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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Incomplete passes without a flag are rare with some ref crews who like to be part of the show
  2. Just dawned on me that the refs were a non factor last night Now it's flag every play
  3. I predict Cleveland wins by 10 Just a gut feeling. KC hasn't looked dominant in a long time.
  4. Lamar was not going to get to Taron. White was in between the 2. No chance of success and he did us a favor not taking a big hit that could lead to some sort of flag negating the TD.
  5. This season has shown that you need the entire roster to win. You need depth and complimentary skillsets. Kudos to Beane for building this roster!
  6. Dan Campbell? LOL Look for a new rule next season that gives the team who hires "an offensive coordinator from Kansas City" as head coach 3 2022 1st round picks.
  7. Hearing it was a 1.5 year deal, with all sides deciding to be realistic.
  8. Crazy as it sounds Big Ben has as many rings as Brees and Rogers combined, plus he went to another SB (lost to Rogers Packers). I hope so... He looks like I had hoped Brady would look. Brees has no arm left at this point.
  9. Ben is 38 Josh is 24 That's 14 years difference, so if they have the same longevity, Josh Allen will be playing a home playoff game in 2035. Ben has also taken a.... relaxed approach to fitness, shall we say. No reason at all that Allen won't still be playing at Ben's age, which as I mentioned, would be in 2035.
  10. There has to be something to the Bienemy rumors, because sports media is practically crusading for him to get hired and if he doesn't the NFL might change the rules to force a team to hire him next season at this point.
  11. and Brees doesn't look a day over 60 out there chucking the ball!
  12. Bears announce they are retaining Nagy for another 8-10 games. Some of these teams are just delaying the inevitable, although if I was an Eagles an I would be depressed at that list of names. Also, just in general, there doesn't seem to be a lot of great choices out there. Saleh, Bienemy, Daboll. Other than that, lots of "meh" choices, or just plain depressing ones. Glad we are where we are!
  13. Cold is uncomfortable, but these guys are tough. Baltimore gets cold, too. Snow can really affect your footing, especially on defense. Mahomes loves playing in the snow, because it makes it hard for the DBs to change directions, and the WR know where they are going and can plan, whereas the DBs do not. Snow does not have to slow down great passing offenses. Never affected Mahomes or Brady. It won't stop the Bills, either!
  14. Lamar does the same thing so manty times a game: roll out to the right... roll.. roll... then right at the sideline throw it to a WR on the edge. I predict he does that but throws an INT this Saturday!
  15. Agreed! The Bills just had the most productive seasons for a WR and QB in franchise history. With the "defensive minded" McDermott. Every so often you still see those conservative tendencies show themselves for a bit, then it's like he snaps out of it and puts the pedal to the metal again. Same with how NE went from "shutdown the other team and win 17-13" to "score 50 points a game" under Belichick. Great coaches know both sides of the ball. Saleh has shown himself to be a very good defensive coach. It will be interesting to see his approach to the entire team.
  16. I could certainly see that. That's a good point.
  17. Urban Meyer will quit in a year or two. The guy is just not someone you plan on for the long haul. These big-time college coaches seem to struggle to adjust, although I will say that Saban was 15-17 and Chip Kelly was 26-21 in 3 years with Philly. Chip especially was more an issue of personality, because he did have a winning record there. Saban came from the pros and would do just fine there again, if he really wanted to. But he has such a good thing going in Alabama, where he is revered and wins almost every single game because he can scoop up any recruit he wants, so why leave that? It would be like having twice the salary cap of every other NFL team and just signing anyone you want.
  18. and you've got a fanbase in Detroit starting petitions for them to hire the guy. If you're Saleh, Detroit is a MUCH better job for tons of reasons, not the least of which is a QB who can play.
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