out miss guys he used to hit. Now, that said, Brady can still make some nice throws and have some very good games. But the consistency is not there, as is to be expected with an older QB. That will not improve, nor will the hits hurt less next season. If he comes back it will not go well (by their standards), so I hope it happens with NE and they lose some defensive players to free agency as a result. I could see Brady coming back to NE, them signing some offensive players, and them going 9-7 or 10-6 with Brady looking like the 12-15th best QB in the league. They could win some games, but they won't scare anyone anymore.
  20. He was missing throws this season. His last 2 games he threw pick 6's at home. If Logan Ryan wasn't planning his TD celebration before catching the ball he would have had another pick 6 before halftime Saturday when it would have really mattered. Threw it right to him, just like the Dolphins game. Yes, he didn't have the best supporting cast, but don't forget than in 2018 with Gronk, with Hogan, with a healthy Edelman he was struggling and they went to a power run game late in the season and into the playoffs. BB made the choice to switch up to a power run, defense-based team in 2018 when Brady was 41. Now that he'll be 43 they are going all-in on him passing it all over the field? All this talk of "no help" for Tommy... give me a break! He had the Boogeymen, HISTORIC defense! The greatest defense of all-time maybe, remember? He has Josh McDaniels, the OC everyone wants to interview, but not hire. He has Belichick, perhaps the greatest HC of all time. He had all the funny business that NE pulls. And STILL he looked average at best, and worse many times.
  21. Is there a Henry clone in this year's draft that we could get in the 3rd round or later? I'd love to see Henry (or a clone) paired with Singletary. It never felt this year like the Bills could consistently line up and impose their will. I think it's because as good as Singletary is, once he needed a breather we couldn't run the ball or it was a waste of a play.
  22. Good sense of perspective! The Saints just went 13-3, heard all the Super Bowl talk, and lost in heartbreaking fashion for the 3rd year in a row. In terms of Brady... I think he has gone from top 2-3 to top 15 level QB play, capable of huge games here and there but not consistent anymore due to being 42-43.
  23. IMO he did this force NE to do what he wants. Kraft will do just about anything to keep his Tommy. 1. Brady gets a big $$ deal. 2. Antonio Brown will be back in NE 3. They sign/trade for a TE That might sound scary, but 2020 Brady is like having Case Keenum at QB with those weapons. And they will lose some members of that defense and hopefully the OC in addition to the ST coach.
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