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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Poor wording on my part... Who is truly upset? Is what I should have said.
  2. The manufactured outrage on the Rodgers Covid stuff is hilarious. Who really cares? I mean seriously. How long until Florio starts asking on his platforms whether it's time for the Packers to release Rodgers? What did Rodgers do that is such an outrage? You thought he was vaccinated, which is none of our business, and then he went on about his wack a doodle earth remedies, which is his right regardless of what we think. We just love a good celebrity tear down. It's really that simple.
  3. OBJ is a terrible teammate. Browns, while not as good as they thought, are supposedly a contender and he is tearing up the locker room with this garbage. Good for us, but a terrible look for OBJ. Not everyone gets to play for the red, white, and blue. Sorry man....
  4. Incredibly sad story... Killed somebody, nearly killed his girlfriend, and set his winning lottery ticket in life on fire.
  5. It's true, the team is deep, but what a letdown that would be to get to late January and then key guys can't play due to COVID. I feel like it's inevitable this year for some team in the playoffs, and it just kills the game. KC/GB was going to be so much fun to watch now it's another junk game. Bad for the league when there's so few games.
  6. This is what I'm most nervous about once the playoffs start. I'll be terrified of Covid decimating the team right before a game...
  7. I'm listening to Pat McAfee's show and they are saying it was a team Halloween party at Rodgers house.... They also said a dozen + Giants players, so I wonder if the Chiefs were affected...
  8. I didn't hear that, but it makes sense... So finally having like -$100 million in cap space actually affected them!
  9. This is really weird... I guess the Browns couldn't trade him for anything yesterday? Or was the issue fitting his current salary under Tampa's cap? If I were the Browns, I would cut him knowing he would be subject to waivers and likely picked up by Jacksonville or Detroit. Petty? sure, but maybe deserved.
  10. I know, that's what is so crazy about these cost estimates to build in Buffalo/WNY!
  11. Well, that makes for a much less appealing game Sunday. Now imagine this happens in January to a star QB before a playoff game.
  12. That's not bad, but it would be much more expensive than the roof estimate from this study, which assumed basic structure and not glass
  13. Saints should just sign Brees after Thanksgiving Brees tended to tail off the past 2 years due to injuries and age, but he's fresh and hasn't taken a hit all season. He could come give you 6-7 games of solid play
  14. Agreed! Retractable roof is pointless because it's never open anyway.
  15. Nah, not the same! I want to say "man what a crazy weather day it must be there!" as I sit in my Zubaz pants curled up with my cat and sipping a beer enjoying the crazy scene. Colts, Saints, and Falcons stadiums are almost unwatchable on TV, and it's a TV product!
  16. Just please no dome... Most domes look absolutely awful on TV. I want to see swirling snow and dark clouds as a backdrop as I'm enjoying the game on my comfy couch!
  17. Deep down, and no B.S, just totally 100% completely frank, honest, and genuinely... I think they're pretty good, about as good as you can reasonably expect defenses to be nowadays with the rules what they are.
  18. Don't trade depth when you're going for a title. One injury and all of a sudden you're in trouble at WR if you trade Beasley.
  19. It's a long season, and we said the same about Beasley. Eventually we'll need everyone to contribute, and once January comes we need guys fresh and healthy for the stretch run.
  20. Houston and the league do better by trading him this offseason in an open bidding war where a number of QB needy teams might take part
  21. the Browns biggest issue is that Baker is the 3rd best QB in that division, behind Burrow and Jackson (in whatever order)
  22. That's the problem with taunting... In a big moment a guy celebrates and it's up to the ref
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