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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Singletary makes a play and right to the bench for Moss every freaking time
  2. Why would any NFL coach want to leave a good team to go to college? I get bailing on a disaster but not a winning team.
  3. I'm anti roof, anti dome and a large part of me will get extra enjoyment out of knowing how much not having a roof on the new stadium bothered some people
  4. Weather is not the reason we're losing.. We're getting handled
  5. We're in the wildcard race now
  6. Feels like a huge sigh of relief here
  7. We've had 2 drives this half right?
  8. Defense cannot get off the field
  9. Literally everything is going the Colts way
  10. Huge missed opportunity there
  11. Late flag... NFL has become ridiculous with this crap
  12. Singletary is obviously better than Moss
  13. Spencer Brown looks like a home run so far so you're right and I hope that's changing
  14. Beane and McDermott not valuing huge physical DL and OL is hurting us They always want linemen to slim down.
  15. Totally unbalanced offense and a defense built to stop the pass
  16. This team has some serious weaknesses
  17. We're running into a buzzsaw today
  18. This isn't looking good... But it's early
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