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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. It's a new product from original pizza log company that they kept advertising on WGR. Basically like a pizza log, except stuffed with shredded chicken, hot sauce and blue cheese.
  2. Buffalo chicken logs! Looking forward to trying them
  3. Or maybe the state says how about we build it downtown, giving you the $ you requested (dollar amount, not percentage) and the Pegulas cover the rest
  4. the guy looks tiny to me... Even guys like Brady and Manning, who don't strike you as "big" when they are just standing there, look huge compared to regular people. Zach Wilson looks like a 10th grader. The guy looks like he'll break after 1 good hit in an NFL game. Maybe it's just me.
  5. Florio wanted the Bills to move to Toronto so badly... Then he could do a bunch of stories about the "heartbreak" in WNY and how evil and awful the NFL is, which is his favorite angle.
  6. Well... this is what makes the NFL king. Suddenly, the Jaguars and Giants are interesting. A year ago you would have had to pay me handsomely to watch a Giants/Jaguars game.
  7. I'm scared to death of what Jared Goff is going to do to us, even in limited action.
  8. These are fun and all, but what made Kraft a "great owner" was lucking into Tom Brady. You can give him some credit for going after Belichick. Due to Brady and Belichick, NE won a ton and became a top franchise. Before that they weren't much different from today's Bengals: a few nice runs, a SB trip in the past, but no real staying power. If Trevor Lawrence becomes a superstar then suddenly Shad Khan is a better owner?
  9. Meanwhile, the guys at WGR are off the hook planning shows this week Sal's camp reports: "Can't tell you who lined up where, who was 1st team, what plays were run, or what happened" "Everyone practiced today. That's our camp report!" Followed by 8 hours of furious Bills fans talking about this story. Only real question is whether Schopp goes full heel here on the afternoon show. This story is tailor made for his radio character.
  10. Also, the thought of the Bills moving is crack to Florio... Someone in WNY must have read broken his heart in the past... I wouldn't put much stock in his tweets on this
  11. I get it... But it's a negotiating tactic... I was wondering how this was going to work. NY is broke, and we are still in the middle of a pandemic. How can the "guy who saved the Bills" get public money? If you're stance is that you'll never move the team then there is no pressure on the state. What's the difference then? Pegula: we want a billion dollars NY: no
  12. Direct TV pays 1.5 billion dollars per year for exclusive rights. There's no money to be made with Sunday Ticket as a stand-alone product, unless you're the NFL. If the 2 million subscriber number is correct (of ST subscribers) then Direct TV barely covers half its fee each year, maybe less. The fact that Direct TV created all kinds of barriers to anyone just wanting to buy Sunday Ticket tells you that the economics don't work, and it has been reported that they lose millions on it every year. Every step of the way, they fought and/or dragged their feet when any push was made to make it more widely available to people who could not install a satellite dish where they lived, especially large high-rise type apartments where you just couldn't feasibly put dishes. Instead of happily taking money from huge numbers of people in major cities who had no way of subscribing to Direct TV but who did want the Sunday Ticket, they first tried everything to get dishes on those buildings, then slow rolled the implementation of a non-subscriber option, which they advertise now (but with the *). When you read the fine print or try to sign up for just streaming Sunday Ticket, many times your address isn't "eligible" and they switch to getting you signed up for the dish first. In the end, it's all just a giant commercial for Direct TV, which is why you used to be able to get crazy discounts on it. They knew they would get you on the TV package you had to also buy. If Apple ends up with it, expect the same. You'll need to buy something else first in order to then buy the ticket. There simply aren't enough subscriber dollars coming in to offset the enormous fee, let alone make a profit of just that product. When you start 1.5 billion in the red each year on a product, that's a lot of ground to make up just to break even. the NFL isn't known to go for reductions in rights fees, especially after they just got giant increases in the middle of a pandemic. If you're a new provider looking to get into Sunday ticket expect to pay more than 1.5 billion per year. How do you make that $$ back?
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