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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. When it comes to AB, if we go based on past spats and blowups he'll never be able to sign anywhere. I think time, money and Tom will heal all wounds when it comes to AB. IF Brady wants AB and AB wants to play with Tommy then everyone will have a group hug (via Skype)
  2. Florio is still banging the drum begging for the league year to be postponed.
  3. Tampa wants him badly. Easy division too, aside from New Orleans who chokes every season anyway.
  4. He's going to the Bucs Clues: 1) Patriots haven't shown any real urgency to re-sign Brady, which makes little sense if they really want him back. To me, this is the biggest part. If they TRULY wanted him back they would have signed him by now. They are treating him like the Bills are treating Shaq Lawson and Jordan Phillips, both guys we assume are gone. 2) NE just re-signed McCourtey and Slater. I guess they are not against locking up key players. Odd that the QB is "just a guy" like out rotational DT. 3) I think the Titans know it from Brady that he's leaning toward TB so they re-signed Tannehill. Brady did his buddy a solid and let him know so he didn't lose out on Ryan T. 4) Brady wanted the 49ers but they are out. IMO that was Plan A. 5) Bruce Arians said he's "all in." Why say that unless you think you have a shot? 6) AB lives in the Tampa area. 7) Tampa has tons of weapons already and will definitely sign AB. Arians worked with him before in Pittsburgh when he was OC. 8. Tampa went 9-7 with a guy who throws a pick every other pass. 9) Charlie Weiss this morning on Sirius NFL Radio kept saying he has a "feeling" about Tampa
  5. Going to NE for a 3rd round pick in 2022
  6. great... more weeks of Tom Brady talk.... I was mostly looking forward to that ending in a few days.
  7. I'm interested to see how Manning does, if it happens. Football broadcasts BADLY need an influx of new talent. ESPN's MNF product has been garbage for a couple years now. It's embarrassing.
  8. Logic tells us that we wouldn't be having this conversation if Brady really wanted to stay with NE and they really wanted him back. The idea that the CBA is some sort of obstacle is nonsense. If the 2 sides wanted to do a deal it would look and sound like the Drew Brees situation. For whatever reason, last summer Brady orchestrated this scenario. It doesn't make sense that he did that in order to make an extra 5-10 million dollars. Still, all that said, it seems impossible that he would leave NE.
  9. XFL should play in the fall on a non traditional night like Wednesdays It's just weird watching football in March
  10. Agreed... Brady and Belichick have this great record vs the Bills with years of BB/Brady vs the likes of Jauron and trent I don't see them not counting those wins
  11. all of the infrastructure is in OP Just rebuild there and have everything on one campus. Open air, partially covered, with those cool red lights for night games.
  12. It's so strange.... it seems so obvious to everyone except the HOF possibly GOAT head coach/GM
  13. I think Kraft is betting that nobody else will open the checkbook for Brady OR Bill WANTS Brady to walk but the Patriots want to look like they did everything they could to keep him WITHOUT making it seem like Brady turned his back on the team and fans. Over the years the Jets and Dolphins have beaten NE here and there, whereas for the Bills it seems impossible. 2 reasons: 1) Our offenses never score enough points. We try to beat NE 15-12, which means all Brady needs is one drive for a TD or one timely flag, whereas out defense has to be 100% perfect all game to win that type of game. 2) Our defense is back loaded, with secondary playmakers. To beat NE you need a pass rush without blitzing.
  14. Beane tried to trade for Antonio Brown last March I think he's aiming for some impact players on offense
  15. Suddenly everyone who works for the Browns having their decisions vetted by Depodesta doesn't seem so crazy Sorry Baker, analytics ran the numbers and this affair goes badly for you in 99.7% of simulations....
  16. Brady wants to mentor him? If I'm Cincinnati I don't make the deal for anything less than 3 2020 1sts regardless of value charts
  17. “I stand back and look at it from a distance. Maybe he doesn’t want to teach a new guy, who has just a little more ability, the ins and outs of his system. It’s my job to press him on that if I think there are players who make us better in the draft or free agency.” Both of those quotes were interesting to me... I've noticed that Beane has been letting people know lately that he is the guy making personnel decisions, not the coach. I would normally have read that as referring to the offense, since the defense seems stacked but the phrase "his system" would seemingly refer to the defense. Beane must know that we need weapons for the offense and cannot hope to win games by playing ultra conservative.
  18. Sammy is incredibly talented, and it shows when he has spurts where he makes huge plays. If he had Tom Brady's intensity and work ethic he might be one of the GOATS at WR
  19. I think Terry was always and now is much more interested in being an NFL owner than NHL. I know I would be much more into the Bills than the Sabres, even if both teams were good. Who can blame him? Football is much more relevant, much more fun regardless of record, makes more money, and provides much greater chances for glory. A 4-12 Bills season is still more fun than watching these recent Sabres teams. There are still some ups and downs. Still some drama. The country cares on some level. It feels like it matters. The NFL product is 100X better than most NHL games, which feel like a scrimmage in a half empty arena where you could hear a pin drop. Part of it is that there are only 16 NFL games vs 82 in hockey. These Sabres seasons feel 250 games long, though. It feels like they play (and lose) every single day. They were talking about the Sabres on WGR and asked a good question recently: "What ARE they good at?" Awful at PR and fan experience (see the article above for numerous examples) which is something that should be easy to nail.
  20. The only real audience for this is Robert Kraft. Brady wants his AB back.
  21. Drafting a RB in the first round is completely insane. It borders on incompetence. Totally indefensible. The league is filled with very good RBs that were drafted in rounds 2,3,4. We have one on our own team in Singletary! Henry was a 2nd round pick. I could go on and on. There is no position other than punter that I would be more upset to waste a 1st round pick on.
  22. He will be 43 next season. I'm so glad that hubris will keep him playing!
  23. To be up 10 points late in the 4th quarter and then not only lose but lose by 11 is really remarkable.
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