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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. You know Schopp from WGR is a little bummed right now. This was supposed to be the week he could finally go all in on his "this is who Allen is" theme
  2. In Patriots country following on the game tracker or whatever you call the thing that comes up when you Google NFL scores... Anyway.. why did you mention collar bone?!
  3. To me, that's the biggest concern. So much of this game is mental, and he's got to get that under control.
  4. Anyone complaining about tax/public money going to the stadium should remember that 1.1 billion dollars of their tax dollars went to Yankee Stadium. Why should WNY suffer to "prove a point"?
  5. I want a long-term, rock-solid commitment from the team if I'm NY/Erie County. I need 30 years.
  6. An open air stadium with covered seating, if done right and with lots of bells and whistles to make it not only cool for fans to be there but with some things unique to Buffalo would be incredible. Nobody wants to pay more, we all agree on that. However, the big-time league involves big-time prices. Our QB just signed a quarter of a billion dollar contract.
  7. An additional $30 per ticket would move the Bills from #32 to #16-17, right at the NFL average of $104 per game. I think the market could bear it. You're telling me that if tickets were $104 instead of $74 on average our crazy, passionate fanbase would stay home? I don't buy it. One thing the pandemic proved is that people will pay the price to get the things they want.
  8. I agree that in a perfect world they wouldn't exist. Also, if I was Jeff Bezos I would have purchased the Bills and built a world-class stadium myself and still had $100 billion. But in the NFL you either pay the price or the product goes away. We have to decide whether we are willing to pay the price as a fanbase and community.
  9. I'd be aggressive with the pricing on PSL's. Strike while the iron is hot. Make the experience world-class and field a winning team and people will come.
  10. YES! After decades of being irrelevant I want the Bills on the biggest stage, with the A-team of broadcasters and all the national attention. Otherwise, what's the goal? You don't "sneak" into the Super Bowl.
  11. Ticket prices will go up, but IMO there is more pricing power in this market than the team has been trying to tap. If a ticket costs an extra $25 that isn't going to dissuade many people from going, especially now when the team is good. This is actually the perfect time for this.
  12. How much money could this actually raise? If it's just a couple of million (yes, I know that sounds odd) it doesn't seem worth it.
  13. I must be in the minority, but I LOVE primetime/night games! That's when the top teams play and the stakes are highest. Isn't that where you want to be? 1PM Sunday is nice here and there, but that's Jaguars vs Texans territory.
  14. Allen really needs to get into an early rhythm to settle down his nerves. This is where Daboll comes in.
  15. I love it! MNF in January. FINALLY MNF will mean something again, instead of games like Detroit vs. Green Bay or Washington vs. Giants for the 800th time.
  16. AZ Coyotes are going to spend $1.7 billion on a new arena/development project? That's a lot for their 10-15 fans.
  17. All the arena rock groups are in their 70s so I wouldn't count on them.
  18. Texans remind me of drought era Bills McCaffrey injured again... Never pay a RB.. just hope to catch lightning in a bottle during his rookie deal
  19. Chiefs can score on any play. That's the killer. You can shut Hill down 45/46 plays. Then, late in the game he gets you on that 46th play for a 75 yard TD. Good news? Their defense is so bad you can also score on any play!
  20. new motto on the practice squad: "I don't have to be the best OL here, just better than Bobby Hart!"
  21. Yeah, that does look pretty open! I just hope Allen isn't freaking himself out too much. When I heard him say he throws up before every game and doesn't eat on gamedays I was a little taken aback. That just seems excessive in terms of being worked up. So much is said about him trying to calm himself down that there is definitely something to it. Now he's floating passes way short so he doesn't overthrow open guys and second guessing everything. I think this is all in his head.
  22. I'll tell you one thing, Schopp on WGR is starting to feel it a little bit, dipping his toe into the "Allen was a mistake" water again. Last year he had to eat crow and go along Allen being an MVP type QB, and you could tell it was killing him, especially once we beat his beloved Lamar in the playoffs. His heart was never really in it. Now he seems more alive, more happy every afternoon. He's even getting back to having his analytics guys on to talk about how "this is who Allen is" every other show. If this goes on another 1-2 games he's going to come right out with it. But for now he's treading lightly, and it's hilarious to listen to on my long commute every evening.
  23. Admittedly, I'm no coach, but it looks to me like if Allen throws the ball the defender can react and drift over to get in the way of that pass. Maybe he just plain missed one there.
  24. Tua: Good news coach! My ribs are not broken! Coach: Then we haven't looked hard enough!
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