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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. The fact that it was such a late flag makes it worse. Almost makes you wonder.
  2. That's an example of how easy it is to sway a game.. Plus it was a classic late flag after the ref waited to see if the pass was completed
  3. NFL refs strike again... Interesting how it kills a drive after a first down deep in their territory
  4. I'm amazed that this is a game... I hope it's a dramatic ending
  5. awww.... you're too kind. I HAVE often been told that I have the perfect face for radio, so I get where you're coming from! I'm just a guy posting on a message board so it's not me you have to convince about a dome. The team doesn't want one, and the state is flat broke and can barely afford to pay its bills as it is. A stadium of any kind is going to be a lot harder sell than people realize, so saying "let's give the billionaires a few hundred million extra that they didn't even ask for" isn't going to happen.
  6. I know they're playing him now because what else are they going to do.... But do they really believe in him? Has he really been all that impressive? I hope they DO buy into Tua and keep him long-term. That's good for the Bills!
  7. We went to a game years ago when the team was awful and it was wet snow and rain and ice all game. I found it to be fun, except for the walk through the parking lot after. That was a little scary, and the Bills won the game.
  8. I was the biggest Patriots ever ever, then I realized "It was all Brady" I don't LIKE NE but it's kind of fun to have them be good but hopefully just not quite good enough, in a turning the tables kind of way. But when they win other non-Bills games they're just another team to me now, which is admittedly weird. I do get physically ill watching Tampa Bay highlights on RedZone, let alone them winning.
  9. John Fourcade threw for 300 yards that day. What a blast from the past!
  10. The fans are a vital part of the show for sure! They add drama and atmosphere that is key to the product. The Bills are a unique team in a unique place known for one thing nationwide: snow (even if it's overblown). "Playing a game in Buffalo" means something because it COULD snow or be windy or just be WNY-ey where you could get rain, snow, wind, hail, and sun in the same game. It's an interesting dynamic. It brings eyes to the screen. And then there's Bills Mafia, crazed tailgaters nuts for their team. These things set the character (The Bills) apart from other teams. It's part of why people in other countries care about an American sport. In short, It's interesting to watch. It's actually a little crazy. But amazing TV! Think about it: "the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field" is one of those made for NFL Films elements. Put Green Bay in a dome and it's a game played in an airplane hangar on crappy looking carpet that looks like it came from the clearance section of Lowes even though it cost billions of dollars.
  11. We knew each other since we were young, had a lot of fun early, then went through a long 17 year period where it seemed like nothing was going right. But we stayed together because that's what we knew. Then, we won the lottery and now we're partying like's it's 1990!
  12. I look forward to saying "wow it must be crazy there!" as I'm watching in all my fluffy warm Bills gear on my couch while the rain and snow fall on my TV. NFL stadiums are just TV sets. When you realize that "no dome" makes more sense. This is a product for TV where most of the $$ comes from TV contracts. Fans are paying extras who add to the show. The players and coaches are the stars, and the refs are the heels. For the TV show that is the NFL Bills=weather (snow), even if the weather here isn't any more remarkable than most NE cities. A dome makes a game here the same as New Orleans, which takes away something unique that adds intrigue to the show.
  13. No tapping on the door, all nice and polite. This Monday night, WE"RE COMING IN THROUGH THE WALL!
  14. No doubt Mac is good, IMO. He passes the eye test to me. When Jones throws the ball is looks clean. even if he doesn't have top end arm strength. Tua looks awkward throwing the ball to me, and I'm totally unimpressed with his career so far. Maybe he gets better, but I doubt it. Heck, who am I, but his own team doubts it too from all appearances. They seem to have given up on him after like 5 games.
  15. This is amazing! I thought that the whole "we have our next Brady" thing was just NE fans and media having some fun and getting a little carried away, but these guys actually believe it. The dream ends Monday night, and the alarm clock is set for 8:00 PM (Mac always hits the snooze button)
  16. Stevenson, Mckenzie, and Brieda is a lot of speed on the field. I hope we use McKenzie on offense a bit with Brieda in speed packages.
  17. We'll be lucky to get any stadium built, but it aint going to have a roof at the cost of hundreds of millions more. Arguing about a dome is like arguing for the new field to be built at the land I bought in East Newstead along the thruway on the advice of a dude I met from Dunkirk. Now we just grow onions and sit in broken plastic Adirondack chairs watching the cars go by. But that's another story... 1. NYS is flat broke 2. NYS politics is all about COVID, COVID, COVID and now you're asking for hundreds of millions for billionaire owners of an upstate team 3. The Bills owners aren't even asking for a roof 4. Now you expect the STATE to say "hey, let's do a roof and here's ANOTHER few hundred million on top of the obscene amount you already want from our broke state in the middle of the pandemic?" There won't be a roof, and we, like the Green Bay Packers, Pittsburgh Steelers, and New England Patriots, will be DOOMED to not get to Super Bowls OR have great passing games because of the weather.
  18. I just watched an old Thanksgiving snow game between Dallas and Miami (in Dallas) on YouTube. Field was all ice and snow. In Dallas! Man the game was so different then. I feel like players are better and definitely smarter now. It looked like nobody could even walk around, let alone play real football. Plus Leon Lett... LOL Now the snow just provides a nice backdrop for the show. It hardly affects players. Wind is what sucks. Either way, NO DOME BABY! These NFL stadiums are basically TV sets because TV is where the money is, and domes look freaking terrible on TV, with a couple of multi-billion dollar exceptions. It's like whoever built these domes tried to think of the worst possible looking backdrop for the product.
  19. absolutely no doubt the NFL would LOVE Brady vs Bill in the big game. Whoever plays Tampa will need to be perfect to win. Colts had them, going in to go up 17 points in the 3rd quarter when BAM! Wentz remembers he is Wentz and fumbles to end a Red Zone drive. That gave the refs the opening they needed, and the PI started flying for Tampa when they hadn't all game. I'll give the refs credit: they will give you a fair shot to put Brady's team away early. But then they're going to step in if it's still close late.
  20. GREAT NEWS! Feliciano was a huge loss on the OL. Hopefully he took the opportunity to put in some work in the dining room and lost the yoga bod. We need big nasty Feliciano back.
  21. One of the best defenses is an offense that uses a ton of clock and ends drives with 7s
  22. Listening to Pete Carroll post game I can only imagine how hard it would be to take his rah rah act seriously over the last few games
  23. That second one was almost recovered as well Uh oh... Just heard the R word
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