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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. No, but Sammy is apparently known for having very long, in-depth and "out there" type conversations with whoever is willing to participate (probably mostly listen). There was a long article about it a while back. He's definitely an interesting character! I agree with those who've said that the Ravens seem like a good fit for both sides.
  2. Sammy comes to town, and a meteor lights up the skies of WNY this weekend... I'm not saying that Sammy has some mystical power over space and time, but I'm not not saying it either.
  3. Exactly... It's a nice luxury to have a guy who was talented enough to go #2 overall a few years ago as your backup. For the Bills. that's how far we've come, and it's great!
  4. Terry Pegula loved Trubisky going into that draft. Not saying that had anything to do with it, but I'm sure he's excited to have the guy on the Bills as the 2nd option.
  5. What about Slayton or Bohanna? I admit to knowing almost nothing about college football. I'm just going by how big the draft eligible DTs are! the good news is that this feels realistic (a giant DT in this draft) because Beane and McDermott seem to want a guy like that on the DL, based on their attempts to replace Jordan Phillips and their signing of Star originally, who isn't quite as big but played that role before here. It would be nice to have a guy like that in the system for little $$
  6. LOL, right? But now it's laugh at the Chargers time, which is a lot more fun than remembering that history! I don't feel too bad.. the Chargers don't even have a fanbase in LA.
  7. Solid addition as a backup who can come in and maybe win you a few games if Allen has to miss time, which hopefully will not happen. Plus Mitch gets a SB ring out of the deal. Win-win for all!
  8. Detroit and Cincinnati But as soon as those teams get good, if that happens, things change fast. Look at Cleveland's all-star roster.
  9. My only real rooting interest in the draft is the Bills drafting a giant DT. I'm sure the other picks will be fine and exciting, but I just want a 350+ pound DT out of this draft.
  10. He fumbled the game away for the Saints vs the Bucs in the playoffs this year. That alone makes him a good fit for the Chargers, who enjoy heartbreaking losses.
  11. There's all kinds of creative goofiness you can do with the cap. If the players you sign for big $$ produce then it's no big deal. It's bad contracts for big $$ that kill your cap structure.
  12. Agreed, and it's so much fun to think this way now!
  13. Agreed. She's crunched the numbers, and they don't support doing this.
  14. Most likely... Thats the marquee game. Lots of weird games for me this year... Am I actually going to root for Dallas? NE? Or Brady? The NE TB game is the non Bills game I absolutely can't wait to see!
  15. Bucs Bills to open the season. That's why she said she would be a Bills fan.
  16. It's totally crazy, I get it. Timing is just so strange... Just hours before the new league year begins. Who benefits? Not the Texans, that's for sure.
  17. What? So he ends up getting cut and goes to NE in free agency?
  18. I don't mean any disrespect to him, but I completely forgot he was even on the team last year.
  19. This year's Super Bowl showed how important a good OL is. Green Bay and New Orleans both held their own and moved the ball against that TB defense, but the Chiefs couldn't score a single TD.
  20. maybe the Raiders ARE trading for Wilson or Watson... I'm pretty sure that it's some kind of rule that neither one gets to play with a competent OL
  21. I can't see opt outs given how much the situation with COVID has improved, and with vaccines starting to ramp up.
  22. Star is freaking unmovable, so this is great news! Yes, he doesn't get flashy stats, but he occupies 2 blockers so everyone else can work. I still want Slayton or Bohanna in the draft as an eventual Star replacement, but I'm very happy to hear that he's coming back. Star is extremely strong and a big body in there. Hopefully he's putting in the work in the dining room to get ready for the season. Being all trim is nice on an opt out year, but now it's time to crush some pizza and wings a 900 lb DT... Don't tease me! Incidentally, when we had Sam Adams and Ted Washington lined up next to each other at DT, it was close to 800 pounds of DT. Imagine that weight tackling you if you run up the middle....
  23. There has been a lot of talk about how the Raiders just don't have $$ (not cap space) They did just sink an absolute fortune into that new stadium, and it's just terrible luck that the year it opens there are no fans, so no $$ from the new market. This definitely makes Gruden even safer. Can't afford to pay him and another coach.
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