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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. I'd rather say they kick it to the 5 and he returns it to the 30 with 7 seconds remaining. Plus you make them choose. If it hits the ground the clock starts plus there are Bills around, so I need to get this ball and do something with it.
  2. Ironically, that's the same thing his players probably say about the experience as well
  3. It does make sense. As I said, if the return gets 15-20 yards it takes on average 6-7 seconds. Obviously a 5 yard return takes less, but it is also a 5 yard return. So they take a couple seconds and get it at the 10 or 15 now with 11 seconds or even 10. You know what you'd do then? What McD did. That's the defense for that situation.
  4. And their division is a joke. Dallas is talented but a mess at times. Then Philly's coach is a goofball who had Eagles fans throwing flowers at him because he talks about the roots taking hold and crops flowering and everyone needing to water and fertilize. Then you have the WTF team, who is a perennial mediocrity at best, although I do like Ron Rivera. That organization is just gross. So it's a great chance, with 2 picks in the top 10 this year, to really do something there.
  5. I think McD figured that it was the perfect defense to follow a squib/pooch, but it would also work with 13 seconds, albeit not as ideal. It was the perfect defense to stop 1 play, but not 2.
  6. Exactly! You have to at LEAST put pressure on the other team to make a decision in a split second, emotional moment! Instead we just let them take an easy touchback and play catch with their WR and TE.
  7. These guys dream of being a head coach and running a program. When you're a superstar QB you're a superstar QB. Allen is a top 2-3 QB in the NFL. Yes, you want a good OC who can put together great schemes and coach up the offense, but Allen is going to continue to be great and whoever is our next OC will get HC interview after we win the SB next year.
  8. But Hill was never going to go deep, that's the part people don't seem to get. Their plan was to get into FG range in those 13 seconds. Hill's route was to get yards and GET DOWN! Same with Kelce. They were never going up top, because if they did it's game over with an incomplete.
  9. Plus, you would expect, and you saw, that KC told their players to GET DOWN and not waste clock. A TD was never in the cards. Coaches were beating it in their heads: GO DOWN when you catch the ball and call timeout. I believe something went wrong on the kickoff, because the D we played was PERFECT for KC having 6-7 seconds of game clock to go 40 yards. Once the touchback happened we just stayed with the same D were were going to use anyway.
  10. The average kickoff return (that gets 15-20 yards) burns 6-7 seconds of clock. Squib or pooch inside the 20 and KC likely returns it to the 30 (ish) and burns 6 seconds (we'll go low end). Now, instead of 1st and 10 from the 25 with 13 seconds, it's 1st and 10 from the 30 with 7 seconds. Game's over, even with the defense we played. There's not enough time for 2 plays and a FG.
  11. Also, talk about a 180 from the lunatic dictator Urban Meyer! LOL Leftwich would have plenty of time to get himself established there, plenty of good will. Yup. About 1/2 HC the coaches in the NFL aren't really that good. Teams are interviewing offensive assistants who haven't even been coordinators for HC jobs just because they work in a room with a good QB. Then you've got the Eagles coach mumbling on about dirt and roots and flowers. It's freaking hilarious that he is a HC.
  12. Fearing Tyreek scoring a TD there is just crazy. If he starts trying to be a hero after catching the ball the game is over is he is tackled. That's GREAT! If Kelce gets a little greedy after catching the second one the clock runs out. KC was NEVER going to go for a TD. Both Hill and Kelce got what they could and immediately went down. That's not a team that is trying to get 7. So the defense made no sense.
  13. I just want an entertaining Super Bowl filled with twists, turns, drama, big decisions, crazy moments Because I don't really have a rooting interest. No Brady means it's just fun, no stress, and I want an entertaining game. I would like to see Stafford get a ring, that would be cool, but I am a big Andy Reid fan and would like to see his critics choke on some more crow. Aaron Donald winning a ring would be cool to see as well, as good as he has been for so long. Bengals and SF have no chance. This weekend's games will probably both be blowouts. But the SB should be really good if it's Rams/Chiefs.
  14. Exactly! They only had 3 seconds for the FG. So find a way to make them take 3 more seconds over the course of 2 plays. A jam costs at least a second.
  15. That makes sense, but the Chiefs were never going to throw deep to anyone, because if it went wrong the game is basically over. Now you burned 7-8 seconds and there's 6 seconds left and you're still at your 25. Now it's desperation hail mark from 75 yards away. You know that's not their plan. Their plan is going to be to get a quick hitter out to the 40-45 so that a hail mary is possible. Whoever catches it is instructed to go down immediately to avoid running out the clock. That's the big difference between the series before and the 13 second series. IF Tyreek catches it and starts running the game is over unless he scores a TD. As it was, they kicked the FG with 3 seconds left. They almost ran out of time immediately going down. Run around and it's game over.
  16. Normally my suggestion wouldn't work, because it would give Mahomes all day and the WR would just run down the field. However, the Chiefs had a strategy and it had to be a quick hitter. So maybe you go 2 DL just to keep things honest and have a line of guys ready 10 yards downfield and another deep. The DL aren't getting there anyway, so you use those chess pieces in a smarter way to clog the middle. If Mahomes takes off and runs his WR aren't going to be in position to block and nobody would have expected that, because the ball needs to come out quick and it needs to be a throw. AT LEAST you pressure them to make a decision, instead of it looking like catch in the park.
  17. Not liking the shift in momentum of reports... Get this done Jags!
  18. Browns roster is stacked. They just need a QB!
  19. Gotta be more buttoned up than that, because we'll be right back in the playoffs next year and it's going to be time to kick that door down. Learn from this, have a plan for this next time that makes sense.
  20. Hill returning that kick would be best case scenario. It increases the chance that he tries to be a hero, running around doing Tyreek things. Running sideways, juking, twisting and turning. Meanwhile, 7-8 seconds or more burns off the clock. Say he gets all the way to the 40. There's probably time for one hail mary at that point and that's it. Of course he could break one. But you trust your coverage team there.
  21. I think pulled a Michael Scott as Florio suggested. Everyone thinks Friday is his last day and he leaves Thursday to avoid the hoopla around him. Man in the Arena aired this year. He's suddenly talking about retiring when last year there was no doubt after the SB win. His TB12 social media feeding the buzz. Giselle's social media posts about "enjoying things one last time" Brady saying that his family will be a major part of the decision (what, to keep playing when Giselle has tried to get him to retire for years now?) The NE ESPN guy put it out there first, along with a former Pats teammate of Brady. It was "speculation" from the same guy who called Brady to Tampa when that seemed very unlikely. Most of all, Brady said multiple times, including on his podcast Monday, that he does not want a "farewell tour" like Jeter had. So maybe he said 45 so nobody would suspect this was his last year. Maybe even more important than all of the above, he almost had one more "magical moment" but showed he can still play. That could easily not be the case come middle of next season, and he knows his body better than anyone. Eventually it all adds up, and he does not want to be mired in mid October with a nagging injury and playing like crap, and going out like that. That is WAY more likely than a repeat of his performance this season. Tampa's schedule was a joke this year, but next year it's freaking brutal.
  22. In all the mayhem something got messed up. These coaches are too smart and too good for what we saw to have been the plan. It was a joke. I'm more angry now than I was Sunday just thinking about it and watching it back. It's like being up 3 in basketball and just collapsing your D back to the net and allowing the other team a wide open 3 point shot to tie and not even challenging them, just to avoid the 3+1 if you foul. Poyer and Hyde? Best safeties in the league? Let's put you guys 40 yards downfield so you can watch the play and have zero chance to win the game for us. It's so freaking stupid it's incredible.
  23. Poyer and Hyde.. our best 2 defenders, were taken out of position to have any effect on the last 2 plays. They basically watched from 40 yards away. We also took 4 D linemen out of the play by having them do close to nothing. The game was decided on that 1st and 10 with 13 seconds. You cause issues there and they have half the time on the next play and not much to show for it. Now it's desperation heave time. Here's what I would do: ball is snapped and all 4 DL run backwards 10-15 yards. Nobody rushes at all. Normally a bad idea, but there are no super deep routes. What does Mahomes do? Does he run? tick..tick..tick 13, 12, 11, 10... Fine! go ahead. 9, 8, 7 ,6,5 and we tackle you at the 35-40. Meanwhile, what do the OL do? They can't run downfield or he cannot pass. So they stand there doing nothing, not sure what to do. Probably someone goes go downfield. It totally throws the offense off. That's not supposed to happen. It's also a non-hail mary play so the WR aren't running super deep routes, so there's really no danger of letting Mahomes just stand there for 5 seconds or 6 seconds to find the open man. The more time it takes, the better.
  24. Well, something went wrong. On the kick, on the defense. NO WAY in the world did McD say "let's just let Hill and Kelce catch the ball and run 20 yards then tackle them guys!" There is just no way. He's too good a coach. Kicking it deep isn't totally crazy, because you trust your D and they have to go 40 yards in 13 seconds. But a squib or a pooch put pressure on KC to decide.. do I try to be a hero and run this thing back, or just go down way back here? We put ZERO pressure on them at any point in those 13 seconds. Everything was easy. Touchback: no pressure 1st and 10: no defenders anywhere in sight and nobody covering their best player. 2nd play: repeat of the first. NO WAY that was the plan.
  25. I think Brady is retiring either way. But it will be cool to see what type of staff he assembles there and I hope the Jags do well. They have dozens and dozens of fans who deserve to see some success!
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