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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. By the time a QB was 35 or 36 he was shot in the old days. Rule changes have added 5 years to guys' careers, and that's good for the game. The difference between rings and stats is that no matter what, nobody can ever take your rings. All these passing records will be gone, especially if the league goes to 17 games. They used to play fewer than 16, which always gets mentioned when talking about guys like Jim Brown and his stats.
  2. Egos will cost them both Watson and a lot of the return they could get. Eventually, he will be traded if he holds out. But, other teams will know Houston has to trade him then, so the return will be less. Just like Carson Palmer. Bengals owner declared he would play for Cincy or nobody. So Palmer retired and a few months later he was traded for less than the Bengals could have gotten the first time around.
  3. Given that Andy Reid's idea of "going wild" to celebrate the biggest accomplishment of his career was staying up late listening to the music, watching the party, and having a big old double bacon cheeseburger, I don't think he's the type to encourage his children to drink.
  4. Interesting... I didn't realize that the family chose #1 with Garrett. It's so hard. There really isn't any right choice. They all hurt.
  5. It's crazy, but it just goes to show that rings are what matter in terms of legacy. Bradshaw has 4 times as many rings as Rogers. Is he 4X better? Stats are cute, but rings can never be taken away.
  6. Andy Reid has 5 children. If people want to say that he (and his wife, I suppose) are "bad parents" and it's their fault that 2 of their sons suffer(ed) from mental illness and drug addiction issues then how do you explain the fact that you have never heard a thing about the other 3? This topic is serious stuff that doesn't lend itself to tweets or 1 liners. Ignorance leads many to judge. In this case, if you have never been through this or seen someone go through it, thank God for your ignorance. Trust me on that. It means that you've never gone to the ends of the earth and driven yourself crazy trying to help a family member or friend who suffers with addiction. A lot of times you have 2 choices: 1) walk away and let whatever happens happen, and live with that fact when the inevitable happens 2) do everything you can, and accept that you will likely be some combination of disappointed, heartbroken, and angry on a regular basis Andy Reid, like a lot of us, have chosen #2, because we love the person. And we have a duty to try to help family and friends. You don't turn your back on those in your life who are in need. On some level, we hope that maybe we can fix things. If we just try harder, be there more... We can fix it.... We all know someone, and if you don't, like I said above, consider yourself lucky and try not to judge what you do not understand. I saw someone I know go through this as a parent. It's anguish and pain on a level you cannot fathom. Everything can look good for so long. This time is different! You got your kid help, she went to rehab. She got out and got herself a job, starting going to church... Started focusing on being healthier.. You and your wife, and her brothers and sisters, praise God and pray that it lasts. You think it will, this time. After all, it's been a good year or so since the last time. Please God let this last! She says that's all in the past. She sees how much she hurt herself and everyone around her. How close she came to dying many times. She loves you. You didn't turn your back, and really you should have, she says. But she's your daughter. That was never an option. That's your little girl. You did the rehab route. The people treating her are professionals, they know what to do. You do everything they say because you want so badly for this to work. Then you get the phone call... I originally typed what happened in this case but I cried just writing it, and it's SB Sunday, so I'll spare you the details. Suffice to say, it was worse than you can imagine. What would you do as a parent? Can you even begin to imagine the pain, anguish, rage, and heartbreak? What did I do wrong?! We tried everything! We did what the professionals said! WHY? That's your new most said word: "why?" There is no comfort. And as much as some want to say it's Andy Reid's fault, believe me, NOBODY blames himself more than the parent. There is nothing you can dream up in your judgmental heart that he hasn't said to himself, and worse probably. Thank God or whatever you believe in that you are totally ignorant of what the above feels like.
  7. It is worth remembering that Brees was still recovering from several broken ribs, a punctured lung, an injured foot, and a torn rotator cuff. Before those injuries he was doing fairly well this season. Maybe he heals up a bit and thinks "one more run!"
  8. AFC Title Game in Arrowhead 2 years ago. Brady, trailing by a TD throws a game ending pick. Honey Badger and Edelman are exchanging "good games" on the sideline as Edelman walks to the NE sideline defeated. BUT WAIT! Ford LINED UP Offside. He didn't jump; he couldn't even line up right. Chiefs would have easily beaten the Rams in that SB.
  9. Bet the house. There is no way KC wins this game now. Gut feeling.
  10. It could... Especially because Andy Reid had nothing to do with what happened, yet he will get criticism from many because it was his "kid."
  11. I honestly don't think so. We'll see, but I feel badly for Mahomes. The guy is following Brady's methods for prep, focus, and diet (he has even said that he wants to play into his 40's like Brady and is following many of TB12's methods) and this idiot coach creates a massive problem right before the Super Bowl. It certainly doesn't help the Chiefs. I think it's going to throw them off their game, while TB is quiet, focused, and ready.
  12. It's sad all around, and I agree with those who say you can't say it's Andy Reid's fault. This guy is not a "kid." He's in his mid-30's for crying out loud. Andy is trying to give him a structured environment and a career option so that he can get himself together. I can't fault Andy Reid for this. That said, Britt has seriously injured a child, likely cost his father a legacy defining win, hurt his father's reputation, cost his players (who look to him as a coach for leadership) a title, and ruined a solid and well-paying career due to his actions. I don't agree with or like the rush to judgement on Andy Reid as being a "bad father" or "enabling" his son. Anyone who has dealt with someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol understands how powerful and destructive both can be. There is no "magic fix" like "if he just was around more" or "if he just disciplined them more." It doesn't work that way.
  13. I hope the kid is OK, first and foremost. As far as the game goes, Dee Ford and now Britt Reid have each cost Mahomes a ring. Instead of a possible 3 peat tomorrow he'll have 1 to show for this run. It's amazing how often teams get to this point and just can't keep it together for a few more days. Brady sent his family away for 2 weeks so he could sit in the dark, get kitten blood transfusions and drink avacado milkshakes. So we get to hear how he is "super human" simply because he is focused, dialed in and professional while his opponents are idiots who can't focus. It is the lock of all locks. KC is going to lose. Brady once again benefits from another team's total stupidity.
  14. Quinnen. It's a big trade package, but realistic I think. Gives the Texans #2 overall this year, 3 solid roster players with some term left and no dead cap if they want to move them for other picks/players, and a 2022 #1 pick, which could likely be high as well. Jets get Watson and have the cap room to absorb the dead cap from the trade.
  15. Good points, and I think it will happen with Mahomes. That team is not going to stop winning any time soon. Ditto with Andy Reid. Now he has his QB. People like to say "what's his record against Belichick, head to head?" as if Reid wasn't going in with a huge disadvantage at QB for most of those games. Belichick had Brady the entire time, while Reid had McNabb, Kevin Kolb, and Alex Smith at QB. And he still got over on NE and Brady/BB a few times, even blowing them out in NE. Reid has won the vast majority of his games as HC without Mahomes. Belichick had Brady for most of his wins. Now Reid has his QB, and it lines up with him having learned and improved as a HC all these years. It's perfect timing. We're going to look back in 7-8 years and Reid is going to be over 300 wins, good enough for at LEAST top 4 all-time in HC wins and maybe even ahead of Belichick by then.
  16. That's pretty cool to hear, and it's nice to see a guy like Zimmer get some press. I hope the Bills keep him around for next season.
  17. KC needs to start fast this game. They have a tendency to sputter early on in games. If KC starts quick and puts some 7's up this will get ugly. If Tampa can keep the game close or even get up a bit early they have an excellent chance to win, because then the refs become a factor, and all it takes is one perfectly timed PI call to set Tampa right up to either kill the clock or score a TD.
  18. I'm with you; I was being facetious with the "greatest athlete ever" comment. I was reading one too many "there's almost no comparison with Brady" articles. It's incredible that Bill Russell is just sitting there with 11 NBA titles in 13 seasons and nobody even cares to mention him in the GOAT conversation. THAT is dominance. At least Jordan has come out and said Russell is the real GOAT. I guess since it was a long time ago they don't count as much... Patriots fans better prepare for the same thing!
  19. I don't see it with Darnold. Not a fan at all. Look at a kid like Stafford. Tough as nails. Puts up the stats every season on hopeless teams. Took the Lions of all organizations to the playoffs 3 different seasons. Plays hurt all the time. Has the mental toughness to deal with perpetual losing without cracking. Hardly ever misses time. Darnold has missed a lot of time and just seems lost and/or mentally beaten down. Now, he's in a terrible spot. But still, some guys keep plugging away (Stafford, Carr) and others like Darnold just seem to melt. When a guy who has gone through playing on a miserable team like Stafford finally gets a shot on a good team with a real coach, watch what happens. He was never broken. Darnold is going to need to be "reconstructed" and that's a low % proposition, IMO.
  20. Carr reminds me of Carson Palmer. Palmer was always the 320 yards, 2 TD, 1 INT and a loss QB. Stats always seemed there but there was something missing. Stafford is this X2. Then, Palmer goes to the Raiders and continues to be the 300+ yards in a loss guy. Finally, he gets to Arizona and all of a sudden he is a top QB in the league and winning tons of games. I see Carr being this on a new team, and I think Stafford is going to be a top 5-7 QB with the Rams. Sometimes guys just need a new team.
  21. The good news is that peoples' memories are short, and the newest is always the best. Which is why the guy who won 11 NBA titles in 13 seasons isn't thought of as the GOAT. That's why this game is huge for those of us who want to change the "Brady is GOAT" conversation. If Mahomes comes up short we're probably stuck, because Mahomes could eventually win 6 and it'll be "yeah but."
  22. If that happens then Reid will be in the GOAT discussion as well. Many don't realize that he is about to break into the top 5 all-time in HC wins. He has said he wants to coach another 10 years. By then, he could easily pass Belichick on the list, and maybe even make a push for #1. It's amazing how thin the line is. Dee Ford lines up correctly and Seattle hands the ball off to Lynch and Brady is 4-4 in the Super Bowl. Instead, because of 2 things he had ZERO control over, except the Ford wiped out his game-losing INT, he is unquestionably the greatest athlete in history in any sport, and there's just no comparison! LOL
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