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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. When everything went so well the first month or so I think people relaxed a bit.. it's human nature We can only be on high alert for so long
  2. Were the Patriots decades of AFC East titles tarnished because it was BB and Brady vs guys like Cleo Lemon, trent edwards, and whoever the Jets had?
  3. This game is surprisingly entertaining I never expected the slightest entertainment value in this one
  4. The peer pressure in these locker rooms to not be the guy who brings it in and hurts not just the team but threatens everyone's health has got to be enormous.
  5. Jackson is an exciting player who will continue to lead his team to a lot of wins. But against the best teams in the biggest spots (playoffs especially) he is going to need to come through to silence the doubters.
  6. Agreed. If it is truly limited to just 3 players then you call up practice squad guys and play the game. Just like it was an injury. I'm amazed it took until almost October for this to happen.
  7. The fact that someone gets sick does not necessarily mean that they did something wrong or should be blamed. You can take every precaution and still get the virus. Protocols and behaviors that are 99% effective are great, but there will be positives.
  8. Sign/resign whatever offensive players you need to score 28+ per game and you'll win 11+ games. Defense just needs to force a couple of punts.
  9. 2 weeks in a row he's made a huge spectacular catch!
  10. One thing is for sure: Allen is our long term QB. Passing yards and passing TDs are coming every week. We hit in that draft pick. Hrs definitely not a bust (Darnold might be). Now the question is how good Allen can be. It's exciting!
  11. Allen is always going to be a little wild... It's his game. It's what makes him effective. Yes, sometimes he's so competitive that it costs you. But man can he make plays! I say A for this week because that last drive it seemed like it was whatever down and 25 to go the entire drive and he led the team to a winning TD. Kid has ice water in his veins, as coach said. He's a different kind of QB than almost everyone else in the NFL.
  12. Tyrod: "I'm 99% back coach!" Lynn: "but not 100! not 100....."
  13. In terms of Miami, they could be in a great spot. I like Flores as a HC. They have their QB. If they finish with a top 5 pick they can hold some QB hungry team up and get a boatload of picks to build around their young QB. Great spot to be in. I'm also happy to see Jax winning. It would be such a waste to see Lawrence go there.
  14. Patriots used the same thing every year. People would predict them to go 14-2 and they would be offended that they were picked to lose 2 games. LOL Football players LOVE this stuff. Hey, whatever works!
  15. No more trucking defenders, though, please! Save that for the playoffs or Super Bowl, as much as we love it.
  16. IF 100% healthy.... So if Tyrod is 97% healthy the rookie plays. Coachspeak
  17. Padded like Brady's 6 SB rings. 2 of them are padding, but it doesn't matter. Frosting is part of the cake.
  18. NE is no joke. They aren't the same team, especially with half their defense opting out, but they are not bad, either. Brady has been done for a year and half now, starting with their last SB winning run. That was all running game and elite defense, with a play here and there from the QB. Cam of 2020 is an upgrade over the current version of Brady. I see NE pushing for that 7th spot Wildcard, if not the 6th spot.
  19. Probably mentioned, but the same thing happened in the MNF game last night. The Saints example was even worse, to me. The WR basically was standing there and got run into and was called for an illegal block.
  20. I get the "hold your horses" talk but sometimes you can tell a team is good. How good remains to be seen, but to me they look like an 11+ win team. Good teams do have bad weeks and lose games, especially young ones that aren't the Brady/BB Patriots of the 2000's. So I expect a few setbacks, but I also expect a lot of wins. This team is good. The QB is hitting his receivers all over the field, guys are making plays, and the defense has been depleted by injuries but is hanging in there until the top LBs come back. The roster is talented, well-coached, and mostly young. Now, I don't expect Allen to throw for 300+ every week, or for the offense to be as successful every week. But this isn't just a mirage, either.
  21. If Fitzpatrick went into broadcasting, between him and Romo we would have some great up and coming talent in the booth. Seems like there's the old guard and then everyone else at the bottom, aside from Romo.
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